Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Modelo De Media Móvil

Net. sourceforge. openforecast. models Clase MovingAverageModel

Un modelo de predicción de media móvil se basa en una serie temporal construida artificialmente en la que el valor para un período de tiempo dado se sustituye por la media de ese valor y los valores de cierto número de períodos de tiempo anteriores y posteriores. Como puede haber adivinado a partir de la descripción, este modelo es el más adecuado para datos de series de tiempo; Es decir, datos que cambian con el tiempo. Por ejemplo, muchos gráficos de acciones individuales en el mercado de valores muestran 20, 50, 100 o 200 días promedios móviles como una forma de mostrar tendencias.

Dado que el valor pronosticado para cualquier período dado es el promedio de los períodos anteriores, entonces el pronóstico aparecerá siempre "rezagado" detrás de los aumentos o disminuciones en los valores observados (dependientes). Por ejemplo, si una serie de datos tiene una tendencia alcista alcista, entonces un pronóstico de media móvil proporcionará generalmente una subestimación de los valores de la variable dependiente.

El método del promedio móvil tiene una ventaja sobre otros modelos de predicción en el sentido de que suaviza los picos y valles (o valles) en un conjunto de observaciones. Sin embargo, también tiene varias desventajas. En particular, este modelo no produce una ecuación real. Por lo tanto, no es tan útil como una herramienta de pronóstico a medio y largo plazo. Sólo se puede utilizar con fiabilidad para prever uno o dos períodos en el futuro.

El modelo de media móvil es un caso especial de la media móvil ponderada más general. En la media móvil simple, todos los pesos son iguales.

Desde: 0,3 Autor: Steven R. Gould

Campos heredados de la clase net. sourceforge. openforecast. models. AbstractForecastingModel

MovingAverageModel () Construye un nuevo modelo de pronóstico de media móvil.

MovingAverageModel (período int) Construye un nuevo modelo de pronóstico de media móvil, utilizando el período especificado.

GetForecastType () Devuelve un nombre de una o dos palabras de este tipo de modelo de pronóstico.

Init (DataSet dataSet) Se utiliza para inicializar el modelo de media móvil.

ToString () Esto debe anularse para proporcionar una descripción textual del modelo de pronóstico actual incluyendo, cuando sea posible, cualquier parámetro derivado utilizado.

Métodos heredados de la clase net. sourceforge. openforecast. models. WeightedMovingAverageModel


Construye un nuevo modelo de pronóstico de media móvil. Para que un modelo válido sea construido, debe llamar a init y pasar en un conjunto de datos que contiene una serie de puntos de datos con la variable de tiempo inicializada para identificar la variable independiente.


Construye un nuevo modelo de pronóstico de media móvil, usando el nombre dado como variable independiente.

Parámetros: independentVariable - el nombre de la variable independiente que se va a utilizar en este modelo.


Construye un nuevo modelo de pronóstico de media móvil, utilizando el período especificado. Para que un modelo válido sea construido, debe llamar a init y pasar en un conjunto de datos que contiene una serie de puntos de datos con la variable de tiempo inicializada para identificar la variable independiente.

El valor del período se utiliza para determinar el número de observaciones que se utilizarán para calcular el promedio móvil. Por ejemplo, para un promedio móvil de 50 días donde los puntos de datos son observaciones diarias, entonces el período debe ser 50.

El período también se utiliza para determinar la cantidad de períodos futuros que se pueden pronosticar con eficacia. Con una media móvil de 50 días, entonces no podemos razonablemente - con ningún grado de exactitud - pronosticar más de 50 días más allá del último período para el cual los datos están disponibles. Esto puede ser más beneficioso que, digamos, un período de 10 días, donde sólo podríamos prever razonablemente 10 días más allá del último período.

Parámetros: período - el número de observaciones que se utilizarán para calcular la media móvil.


Construye un nuevo modelo de pronóstico de media móvil, usando el nombre dado como variable independiente y el período especificado.

Parámetros: independentVariable - el nombre de la variable independiente que se va a utilizar en este modelo. Período - el número de observaciones que se utilizarán para calcular la media móvil.

en eso

Se utiliza para inicializar el modelo de media móvil. Este método debe ser llamado antes de cualquier otro método en la clase. Dado que el modelo de media móvil no deduce ninguna ecuación para la predicción, este método utiliza el DataSet de entrada para calcular los valores de pronóstico para todos los valores válidos de la variable de tiempo independiente.

Especificado por: init in interface PredeterminaciónModel Overrides: init en la clase AbstractTimeBasedModel Parámetros: dataSet - conjunto de datos de observaciones que se pueden utilizar para inicializar los parámetros de pronóstico del modelo de pronóstico.


Devuelve un nombre de una o dos palabras de este tipo de modelo de pronóstico. Mantenga esto corto. Una descripción más larga debe implementarse en el método toString.


Esto debería anularse para proporcionar una descripción textual del modelo de pronóstico actual incluyendo, cuando sea posible, cualquier parámetro derivado utilizado.

Especificado por: toString en la interfaz ForecastingModel Overrides: toString en clase WeightedMovingAverageModel Devuelve: una representación de cadena del modelo de pronóstico actual y sus parámetros.

Net. sourceforge. openforecast. models Clase WeightedMovingAverageModel

Un modelo de predicción de la media móvil ponderada se basa en una serie temporal construida artificialmente en la que el valor para un período de tiempo dado se sustituye por la media ponderada de ese valor y los valores de cierto número de períodos de tiempo precedentes. Como puede haber adivinado a partir de la descripción, este modelo es el más adecuado para datos de series de tiempo; Es decir, datos que cambian con el tiempo.

Dado que el valor pronosticado para cualquier período dado es un promedio ponderado de los períodos anteriores, entonces el pronóstico siempre aparecerá "rezagado" detrás de los aumentos o disminuciones en los valores observados (dependientes). Por ejemplo, si una serie de datos tiene una tendencia alcista hacia arriba, entonces un promedio ponderado del promedio móvil proporcionará generalmente una subestimación de los valores de la variable dependiente.

El modelo de media móvil ponderada, al igual que el modelo de media móvil, tiene una ventaja sobre otros modelos de predicción en el sentido de que suaviza los picos y valles (o valles) en un conjunto de observaciones. Sin embargo, al igual que el modelo de media móvil, también tiene varias desventajas. En particular, este modelo no produce una ecuación real. Por lo tanto, no es tan útil como una herramienta de pronóstico a medio y largo plazo. Sólo se puede utilizar de forma fiable para predecir unos cuantos períodos en el futuro.

Desde: 0.4 Autor: Steven R. Gould

Campos heredados de la clase net. sourceforge. openforecast. models. AbstractForecastingModel

WeightedMovingAverageModel () Construye un nuevo modelo de predicción del promedio móvil ponderado.

WeightedMovingAverageModel (pesos dobles []] Construye un nuevo modelo de predicción del promedio móvil ponderado, usando los pesos especificados.

Forecast (double timeValue) Devuelve el valor de pronóstico de la variable dependiente para el valor dado de la variable de tiempo independiente.

GetForecastType () Devuelve un nombre de una o dos palabras de este tipo de modelo de pronóstico.

GetNumberOfPeriods () Devuelve el número actual de períodos utilizados en este modelo.

GetNumberOfPredictors () Devuelve el número de predictores utilizados por el modelo subyacente.

SetWeights (pesos dobles []) Establece los pesos utilizados por este modelo de predicción del promedio móvil ponderado a los pesos dados.

ToString () Esto debe anularse para proporcionar una descripción textual del modelo de pronóstico actual incluyendo, cuando sea posible, cualquier parámetro derivado utilizado.

Métodos heredados de la clase net. sourceforge. openforecast. models. AbstractTimeBasedModel


Construye un nuevo modelo de predicción del promedio móvil ponderado, usando los pesos especificados. Para que un modelo válido sea construido, debe llamar a init y pasar en un conjunto de datos que contiene una serie de puntos de datos con la variable de tiempo inicializada para identificar la variable independiente.

El tamaño de la matriz de pesos se utiliza para determinar el número de observaciones que se utilizarán para calcular la media móvil ponderada. Además, el período más reciente se dará el peso definido por el primer elemento de la matriz; Es decir, pesos [0].

El tamaño de la matriz de pesos también se utiliza para determinar la cantidad de períodos futuros que pueden ser pronosticados con eficacia. Con una media móvil ponderada de 50 días, no podemos razonablemente - con ningún grado de exactitud - pronosticar más de 50 días más allá del último período para el cual los datos están disponibles. Incluso los pronósticos cercanos al final de este rango probablemente no serán confiables.

Nota sobre los pesos

En general, los pesos que se pasan a este constructor deben sumar hasta 1,0. Sin embargo, como conveniencia, si la suma de los pesos no suma 1.0, esta implementación escala todos los pesos proporcionalmente de modo que sumen a 1.0.

Parámetros: pesos - una serie de pesos a asignar a las observaciones históricas al calcular la media móvil ponderada.


Construye un nuevo modelo de predicción del promedio móvil ponderado, utilizando la variable nombrada como variable independiente y los pesos especificados.

Parámetros: independentVariable - el nombre de la variable independiente que se va a utilizar en este modelo. Pesos - una serie de pesos para asignar a las observaciones históricas al calcular el promedio móvil ponderado.


Construye un nuevo modelo de predicción del promedio móvil ponderado. Este constructor está destinado a ser utilizado sólo por subclases (por lo tanto, está protegido). Cualquier subclase que utilice este constructor debe invocar posteriormente el método (protected) setWeights para inicializar los pesos que usará este modelo.


Construye un nuevo modelo de predicción del promedio móvil ponderado usando la variable independiente dada.

Parámetros: independentVariable - el nombre de la variable independiente que se va a utilizar en este modelo.


Establece los pesos utilizados por este modelo de predicción de promedio móvil ponderado a los pesos dados. Este método está destinado a ser utilizado sólo por subclases (por lo tanto está protegido), y sólo en conjunción con el (protegido) constructor de un argumento.

Cualquier subclase que utiliza el constructor de un argumento debe llamar a setWeights antes de invocar el método AbstractTimeBasedModel. init (net. sourceforge. openforecast. DataSet) para inicializar el modelo.

Nota sobre los pesos

En general, los pesos que se pasan a este método deben sumar hasta 1,0. Sin embargo, como conveniencia, si la suma de los pesos no suma 1.0, esta implementación escala todos los pesos proporcionalmente de modo que sumen a 1.0.

Parámetros: pesos - una serie de pesos a asignar a las observaciones históricas al calcular la media móvil ponderada.


Devuelve el valor de pronóstico de la variable dependiente para el valor dado de la variable de tiempo independiente. Las subclases deben implementar este método de manera consistente con el modelo de predicción que implementan. Las subclases pueden hacer uso de los métodos getForecastValue y getObservedValue para obtener pronósticos y observaciones "anteriores", respectivamente.

Especificado por: forecast en la clase AbstractTimeBasedModel Parámetros: timeValue - el valor de la variable de tiempo para la que se requiere un valor de pronóstico. Devuelve: el valor de pronóstico de la variable dependiente para el tiempo dado. Tiros: IllegalArgumentException - si no hay datos históricos suficientes - observaciones pasadas a init - para generar una previsión para el valor de tiempo dado.


Devuelve el número de predictores utilizados por el modelo subyacente.

Devuelve: el número de predictores utilizados por el modelo subyacente.


Devuelve el número actual de períodos utilizados en este modelo.

Especificado por: getNumberOfPeriods en la clase AbstractTimeBasedModel Devuelve: el número actual de períodos utilizados en este modelo.


Devuelve un nombre de una o dos palabras de este tipo de modelo de pronóstico. Mantenga esto corto. Una descripción más larga debe implementarse en el método toString.


Esto debería anularse para proporcionar una descripción textual del modelo de pronóstico actual incluyendo, cuando sea posible, cualquier parámetro derivado utilizado.

Especificado por: toString en la interfaz ForecastingModel Overrides: toString en la clase AbstractTimeBasedModel Devuelve: una representación de cadena del modelo de pronóstico actual y sus parámetros.

Promedios móviles ponderados: Lo básico

Con los años, los técnicos han encontrado dos problemas con la media móvil simple. El primer problema radica en el marco temporal del promedio móvil (MA). La mayoría de los analistas técnicos creen que la acción del precio, el precio de las acciones de apertura o cierre, no es suficiente de lo que depender para predecir correctamente las señales de compra o venta de la acción de cruce de la MA. Para resolver este problema, los analistas asignan ahora más peso a los datos de precios más recientes utilizando el promedio móvil con suavidad exponencial (EMA). (Obtenga más información sobre cómo explorar la media móvil ponderada exponencialmente.)

Un ejemplo Por ejemplo, usando un MA de 10 días, un analista tomaría el precio de cierre del décimo día y multiplicaría este número por 10, el noveno día por nueve, el octavo día por ocho y así sucesivamente al primero del MA . Una vez que se ha determinado el total, el analista dividirá el número por la adición de los multiplicadores. Si agrega los multiplicadores del ejemplo de MA de 10 días, el número es 55. Este indicador se conoce como el promedio móvil ponderado linealmente. (Para la lectura relacionada, compruebe hacia fuera Los promedios móviles simples hacen que las tendencias se destacan.)

Muchos técnicos son creyentes firmes en la media móvil exponencialmente suavizada (EMA). Este indicador se ha explicado de muchas maneras diferentes que confunde tanto a los estudiantes como a los inversores. Tal vez la mejor explicación viene de John J. Murphy "Análisis Técnico de los Mercados Financieros", (publicado por el New York Institute of Finance, 1999):

El promedio movible exponencialmente suavizado aborda ambos problemas asociados con el promedio móvil simple. En primer lugar, el promedio suavizado exponencial asigna un mayor peso a los datos más recientes. Por lo tanto, es una media móvil ponderada. Pero si bien asigna menor importancia a los datos de precios pasados, incluye en su cálculo todos los datos en la vida útil del instrumento. Además, el usuario puede ajustar la ponderación para dar mayor o menor peso al precio del día más reciente, que se añade a un porcentaje del valor del día anterior. La suma de ambos valores porcentuales se suma a 100.

Por ejemplo, el precio del último día se podría asignar un peso de 10% (.10), que se agrega al peso de los días anteriores del 90% (.90). Esto da el último día 10% de la ponderación total. Esto sería el equivalente a un promedio de 20 días, al dar al precio de los últimos días un valor menor del 5% (0,05).

Figura 1: Promedio Movido Suavizado Exponencialmente

El gráfico anterior muestra el índice Nasdaq Composite desde la primera semana de agosto de 2000 hasta el 1 de junio de 2001. Como puede ver claramente, la EMA, que en este caso está utilizando los datos de precios de cierre durante un período de nueve días, Vender señales el 8 de septiembre (marcado por una flecha negra hacia abajo). Este fue el día en que el índice se rompió por debajo del nivel de los 4.000. La segunda flecha negra muestra otra pierna abajo que los técnicos esperaban. El Nasdaq no pudo generar suficiente volumen e interés de los inversores minoristas para romper la marca de 3.000. Luego se zambulló de nuevo hasta el fondo en 1619.58 el 4 de abril. La tendencia alcista del 12 de abril está marcada por una flecha. Aquí el índice cerró en 1,961.46, y los técnicos comenzaron a ver a los gestores de fondos institucionales comenzando a recoger algunos negocios como Cisco, Microsoft y algunos de los temas relacionados con la energía. (Lea nuestros artículos relacionados: Moving Average Envelopes: Refinación de una herramienta de comercio popular y rebote promedio móvil).

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Aprenda lo que es EBITDA, vea un video corto para aprender más y con lecturas le enseñamos cómo calcularlo usando MS.


Modelo de media móvil autorregresiva

ARMA (p, q) Modelo

Para algunas series de tiempo observadas, se necesita un modelo de AR o MA de muy alto orden para modelar bien el proceso subyacente. En este caso, un modelo combinado de media móvil autorregresiva (ARMA) puede ser a veces una opción más parcimoniosa.

Un modelo ARMA expresa la media condicional de y t como una función de ambas observaciones pasadas, y t & # x2212; 1. & # x2026 ;. Y t & # x2212; pag. Y las innovaciones pasadas, & # x03B5; T & # x2212; 1. & # x2026 ;. & # X03B5; T & # x2212; Q. El número de observaciones pasadas de las que y t depende, p. Es el grado AR. El número de innovaciones pasadas de las que depende t, q. Es el grado de MA. En general, estos modelos son denotados por ARMA (p, q).

La forma del modelo ARMA (p, q) en Econometrics Toolbox & # x2122; es

Y t = c + & lt; x03D5; 1 y t & # x2212; 1 + & # x2026; + & # X03D5; P y t & # x2212; P + & lt; x03B5; T + + x03B8; 1 & # x03B5; T & # x2212; 1 + & # x2026; + & # X03B8; Q & # x03B5; T & # x2212; Q.

Donde & # x03B5; T es un proceso de innovación no correlacionado con cero medio.

En la notación polinómica del operador de lag, L i y t = y t & # x2212; yo. Definir el grado p AR polinomio operador lag & # x03D5; (L) = (1 & lt; L & lt; x & lt; x & lt; Defina el grado q MA polinomio operador lag & # x03B8; (L) = (1 + & lt; x03B8; 1 L + + # x03B8; q L q). Puede escribir el modelo ARMA (p, q) como

& # X03D5; (L) yt = c + & lt; x03B8; (L) & # x03B5; T

Los signos de los coeficientes en el polinomio de operador de retraso AR, & # x03D5; (L). Son opuestos al lado derecho de la Ecuación 5-10. Cuando se especifican e interpretan los coeficientes AR en Econometrics Toolbox, utilice el formulario de la ecuación 5-10.

Estacionariedad e Invertibilidad del Modelo ARMA

Considere el modelo ARMA (p, q) en la notación del operador de lag,

& # X03D5; (L) yt = c + & lt; x03B8; (L) & # x03B5; T

A partir de esta expresión, se puede ver que

Es la media incondicional del proceso, y & # x03C8; (L) es un polinomio racional de operador de retraso de grado infinito, (1 + + x03C8; 1 L + & # x03C8; 2 L2 + & # x2026;).

Nota: La propiedad Constant de un objeto modelo arima corresponde a c. Y no la media incondicional & # 956; .

Por la descomposición de Wold [1]. La ecuación 5-12 corresponde a un proceso estocástico estacionario siempre que los coeficientes & # x03C8; Soy absolutamente summable. Este es el caso cuando el polinomio AR, & # x03D5; (L). es estable . Lo que significa que todas sus raíces están fuera del círculo unitario. Adicionalmente, el proceso es causal siempre que el polinomio MA sea invertible. Lo que significa que todas sus raíces están fuera del círculo unitario.

Econometrics Toolbox refuerza la estabilidad y la invertibilidad de los procesos ARMA. Cuando se especifica un modelo ARMA utilizando arima. Se obtiene un error si se introducen coeficientes que no corresponden a un polinomio AR estable oa un polinomio MA inversible. De forma similar, la estimación impone restricciones de estacionariedad e invertibilidad durante la estimación.


[1] Wold, H. Un estudio en el análisis de series de tiempo estacionarias. Uppsala, Suecia: Almqvist & amp; Wiksell, 1938.

Selecciona tu pais

Hay una serie de enfoques para modelar series de tiempo. Describimos algunos de los enfoques más comunes a continuación.

Decomposiciones estacionales, residuales y de tendencia

Un enfoque consiste en descomponer las series temporales en un componente de tendencia, estacional y residual.

El triple alisado exponencial es un ejemplo de este enfoque. Otro ejemplo, denominado loess estacional, se basa en mínimos cuadrados ponderados localmente y es discutido por Cleveland (1993). No discutimos el loess estacional en este manual.

Métodos Basados ​​en Frecuencia

Otro enfoque, comúnmente utilizado en aplicaciones científicas y de ingeniería, es analizar las series en el dominio de la frecuencia. Un ejemplo de este enfoque en el modelado de un conjunto de datos de tipo sinusoidal se muestra en el estudio de caso de desviación de haz. La gráfica espectral es la principal herramienta para el análisis de frecuencia de series temporales.

Modelos Autoregresivos (AR)

Un enfoque común para el modelado de series de tiempo univariadas es el modelo autorregresivo (AR): $$ X_t = \ delta + \ phi_1 X_ + \ phi_2 X_ + \ cdots + \ phi_p X_ + A_t \, $$ donde \ (X_t \) es La serie de tiempo, \ (A_t \) es ruido blanco, y $$ \ delta = \ left (1 - \ sum_ ^ p \ phi_i \ derecha) \ mu \. $$ con \ (\ mu \) denotando la media del proceso.

Un modelo autorregresivo es simplemente una regresión lineal del valor actual de la serie contra uno o más valores previos de la serie. El valor de \ (p \) se denomina el orden del modelo AR.

Los modelos AR pueden ser analizados con uno de varios métodos, incluyendo técnicas lineales lineales por mínimos cuadrados. También tienen una interpretación directa.

Modelos de media móvil (MA)

Otro enfoque común para el modelado de modelos de series temporales univariadas es el modelo del promedio móvil (MA): $$ X_t = \ mu + A_t - \ theta_1 A_ - \ theta_2 A_ - \ cdots - \ theta_q A_ \, $$ donde \ ) Es la serie de tiempo, \ (\ mu \) es la media de la serie, \ (A_ \) son términos de ruido blanco, y \ (\ theta_1, \, \ ldots, \, \ theta_q \) son los parámetros de el modelo. El valor de \ (q \) se denomina el orden del modelo MA.

Es decir, un modelo de media móvil es conceptualmente una regresión lineal del valor actual de la serie contra el ruido blanco o choques aleatorios de uno o más valores anteriores de la serie. Se supone que los choques aleatorios en cada punto provienen de la misma distribución, normalmente una distribución normal, con ubicación a cero y escala constante. La distinción en este modelo es que estos choques aleatorios se propagan a los valores futuros de las series temporales. El ajuste de las estimaciones de MA es más complicado que con los modelos de AR porque los términos de error no son observables. Esto significa que los procedimientos de ajuste no lineales iterativos deben ser usados ​​en lugar de mínimos cuadrados lineales. Los modelos MA también tienen una interpretación menos obvia que los modelos AR.

A veces, el ACF y PACF sugieren que un modelo de MA sería una mejor elección de modelo y, a veces, ambos AR y MA términos se deben utilizar en el mismo modelo (véase la Sección

Tenga en cuenta, sin embargo, que los términos de error después de que el modelo sea apropiado deberían ser independientes y seguir las suposiciones estándar para un proceso univariante.

Box y Jenkins popularizaron un enfoque que combina el promedio móvil y los enfoques autorregresivos en el libro "Análisis de series temporales: pronóstico y control" (Box, Jenkins y Reinsel, 1994).

Aunque tanto los enfoques de media móvil como autoregresivos ya eran conocidos (y fueron investigados originalmente por Yule), la contribución de Box y Jenkins fue desarrollar una metodología sistemática para identificar y estimar modelos que podrían incorporar ambos enfoques. Esto hace que los modelos de Box-Jenkins sean una clase poderosa de modelos. Las siguientes secciones discutirán estos modelos en detalle.

Meb Faber Investigación

Modelo de tiempo

preguntas frecuentes

Trato de ser tan abierto y honesto acerca de los beneficios, así como los inconvenientes de cada estrategia y enfoque que la investigación.

De la mayor importancia es encontrar un programa de gestión de activos y el proceso que es adecuado para usted.

El modelo de tiempo se publicó sólo como un ejemplo simple. Hay mejoras considerables que se pueden hacer al modelo y no ejecutar fondos de clientes con los parámetros exactos en el libro blanco o libro.

A continuación se presentan las preguntas más frecuentes que recibo por correo electrónico. Si tiene más preguntas, envíeme un correo electrónico a [correo electrónico & # 160; protegido] con línea de asunto Preguntas frecuentes:

1. Cómo se actualiza este modelo? Qué quiere decir "precio mensual"?

El modelo, tal como se publica, sólo se actualiza una vez al mes el último día del mes. La acción del mercado en el ínterin es ignorada. El modelo publicado sólo pretendía ser ampliamente representativo del rendimiento que se podría esperar de un sistema tan simple.

2. Ha examinado una versión all-in en la que invierte el 100% de los activos en cualquier clase de activos en una señal de compra?

Sí, pero esto elimina los beneficios de la diversificación y expone la cartera a grandes riesgos cuando sólo unas pocas clases de activos están en una señal de compra. Además, introduce costos innecesarios de transacción. Las devoluciones son más altas pero con un aumento innecesario en el riesgo.

3. Ha examinado una versión larga y corta en la que corta la clase de activos en lugar de pasar a efectivo?

Sí. Los resultados están en el apéndice del libro.

4. Reequilibra las clases de activos mensualmente?

Sí. Aunque mostramos en el libro que es importante reequilibrar en algún momento, la frecuencia no es tan importante. Recomendamos un reequilibrio anual en cuentas exentas de impuestos, y un reequilibrio basado en los flujos de efectivo en cuentas imponibles.

5. Has probado varias medias móviles?

Sí. Existe una amplia estabilidad de los parámetros de 3 meses a más de 12 meses. Idem para EMAs.

6. Me gusta la estrategia y quiero implementarla, debería esperar hasta el siguiente reequilibrio?

Por lo general invertimos inmediatamente en el punto de reequilibrio. Si bien esto puede tener un efecto significativo en los resultados a corto plazo, debe ser un lavado en el largo plazo. Los inversores preocupados por el corto plazo pueden escalonar sus compras a lo largo de varios meses o trimestres.

7. Dónde puedo seguir la estrategia?

8. Qué pasa con el uso de datos diarios o semanales? No sólo actualizando mensualmente exponer a un inversor a los movimientos dramáticos del precio en el interino?

Hemos visto datos de confirmación para varios plazos, algunos superiores, otros inferiores. Su pregunta es válida, pero también considere lo contrario. Qué sucede con un sistema que se actualiza diariamente cuando un mercado baja rápidamente, luego se invierte y vuelve a subir? El inversor habría sido whipshawed y perdido capital.

9. Cuál es la mejor manera para que un individuo implemente el modelo apalancado?

Esto es complicado. Idealmente, pueden utilizar apalancamiento a una tasa de margen razonable. Interactive Brokers es siempre justo aquí. El uso de ETFs apalancados es una idea horrible. Para los inversores familiarizados con el producto, los futuros son una buena opción. También se puede usar un sistema de rotación cross-in todo-en-mercado.

10. Alguna vez ha pensado en combinar los sistemas de sincronización y rotación?

11. Por qué está tomando crédito por utilizar el modelo de 200 días de media móvil?

12. Para el sistema de rotación que ha escrito acerca de dónde adquirió el intérprete más alto durante los últimos 3, 6 y 12 meses, simplemente está utilizando la media del rendimiento de 3, 6 y 12 meses para calcular el rendimiento máximo ?

13. Se ha optimizado el crossover sma de 10 meses para todas las clases de activos (cinco), o es posible que diferentes marcos de tiempo funcionen mejor para diferentes clases de activos?

Diferentes plazos seguramente funcionarán mejor (en el pasado), pero hay una estabilidad de parámetros amplia a través de diferentes longitudes promedio móvil.

14. Alguna vez ha intentado agregar oro a su modelo (o cualquier otra clase de activo)?

Sí, usamos más de 50 clases de activos en Cambria & # 8211; El papel está destinado a ser instructivo. 15. Por qué escogió el SMA de 10 meses?

Sólo para ser representativos de la estrategia, y también corresponde más cercano a la media móvil de 200 días. Elegimos mensualmente ya que los datos diarios no se remontan hasta ahora para muchas de las clases de activos.

16. De dónde sacó sus datos históricos?

Datos Financieros Globales.

17. Qué software utilizó para realizar los backtests históricos?

18. A veces se menciona el uso de BND o AGG en lugar de IEF. Porqué es eso?

Mencionamos en el libro que la sincronización de los bonos de volatilidad más baja no hace mucha diferencia (mayores bonos de vol como empresas, emergentes y basura funcionan bien sin embargo). Mencionamos que un inversor podría comprar y mantener un índice de bonos como AGG o BND en lugar de tiempo IEF.

19. Estoy tratando de replicar sus resultados con la base de datos X (Yahoo, Google, etc) y mis resultados no coinciden. Lo que da?

Los índices revelados en el documento y en el libro se obtienen de Global Financial Data. No puedo comprobar todas las fuentes de datos para ver cómo calculan sus números, pero asegúrese de que los números son rendimiento total, incluidos los dividendos y los ingresos. Para Yahoo Finance uno necesita usar los números ajustados & # 8211; Y asegúrese de ajustar cada mes (o registrar las nuevas vueltas para ese mes), un proceso tedioso.

Meb Faber es cofundador y Director de Inversiones de Cambria Investment Management, y autor de cinco libros.

Modelo de media móvil

En el análisis de series de tiempo. El modelo de media móvil (MA) es un enfoque común para el modelado de series temporales univariadas. La notación MA (q) se refiere al modelo de media móvil de orden q:

Donde μ es la media de la serie, el θ 1. Θ q son los parámetros del modelo y el ε t. Ε t -1. Ε t - q son términos de error de ruido blanco. El valor de q se llama el orden del modelo MA. Esto se puede escribir de forma equivalente en términos del operador de retroceso B como

Por lo tanto, un modelo de media móvil es conceptualmente una regresión lineal del valor actual de la serie frente a los actuales y anteriores (no observados) términos de error de ruido blanco o choques aleatorios. Se supone que los choques aleatorios en cada punto son mutuamente independientes y provienen de la misma distribución, normalmente una distribución normal. Con ubicación a cero y escala constante.



Decidir la conveniencia del modelo de MA

A veces, la función de autocorrelación (ACF) y la función de autocorrelación parcial (PACF) sugerirán que un modelo de MA sería una mejor elección de modelo y, a veces, tanto los términos AR como MA deben usarse en el mismo modelo (véase Box-Jenkins # ).

Colocación del modelo

El ajuste de las estimaciones de MA es más complicado que con modelos autorregresivos (modelos AR) porque los términos de error retrasados ​​no son observables. Esto significa que los procedimientos de ajuste no lineales iterativos deben ser usados ​​en lugar de mínimos cuadrados lineales.

Elegir el orden q

La función de autocorrelación de un proceso de MA (q) se convierte en cero a un retardo q + 1 y mayor, por lo que determinamos el retraso máximo apropiado para la estimación examinando la función de autocorrelación de la muestra para ver dónde se vuelve insignificantemente diferente de cero para todos los retrasos más allá de a Cierto retraso, que se designa como el retardo máximo q.

Ver también

Otras lecturas

Enders, Walter (2004). "Modelos estacionarios de series temporales". Applied Econometric Time Series (Segunda edición). Nueva York: Wiley. Pp. & Lt; 160; 48-107. ISBN & # 160; 0-471-45173-8. & # 160;

enlaces externos

Modelos ARMA (p, q) para el análisis de series temporales - Parte 3

Por Michael Halls-Moore el 7 de septiembre de 2015

Este es el tercer y último post de la mini-serie sobre modelos de media móvil autoregresiva (ARMA) para el análisis de series de tiempo. Hemos introducido modelos autorregresivos y modelos de media móvil en los dos artículos anteriores. Ahora es el momento de combinarlos para producir un modelo más sofisticado.

En última instancia, esto nos llevará a los modelos ARIMA y GARCH que nos permitirán predecir los rendimientos de los activos y predecir la volatilidad. Estos modelos constituirán la base para las señales comerciales y las técnicas de gestión de riesgos.

Si ha leído la Parte 1 y la Parte 2, habrá visto que tendemos a seguir un patrón para nuestro análisis de un modelo de series temporales. Lo repetiré brevemente aquí:

Justificación - Por qué nos interesa este modelo en particular?

Definición - Definición matemática para reducir la ambigüedad.

Correlograma - Trazado de un correlograma muestral para visualizar el comportamiento de un modelo.

Simulación y ajuste - Ajuste del modelo a simulaciones, para asegurar que hemos entendido el modelo correctamente.

Datos financieros reales - Aplicar el modelo a los precios reales de los activos históricos.

Prediction - Forecast subsequent values to build trading signals or filters.

In order to follow this article it is advisable to take a look at the prior articles on time series analysis. They can all be found here .

Bayesian Information Criterion

In Part 1 of this article series we looked at the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) as a means of helping us choose between separate "best" time series models.

A closely related tool is the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). Essentially it has similar behaviour to the AIC in that it penalises models for having too many parameters. This may lead to overfitting. The difference between the BIC and AIC is that the BIC is more stringent with its penalisation of additional parameters.

Bayesian Information Criterion

If we take the likelihood function for a statistical model, which has $k$ parameters, and $L$ maximises the likelihood. then the Bayesian Information Criterion is given by:

Where $n$ is the number of data points in the time series.

We will be using the AIC and BIC below when choosing appropriate ARMA(p, q) models.

Ljung-Box Test

In Part 1 of this article series Rajan mentioned in the Disqus comments that the Ljung-Box test was more appropriate than using the Akaike Information Criterion of the Bayesian Information Criterion in deciding whether an ARMA model was a good fit to a time series.

The Ljung-Box test is a classical hypothesis test that is designed to test whether a set of autocorrelations of a fitted time series model differ significantly from zero. The test does not test each individual lag for randomness, but rather tests the randomness over a group of lags.

Ljung-Box Test

We define the null hypothesis $ $ as: The time series data at each lag are i. i.d.. that is, the correlations between the population series values are zero.

We define the alternate hypothesis $ $ as: The time series data are not i. i.d. and possess serial correlation.

We calculate the following test statistic. $Q$:

Where $n$ is the length of the time series sample, $\hat _k$ is the sample autocorrelation at lag $k$ and $h$ is the number of lags under the test.

The decision rule as to whether to reject the null hypothesis $ $ is to check whether $Q > \chi^2_ $, for a chi-squared distribution with $h$ degrees of freedom at the $100(1-\alpha)$th percentile.

While the details of the test may seem slightly complex, we can in fact use R to calculate the test for us, simplifying the procedure somewhat.

Autogressive Moving Average (ARMA) Models of order p, q

Now that we've discussed the BIC and the Ljung-Box test, we're ready to discuss our first mixed model, namely the Autoregressive Moving Average of order p, q, or ARMA(p, q).


To date we have considered autoregressive processes and moving average processes.

The former model considers its own past behaviour as inputs for the model and as such attempts to capture market participant effects, such as momentum and mean-reversion in stock trading.

The latter model is used to characterise "shock" information to a series, such as a surprise earnings announcement or unexpected event (such as the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill ).

Hence, an ARMA model attempts to capture both of these aspects when modelling financial time series.

Note that an ARMA model does not take into account volatility clustering, a key empirical phenomena of many financial time series. It is not a conditionally heteroscedastic model. For that we will need to wait for the ARCH and GARCH models.


The ARMA(p, q) model is a linear combination of two linear models and thus is itself still linear:

Autoregressive Moving Average Model of order p, q

A time series model, $\ $, is an autoregressive moving average model of order $p, q$ . ARMA(p, q), if:

\begin x_t = \alpha_1 x_ + \alpha_2 x_ + \ldots + w_t + \beta_1 w_ + \beta_2 w_ \ldots + \beta_q w_ \end

Where $\ $ is white noise with $E(w_t) = 0$ and variance $\sigma^2$.

If we consider the Backward Shift Operator . $ $ (see a previous article ) then we can rewrite the above as a function $\theta$ and $\phi$ of $ $:

We can straightforwardly see that by setting $p \neq 0$ and $q=0$ we recover the AR(p) model. Similarly if we set $p = 0$ and $q \neq 0$ we recover the MA(q) model.

One of the key features of the ARMA model is that it is parsimonious and redundant in its parameters. That is, an ARMA model will often require fewer parameters than an AR(p) or MA(q) model alone. In addition if we rewrite the equation in terms of the BSO, then the $\theta$ and $\phi$ polynomials can sometimes share a common factor, thus leading to a simpler model.

Simulations and Correlograms

As with the autoregressive and moving average models we will now simulate various ARMA series and then attempt to fit ARMA models to these realisations. We carry this out because we want to ensure that we understand the fitting procedure, including how to calculate confidence intervals for the models, as well as ensure that the procedure does actually recover reasonable estimates for the original ARMA parameters.

In Part 1 and Part 2 we manually constructed the AR and MA series by drawing $N$ samples from a normal distribution and then crafting the specific time series model using lags of these samples.

However, there is a more straightforward way to simulate AR, MA, ARMA and even ARIMA data, simply by using the arima. sim method in R.

Let's start with the simplest possible non-trivial ARMA model, namely the ARMA(1,1) model. That is, an autoregressive model of order one combined with a moving average model of order one. Such a model has only two coefficients, $\alpha$ and $\beta$, which represent the first lags of the time series itself and the "shock" white noise terms. Such a model is given by:

We need to specify the coefficients prior to simulation. Let's take $\alpha = 0.5$ and $\beta = -0.5$:

The output is as follows:

Let's also plot the correlogram:

We can see that there is no significant autocorrelation, which is to be expected from an ARMA(1,1) model.

Finally, let's try and determine the coefficients and their standard errors using the arima function:

We can calculate the confidence intervals for each parameter using the standard errors:

The confidence intervals do contain the true parameter values for both cases, however we should note that the 95% confidence intervals are very wide (a consequence of the reasonably large standard errors).

Let's now try an ARMA(2,2) model. That is, an AR(2) model combined with a MA(2) model. We need to specify four parameters for this model: $\alpha_1$, $\alpha_2$, $\beta_1$ and $\beta_2$. Let's take $\alpha_1 = 0.5$, $\alpha_2=-0.25$ $\beta_1=0.5$ and $\beta_2=-0.3$:

The output of our ARMA(2,2) model is as follows:

And the corresponding autocorelation:

We can now try fitting an ARMA(2,2) model to the data:

We can also calculate the confidence intervals for each parameter:

Notice that the confidence intervals for the coefficients for the moving average component ($\beta_1$ and $\beta_2$) do not actually contain the original parameter value. This outlines the danger of attempting to fit models to data, even when we know the true parameter values!

However, for trading purposes we just need to have a predictive power that exceeds chance and produces enough profit above transaction costs, in order to be profitable in the long run.

Now that we've seen some examples of simulated ARMA models we need mechanism for choosing the values of $p$ and $q$ when fitting to the models to real financial data.

Choosing the Best ARMA(p, q) Model

In order to determine which order $p, q$ of the ARMA model is appropriate for a series, we need to use the AIC (or BIC) across a subset of values for $p, q$, and then apply the Ljung-Box test to determine if a good fit has been achieved, for particular values of $p, q$ .

To show this method we are going to firstly simulate a particular ARMA(p, q) process. We will then loop over all pairwise values of $p \in \ $ and $q \in \ $ and calculate the AIC. We will select the model with the lowest AIC and then run a Ljung-Box test on the residuals to determine if we have achieved a good fit.

Let's begin by simulating an ARMA(3,2) series:

We will now create an object final to store the best model fit and lowest AIC value. We loop over the various $p, q$ combinations and use the current object to store the fit of an ARMA(i, j) model, for the looping variables $i$ and $j$.

If the current AIC is less than any previously calculated AIC we set the final AIC to this current value and select that order. Upon termination of the loop we have the order of the ARMA model stored in final. order and the ARIMA(p, d,q) fit itself (with the "Integrated" $d$ component set to 0) stored as final. arma :

Let's output the AIC, order and ARIMA coefficients:

We can see that the original order of the simulated ARMA model was recovered, namely with $p=3$ and $q=2$. We can plot the corelogram of the residuals of the model to see if they look like a realisation of discrete white noise (DWN):

The corelogram does indeed look like a realisation of DWN. Finally, we perform the Ljung-Box test for 20 lags to confirm this:

Notice that the p-value is greater than 0.05, which states that the residuals are independent at the 95% level and thus an ARMA(3,2) model provides a good model fit.

Clearly this should be the case since we've simulated the data ourselves! However, this is precisely the procedure we will use when we come to fit ARMA(p, q) models to the S&P500 index in the following section.

Financial Data

Now that we've outlined the procedure for choosing the optimal time series model for a simulated series, it is rather straightforward to apply it to financial data. For this example we are going to once again choose the S&P500 US Equity Index.

Let's download the daily closing prices using quantmod and then create the log returns stream:

Let's perform the same fitting procedure as for the simulated ARMA(3,2) series above on the log returns series of the S&P500 using the AIC:

The best fitting model has order ARMA(3,3):

Let's plot the residuals of the fitted model to the S&P500 log daily returns stream:

Notice that there are some significant peaks, especially at higher lags. This is indicative of a poor fit. Let's perform a Ljung-Box test to see if we have statistical evidence for this:

As we suspected, the p-value is less that 0.05 and as such we cannot say that the residuals are a realisation of discrete white noise. Hence there is additional autocorrelation in the residuals that is not explained by the fitted ARMA(3,3) model.

Próximos pasos

As we've discussed all along in this article series we have seen evidence of conditional heteroscedasticity (volatility clustering) in the S&P500 series, especially in the periods around 2007-2008. When we use a GARCH model later in the article series we will see how to eliminate these autocorrelations.

In practice, ARMA models are never generally good fits for log equities returns. We need to take into account the conditional heteroscedasticity and use a combination of ARIMA and GARCH. The next article will consider ARIMA and show how the "Integrated" component differs from the ARMA model we have been considering in this article.

Michael Halls-Moore

Mike is the founder of QuantStart and has been involved in the quantitative finance industry for the last five years, primarily as a quant developer and later as a quant trader consulting for hedge funds.

Artículos relacionados

Moving-average model

In time series analysis. the moving-average ( MA ) model is a common approach for modeling univariate time series. The notation MA( q ) refers to the moving average model of order q :

where μ is the mean of the series, the θ 1 . θ q are the parameters of the model and the ε t . ε t −1 . ε t −q are white noise error terms. The value of q is called the order of the MA model. This can be equivalently written in terms of the backshift operator B as

Thus, a moving-average model is conceptually a linear regression of the current value of the series against current and previous (unobserved) white noise error terms or random shocks. The random shocks at each point are assumed to be mutually independent and to come from the same distribution, typically a normal distribution. with location at zero and constant scale.



Deciding appropriateness of the MA model

Sometimes the autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial autocorrelation function (PACF) will suggest that an MA model would be a better model choice and sometimes both AR and MA terms should be used in the same model (see Box-Jenkins#Identify p and q ).

Fitting the model

Fitting the MA estimates is more complicated than with autoregressive models (AR models) because the lagged error terms are not observable. This means that iterative non-linear fitting procedures need to be used in place of linear least squares.

Choosing the order q

The autocorrelation function of an MA( q ) process becomes zero at lag q + 1 and greater, so we determine the appropriate maximum lag for the estimation by examining the sample autocorrelation function to see where it becomes insignificantly different from zero for all lags beyond a certain lag, which is designated as the maximum lag q .

Ver también

Further reading

Enders, Walter (2004). "Stationary Time-Series Models". Applied Econometric Time Series (Second ed.). New York: Wiley. pp. 48–107. ISBN  0-471-45173-8.  

External links

Moving-average model

In time series analysis. the moving-average ( MA ) model is a common approach for modeling univariate time series. The notation MA( q ) refers to the moving average model of order q :

where Ој is the mean of the series, the Оё 1 . Оё q are the parameters of the model and the Оµ t . Оµ t в€’1 . Оµ t в€’q are white noise error terms. The value of q is called the order of the MA model. This can be equivalently written in terms of the backshift operator B as

Thus, a moving-average model is conceptually a linear regression of the current value of the series against current and previous (unobserved) white noise error terms or random shocks. The random shocks at each point are assumed to be mutually independent and to come from the same distribution, typically a normal distribution. with location at zero and constant scale.


Interpretation [ edit ]

Deciding appropriateness of the MA model [ edit ]

Sometimes the autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial autocorrelation function (PACF) will suggest that an MA model would be a better model choice and sometimes both AR and MA terms should be used in the same model (see Box-Jenkins#Identify p and q ).

Fitting the model [ edit ]

Fitting the MA estimates is more complicated than with autoregressive models (AR models) because the lagged error terms are not observable. This means that iterative non-linear fitting procedures need to be used in place of linear least squares.

Choosing the order q [ edit ]

The autocorrelation function of an MA( q ) process becomes zero at lag q + 1 and greater, so we determine the appropriate maximum lag for the estimation by examining the sample autocorrelation function to see where it becomes insignificantly different from zero for all lags beyond a certain lag, which is designated as the maximum lag q .

See also [ edit ]

Further reading [ edit ]

Enders, Walter (2004). "Stationary Time-Series Models". Applied Econometric Time Series (Second ed.). New York: Wiley. pp. 48–107. ISBN  0-471-45173-8.  

External links [ edit ]

SCRC Article Library: Time Series Models: Approaches to Forecasting. A Tutorial

Time Series Models: Approaches to Forecasting. A Tutorial

Time Series Models

Quantitative forecasting models that use chronologically arranged data to develop forecasts.

Assume that what happened in the past is a good starting point for predicting what will happen in the future.

These models can be designed to account for:



Seasonality effects


Can quickly be applied to a large number of products

Forecast accuracy measures can be used to identify forecasts that need adjustment (management by exception

Randomness & tendencia

Randomness, trend & estacionalidad

…Distinguish between random fluctuations & true changes in underlying demand patterns.

Simplicity is a virtue – Choose the simplest model that does the job

Based on last x periods

Smoothes out random fluctuations

Different weights can be applied to past observations, if desired

Weighted Average

Una relación de deuda y rentabilidad utilizada para determinar la facilidad con que una empresa puede pagar intereses sobre la deuda pendiente.

Una cuenta que se puede encontrar en la parte de activos del balance de una empresa. La buena voluntad a menudo puede surgir cuando una empresa.

Un fondo de índice es un tipo de fondo mutuo con una cartera construida para igualar o rastrear los componentes de un índice de mercado, tales.

Un contrato de derivados mediante el cual dos partes intercambian instrumentos financieros. Estos instrumentos pueden ser casi cualquier cosa.

Aprenda lo que es EBITDA, vea un video corto para aprender más y con lecturas le enseñamos cómo calcularlo usando MS.

Trend following systems of technical analysis operate really effectively on bullions. Dow Theory and the combination of lagging indicator can be really helpful in the prediction of value movement. We can use moving averages to predict the trend of the valuable metals. We can use stochastic oscillator with trend following indicators to make a decision the timing of entry and exit in bullions.

Correlograms are also employed in the model identification stage for fitting ARIMA models. In this case, a moving average model is assumed for the data and the following confidence bands should be generated:

Apart from pattern recognition, technical analysts also study momentum and moving average models. Momentum analysis studies the price of the change of prices rather than merely value levels. If the price of change is escalating, that indicates that a trend will continue if the price of change is decreasing, that indicates that the trend is likely to be reversed. One particular of the most important rules for technical analysts is that a key shift has occurred when a long term movement average crosses a quick term moving average.

The moving average is probably the most frequently employed of all indicators. It comes in different types and has several applications. In basic terms although, a moving average assists to smooth out fluctuations in value (or an indicator) and provide a much more correct reflection of the path that the security is moving. Moving averages are lagging indicators and match into the trend following category. The different types contain simple, weighted, exponential, variable, and triangular.

Moving averages are called lagging indicators simply because even though they can give signals that a trend has started or ended, they give this signal following the trend has already started. That is why they’re called a trend-following indicator.

This approach is also called the percentage moving average approach. In this approach, the original data values in the time-series are expressed as percentages of moving averages. The measures and the tabulations are provided below.

The notion behind moving averages is fairly simple. When the actual prices are rising, these will be above the average. That could indicate a getting chance. On the other hand when the underlying prices are below the average, that indicates falling prices and possibly a bearish marketplace.

As your stock moves up in value, there is a important line you want to watch. This is the 50-day moving average. If your stock stays above it, that is a really good sign. If your stock drops below the line in heavy volume, watch out, there could be trouble ahead. A 50-day moving average line takes ten weeks of closing value data, and then plots the average. The line is recalculated everyday. This will show a stock’s value trend. It can be up, down, or sideways. You usuallyly should only acquire stocks that are above their 50-day moving average. This tells you the stock is trending upward in value. You often want to trade with the trend, and not against it. A lot of of the world’s greatest traders, previous and present, only trade or traded in the path of the trend. When a profitable stock corrects in value, which is normal, it could drop down to its 50-day moving average. Winning stocks usuallyly will locate assistance more than and more than once again at that line. Massive trading institutions such as mutual funds, pension funds, and hedge funds watch top stocks really closely. When these big volume trading entities spot a excellent stock moving down to its 50-day line, they see it as an chance, to add to, or start a position at a reasonable value.

The distinction among the different types of moving averages is simply the way in which the averages are calculated. For instance, a simple moving average areas equal weighting on each worth in the period weighted and exponential spot much more emphasis on current values in the period a triangular moving average areas greater emphasis on the middle section of the time period and a variable moving average adjusts the weighting depending on the volatility in the period.

The above is not meant to be authoritative, but merely to show that the term “operating average” is also frequently employed to imply moving average. I am sure there are as numerous examples where operating average indicates cummulative average. But for this cause, I consider a much more appropriate term is “cummulative moving average” so I have gone with that.

What tends to make the EMA purportedly superior to a simple moving average (SMA)? The believed behind the EMA tends to make good sense: SMA lines respond to modifications in trend rather gradually. For active traders who rely on this fundamental tool, this indicates lagging triggers and lost trading possibilities. The exponential moving average formula responds significantly more rapidly and assists active traders respond to trend modifications with greater agility.

Moving Averages are helpful in each quick term and long term analysis. Even though as quick term analysis is employed to measure or smoothen quick term trends, longer averages are employed to measure or smoothen long term trends.

The formula above specifies that the closing value have to be above a 15 period simple moving average (denoted by ‘C

If you are still having issues read on, else congrats on solving your issue!

I'm a little confused by your strategy, could you explain it one more time? Some of the things you mentioned are a little confusing

That statement is always True, likewise

is also always True.

For your lower bound logic the price statement you have is always evaluated as True, and your volume statement is always false. In addition you are calling the history() function and not using the data. And when you call this line of code volume=data[context. stock].volume You are actually getting the volume traded for the current trade even and so that is not the average volume traded over the past 20 days as I'm guessing from what you wrote. If you want to get the average volume over the past 20 days an easy way is to get the volume data out of the DataFrame return by the history() function. volume = history(20,'1d','volume') and then. vavg = volume[context. stock].mean()

is one way the get the average value of what ever data is contained in the given series.

So before you tackle the issues of re-balancing and margin you should take care of that. I'm listening on this thread so if you post a response I'll try to reply as soon as possible.

Test Market Timing Models

This online tool allows you to test different market timing and tactical asset allocation models based on moving averages, momentum, the Shiller PE ratio (PE10) and target volatility.

Shiller PE Ratio (PE10) market valuation based dynamic allocation between stocks and bonds

PE10 >= 22 - 40% stocks, 60% bonds

14 <= PE10 < 22 - 60% stocks, 40% bonds

PE10 < 14 - 80% stocks, 20% bonds

Moving averages based timing against a specific stock, ETF, mutual fund or index

Buy when end-of-month price is greater than the moving average or when two moving averages cross

Sell when end-of-month price is less than the moving average or when two moving averages cross

Moving averages based timing for portfolio components

Invest in a portfolio asset when end-of-month price is greater than the moving average

Move a portfolio asset to cash when end-of-month price is less than the moving average

Momentum based relative strength model that invests in the best performing assets in the model

Use single timing window period or multiple weighted timing periods

Adjust for volatility either as inverse scaling factor or as a negative ranking factor

Use moving averages as a risk control to decide whether investments should be moved to cash

Dual momentum based timing model

Use relative momentum to select best performing model asset

Use absolute momentum to as a filter to invest in fixed income if the excess return of the selected asset is negative

Target volatility based timing model

Adjust the market exposure of the portfolio based on realized historic volatility and the given volatility target

Find ETF, Mutual Fund or Stock Symbol

&dupdo; Silicon Cloud Technologies LLC 2013-2016. Todos los derechos reservados.

The Confidence Intervals popup list allows you to set the confidence level for the forecast confidence bands. The dialogs for seasonal smoothing models include a Periods Per Season box for setting the number of periods in a season. The Constraints popup list lets you to specify what type of constraint you want to enforce on the smoothing weights during the fit. The constraints are:

expands the dialog to allow you to set constraints on individual smoothing weights. Each smoothing weight can be Bounded. Fixed. or Unconstrained as determined by the setting of the popup menu next to the weight’s name. When entering values for fixed or bounded weights, the values can be positive or negative real numbers.

The example shown here has the Level weight ( О± ) fixed at a value of 0.3 and the Trend weight ( Оі ) bounded by 0.1 and 0.8. In this case, the value of the Trend weight is allowed to move within the range 0.1 to 0.8 while the Level weight is held at 0.3. Note that you can specify all the smoothing weights in advance by using these custom constraints. In that case, none of the weights would be estimated from the data although forecasts and residuals would still be computed. When you click Estimate. the results of the fit appear in place of the dialog.

The smoothing equation, L t = α y t + (1 – α ) L t -1. is defined in terms of a single smoothing weight α. This model is equivalent to an ARIMA(0, 1, 1) model where

This is a basic question on Box-Jenkins MA models. As I understand, an MA model is basically a linear regression of time-series values $Y$ against previous error terms $e_t. e_ $. That is, the observation $Y$ is first regressed against its previous values $Y_ . Y_ $ and then one or more $Y - \hat $ values are used as the error terms for the MA model.

But how are the error terms calculated in an ARIMA(0, 0, 2) model? If the MA model is used without an autoregressive part and thus no estimated value, how can I possibly have an error term?

asked Apr 7 '12 at 12:48

MA Model Estimation:

Let us assume a series with 100 time points, and say this is characterized by MA(1) model with no intercept. Then the model is given by

$$y_t=\varepsilon_t-\theta\varepsilon_ ,\quad t=1,2,\cdots,100\quad (1)$$

The error term here is not observed. So to obtain this, Box et al. Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control (3rd Edition). page 228 . suggest that the error term is computed recursively by,

So the error term for $t=1$ is, $$\varepsilon_ =y_ +\theta\varepsilon_ $$ Now we cannot compute this without knowing the value of $\theta$. So to obtain this, we need to compute the Initial or Preliminary estimate of the model, refer to Box et al. of the said book, Section 6.3.2 page 202 state that,

It has been shown that the first $q$ autocorrelations of MA($q$) process are nonzero and can be written in terms of the parameters of the model as $$\rho_k=\displaystyle\frac +\theta_1\theta_ +\theta_2\theta_ +\cdots+\theta_ \theta_q> \quad k=1,2,\cdots, q$$ The expression above for$\rho_1,\rho_2\cdots,\rho_q$ in terms $\theta_1,\theta_2,\cdots,\theta_q$, supplies $q$ equations in $q$ unknowns. Preliminary estimates of the $\theta$s can be obtained by substituting estimates $r_k$ for $\rho_k$ in above equation

Note that $r_k$ is the estimated autocorrelation. There are more discussion in Section 6.3 - Initial Estimates for the Parameters . please read on that. Now, assuming we obtain the initial estimate $\theta=0.5$. Then, $$\varepsilon_ =y_ +0.5\varepsilon_ $$ Now, another problem is we don't have value for $\varepsilon_0$ because $t$ starts at 1, and so we cannot compute $\varepsilon_1$. Luckily, there are two methods two obtain this,

Conditional Likelihood

Unconditional Likelihood

According to Box et al. Section 7.1.3 page 227 . the values of $\varepsilon_0$ can be substituted to zero as an approximation if $n$ is moderate or large, this method is Conditional Likelihood. Otherwise, Unconditional Likelihood is used, wherein the value of $\varepsilon_0$ is obtain by back-forecasting, Box et al. recommend this method. Read more about back-forecasting at Section 7.1.4 page 231 .

After obtaining the initial estimates and value of $\varepsilon_0$, then finally we can proceed with the recursive calculation of the error term. Then the final stage is to estimate the parameter of the model $(1)$, remember this is not the preliminary estimate anymore.

In estimating the parameter $\theta$, I use Nonlinear Estimation procedure, particularly the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, since MA models are nonlinear on its parameter.

@mpiktas Thanks, that gives some background on the error term, but I am still not clear on where the innovation process comes from, for an innovation to exist there's got to be a forecast somewhere (en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Innovation_(signal_processing) ). Is the optimal $Y$ forecast simply $E(Y)$, that is the mean of the series? & Ndash; Robert Kubrick Apr 7 '12 at 21:43

You say "the observation $Y$ is first regressed against its previous values $Y_ . Y_ $ and then one or more $Y−\hat $ values are used as the error terms for the MA model." What I say is that $Y$ is regressed against two predictor series $e_ $ and $e_ $ yielding an error process $e_t$ which will be uncorrelated for all i=3,4. t. We then have two regression coefficients: $\theta_1$ representing the impact of $e_ $ and $\theta_2$ representing the impact of $e_ $. Thus $e_t$ is a white noise random series containing n-2 values. Since we have n-2 estimable relationships we start with the assumption that e1 and e2 are equal to 0.0. Now for any pair of $\theta_1$ and $\theta_2$ we can estimate the t-2 residual values. The combination that yields the smallest error sum of squares would then be the best estimates of $\theta_1$ and $\theta_2$.

answered Apr 7 '12 at 19:02

Stata: Data Analysis and Statistical Software

Time-Series Analysis Using Stata

This course reviews methods for time-series analysis and shows how to perform the analysis using Stata. The course covers methods for data management, estimation, model selection, hypothesis testing, and interpretation. For univariate problems, the course covers autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) models, linear filters, long-memory models, unobserved components models, and generalized autoregressive conditionally heteroskedastic (GARCH) models. For multivariate problems, the course covers vector autoregressive (VAR) models, cointegrating VAR models, state-space models, dynamic-factor models, and multivariate GARCH models. Exercises will supplement the lectures and Stata examples.

We offer a 15% discount for group enrollments of three or more participants.

A quick review of the basic elements of time-series analysis

Managing and summarizing time-series data

Univariate models

Moving average and autoregressive processes

ARMA models

Stationary ARMA models for nonstationary data

Multiplicative seasonal models

Deterministic versus stochastic trends

Autoregressive conditionally heteroskedastic models

Autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average model

Tests for structural breaks New

Markov switching models New

Introduction to forecasting in Stata


Linear filters

A quick introduction to the frequency domain

The univariate unobserved components model

Multivariate models

Vector autoregressive models

A model for cointegrating variables

State-space models

Impulse response and variance decomposition analysis New

Dynamic-factor models

Multivariate GARCH

A general familiarity with Stata and a graduate-level course in regression analysis or comparable experience.

Currently, there are no scheduled sessions of this course.

Do you want to be notified of all upcoming training opportunities? Sign up for our convenient email alerts.

Enrollment is limited. Computers with Stata installed are provided at all public training sessions. All training courses run from 8:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. each day. A continental breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack will also be provided; the breakfast is available before the course begins.

Supply Chain Management Chapter 18

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If the intercept value of a linear regression model is 40, the slope value is 40, and the value of X is 40, which of the following is the resulting forecast value using this model?

C The linear regression line is of the form Y = a + bX, where Y is the value of the dependent variable that we are solving for, a is the Y intercept, b is the slope, and X is the independent variable. Hence, Y = 40 + 40 x 40 = 1,640.

A company hires you to develop a linear regression forecasting model. Based on the company's historical sales information, you determine the intercept value of the model to be 1,200. You also find the slope value is minus 50. If, after developing the model, you are given a value of X = 10, which of the following is the resulting forecast value using this model?

B The linear regression line is of the form Y = a + bX, where Y is the value of the dependent variable that we are solving for, a is the Y intercept, b is the slope, and X is the independent variable. Hence, Y = 1,200 + (-50) x 10 = 700.

You are using an exponential smoothing model for forecasting. The running sum of the forecast error statistics (RSFE) are calculated each time a forecast is generated. You find the last RSFE to be 34. Originally, the forecasting model used was selected because of its relatively low MAD of 0.4. To determine when it is time to re-evaluate the usefulness of the exponential smoothing model, you compute tracking signals. Which of the following is the resulting tracking signal?

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ARIMA Forecasting with Excel and R

¡Hola! Today I am going to walk you through an introduction to the ARIMA model and its components, as well as a brief explanation of the Box-Jenkins method of how ARIMA models are specified. Lastly, I created an Excel implementation using R, which I'll show you how to set up and use.

Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) Models

The Autoregressive Moving Average model is used for modeling and forecasting stationary, stochastic time-series processes. It is the combination of two previously developed statistical techniques, the Autoregressive (AR) and Moving Average (MA) models and was originally described by Peter Whittle in 1951. George E. P. Box and Gwilym Jenkins popularized the model in 1971 by specifying discrete steps to model identification, estimation and verification. This process will be described later for reference.

We will begin by introducing the ARMA model by its various components, the AR and MA models and then introduce a popular generalization of the ARMA model, ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) and forecasting and model specification steps. Lastly, I will explain an Excel implementation I created and how to use it to make your own time series forecasts.

Autoregressive Models

The Autoregressive model is used for describing random processes and time-varying processes and specifies the output variable depends linearly on its own previous values.

The model is described as:

Where are the parameters of the model, C is constant, and is a white noise term.

Essentially, what the model describes is for any given value . it can be explained by functions of its previous value. For a model with one parameter, . is explained by its past value and random error . For a model with more than one parameter, for example . is given by . and random error .

Moving Average Model

The Moving Average (MA) model is used often for modeling univariate time series and is defined as:

is the mean of the time series.

are the parameters of the model.

are the white noise error terms.

is the order of the Moving Average model.

The Moving Average model is a linear regression of the current value of the series compared to terms in the previous period, . . For example, a MA model of . is explained by the current error in the same period and the past error value, . For a model of order 2 ( ), is explained by the past two error values, and .

The AR( ) and MA( ) terms are used in the ARMA model, which will now be introduced.

Autoregressive Moving Average Model

Autoregressive Moving Average models use two polynomials, AR( ) and MA( ) and describes a stationary stochastic process. A stationary process does not change when shifted in time or space, therefore, a stationary process has constant mean and variance. The ARMA model is often referred to in terms of its polynomials, ARMA( ). The notation of the model is written:

Selecting, estimating and verifying the model is described by the Box-Jenkins process.

Box-Jenkins Method for Model Identification

The below is more of an outline on the Box-Jenkins method, as the actual process of finding these values can be quite overwhelming without a statistical package. The Excel sheet included on this page automatically determines the best fitting model.

The first step of the Box-Jenkins method is model identification . This includes identifying seasonality, differencing if necessary and determining the order of and by plotting the autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions.

After the model has been identified, the next step is estimating the parameters . This generally uses statistical packages and computation algorithms to find the best fitting parameters.

Once the parameters are chosen, the last step is checking the model . This is done by testing to see if the model conforms to a stationary univariate time series. One should also confirm the residuals are independent of each other and exhibits constant mean and variance over time. This can be done by performing a Ljung-Box test or again plotting the autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation of the residuals.

Notice the first step involves checking for seasonality. If the data you are working with contains seasonal trends, you "difference" in order to make the data stationary. This differencing step generalizes the ARMA model into an ARIMA model, or Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average, where 'Integrated' corresponds to the differencing step.

Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Models

The ARIMA model has three parameters, . In order to define the ARMA model to include the differencing term, we start by rearranging the standard ARMA model to separate and from the summation.

Where is the lag operator and . . are the autogressive and moving average parameters, and the error terms, respectively.

We now make the assumption the first polynomial of the function, has a unitary root of multiplicity . We can then rewrite it to the following:

The ARIMA model expresses the polynomial factorisation with and gives us:

Lastly, we generalize the model further by adding a drift term, which defines the ARIMA model as ARIMA( ) with drift .

With the model now defined, we can view the ARIMA model as two seperate parts, one non-stationary and the other wide-sense stationary (joint probability distribution does not change when shifted in time or space). The non-stationary model:

The wide-sense stationary model:

Forecasts can now be made on using a generalized autoregressive forecasting method.

Now that we have discussed the ARMA and ARIMA models, we now turn to how can we use them in practical applications to provide forecasting. I've built an implementation with Excel using R to make ARIMA forecasts as well as an option to run Monte Carlo simulation on the model to determine the likelihood of the forecasts.

Excel Implementation and How to Use

Before using the sheet, you must download R and RExcel from the Statconn website. If you already have R installed, you can just download RExcel. If you don't have R installed, you can download RAndFriends which contains the latest version of R and RExcel. Please Note, RExcel only works on 32bit Excel for its non-commercial license. If you have 64bit Excel installed, you will have to get a commercial license from Statconn.

It is recommended to download RAndFriends as it makes for the quickest and easiest installation; however, if you already have R and would like to install it manually, follow these next steps.

Manually installing RExcel

To install RExcel and the other packages to make R work in Excel, first open R as an Administrator by right-clicking on the. exe.

In the R console, install RExcel by typing the following statements:

This will install RExcel on your machine.

The next step is to install rcom, which is another package from Statconn for the RExcel package. To install this, type the following commands. This will also automatically install rscproxy as of R version 2.8.0.

With these packages installed, you can move onto to setting the connection between R and Excel.

Although not necessary to the installation, a handy package to download is Rcmdr, developed by John Fox. This creates R menus that can become menus in Excel. This comes by default with the RAndFriends installation, and makes several R commands available in Excel.

Type the following commands into R to install Rcmdr.

Now that RExcel and its dependencies are installed, we can create the link to R and Excel.

Note in recent versions of RExcel this connection is made with a simple double-click of the provided. bat file "ActivateRExcel2010", so you should only need to follow these steps if you manually installed R and RExcel or if for some reason the connection isn't made during the RAndFriends installation.

Create the Connection Between R and Excel

Open a new book in Excel and navigate to the options screen.

Click Options and then Add-Ins. You should see a list of all the active and inactive add-ins you currently have. Click the 'Go' button at the bottom.

On the Add-Ins dialog box, you will see all the add-in references you have made. Click on Browse.

Navigate to the RExcel folder, usually located in C:Program FilesRExcelxls or something similar. Find the RExcel. xla add-in and click it.

The next step is to create a reference in order for macros using R to work properly. In your Excel doc, enter Alt + F11. This will open Excel's VBA editor. Go to Tools -> References, and find the RExcel reference, 'RExcelVBAlib'. RExcel should now be ready to use!

Using the Excel Sheet

Now that R and RExcel are properly configured, it's time to do some forecasting!

Open the forecasting sheet and click 'Load Server'. This is to start the RCom server and also load the necessary functions to do the forecasting. A dialog box will open. Select the 'itall. R' file included with the sheet. This file contains the functions the forecasting tool uses. Most of the functions contained were developed by Professor Stoffer at the University of Pittsburgh. They extend the capabilities of R and give us some nice diagnostic graphs along with our forecasting output. There is also a function to automatically determine the best fitting parameters of the ARIMA model.

Once the server is loaded, enter your data into the Data column. Select the range of the data, right-click and select 'Name Range'. Name the range as 'Data'.

Next, set the frequency of your data in Cell C6. The frequency refers to the time periods of your data. If it is weekly, the frequency would be 7. Monthly would be 12, while quarterly would be 4, and so on.

Enter the periods ahead to forecast. Note that ARIMA models become quite inaccurate after several successive frequency predictions. A good rule of thumb is not to exceed 30 steps as anything past that could be rather unreliable. This does depend on the size of your data set as well. If you have limited data available, it is recommended to choose a smaller steps ahead number.

After entering your data, naming it, and setting the desired frequency and steps ahead to forecast, click Run. It may take a while for the forecasting to process.

Once it's completed, you will get predicted values out to the number you specified, the standard error of the results, and two charts. The left is the predicted values plotted with the data, while the right contains handy diagnostics featuring standardized residuals, the autocorrelation of the residuals, a gg plot of the residuals and a Ljung-Box statistics graph to determine if the model is well fitted.

I won't get into too much detail on how you look for a well fitted model, but on the ACF graph you don't want any (or a lot) of the lag spikes crossing over the dotted blue line. On the gg plot, the more circles that go through the line, the more normalized and better fitted the model is. For larger datasets this might cross a lot of circles. Lastly, the Ljung-Box test is an article in itself; however, the more circles that are above the dotted blue line, the better the model is.

If the diagnostics result doesn't look good, you might try adding more data or starting at a different point closer to the range you want forecast.

You can easily clear the generated results by clicking the 'Clear Forecasted Values' buttons.

And that's it! Currently, the date column doesn't do anything other than for your reference, but it's not necessary for the tool. If I find time, I'll go back and add that so the displayed graph shows the correct time. You also might receive an error when running the forecast. This is usually due to the function that finds the best parameters is unable to determine the proper order. You can follow the above steps to try and arrange your data better for the function to work.

I hope you get use out of the tool! It's definitely saved me plenty of time at work, as now all I have to do is enter the data, load the server and run it. I also hope this shows you how awesome R can be, especially when used with a front-end such as Excel.

Code, Excel worksheet and. bas file are also on GitHub here .

Moving Average Models are Dumb

Asset allocation models based on moving averages are dumb in the sense that they cannot adjust to changing market conditions. They are also risky because they reflect wishful thinking. Below is my analysis for open-minded individuals who place reason over hype.

Asset allocation models based on moving averages are usually sold on the basis of historical outperformance of the S&P 500 total return at reduced risk. However, the longer-term backtests shown are often based on non tradable indexes, such as the S&P 500, the MSCI EAFE, NAREIT and also on difficult-to-trade for the retail crowd assets, such as fixed income, commodities and gold. Why is that a problem?

Before I answer this question I want to emphasize that I am not disputing the existence of the momentum premium and the benefits of asset allocation. What I am disputing is the evidence provided to convince the retail crowd that these can be exploited easily. I list a few reasons for this below:

Before 1993 (SPY inception) it was difficult for a retail investor to track the S&P 500 index. An index tracking portfolio was required to minimize transaction cost and that was an art and science known only to investment banks.

Products for tracking developed stock markets, bonds, gold and commodities appeared after 2000. Before that it was difficult for the retail crowd to effectively allocate to these assets without using derivatives or other securities or funds.

Some have argued that transaction cost is not important due to the infrequent rebalancing of allocation schemes based on monthly data but, in reality, there was continuous rebalancing of the underline indexes. For example, any backtests on S&P 500 index before SPY was available implicitly assume rebalancing of index tracking portfolios. Note that although the math of index tracking was exciting, this approach lost its appeal in the 1990s due to high transaction cost and tracking error problems.

More importantly, most asset allocation and momentum systems presented in the literature are data-mined and conditioned on price series properties that may not be present in the future. Showing robustness to moving average variations is not enough to prove that such methods are not artifacts of data-mining bias.

In this blog I will concentrate on two of the above issues. First I will show through a randomization study that a moving average model lacks intelligence and then I will explain why such models are based on wishful thinking.

Moving average crossover models are dumb

One way to show that a trading model is dumb is by demonstrating that it underperforms a sufficiently large percentage of random models that have similar properties. For the purpose of this study we will consider adjusted SPY monthly data that reflect total S&P 500 return in the period 01/1994 to 07/2015. The “dumb model” is a 3-10 moving average crossover system, i. e. a system that fully invests in SPY when the 3-month moving average crosses above the 10-month moving average and exits the position when the opposite occurs. This is a popular moving average crossover used in some widely publicized asset allocation methods. This system has generated 8 long trades in SPY since 01/1994 and has outperformed buy and hold by about 110 basis points at a much lower maximum drawdown. The rules of the system are as follows

I f monthly MA(3) > monthly MA(10) buy at the next open Exit at the next open if MA(3) < monthly MA(10)

The equity curve of this system is shown below:

Below are some key performance statistics of this system:

It may be seen that the timing models generated about 110 basis points of annual excess return as compared to buy and hold but at a much lower drawdown.

I just want to emphasize at this point that the job of every serious trading system developer is not to try to find support for the result of a backtest but instead to try to discredit it. Unfortunately, exactly the opposite happens in most publications. For example, varying the moving averages and claiming that because the system remains profitable it is robust, is not enough. We will consider in the second part of this blog an example but first we will test this system for intelligence.

One way of testing a system for possessing intelligence is through a suitable randomization of performance. For this particular moving average system, we will randomize performance by generating random moving average crossovers for each entry point that range from 1 to 8 for the fast and from 2 to 20 for the slow. We will consider only those systems with slow ma > fast ma. In addition we will randomize the entry point by tossing a coin and we will require that in addition to the crossover condition, heads show up. On top of that, the exit will be set to a number of bars that are randomly sampled between 5 and 55. Note that the average number of months in a position for the original system was 25.

Each random run is repeated 20,000 times and the CAR is calculated. Then the cumulative frequency distribution of CAR is plotted as shown below:

The CAR of 10.42% of the original 3-10 crossover system results in a p-value of 0.117. This p-value is not low enough to reject the null hypothesis that the system is not intelligent. in fact, the system generated lower return than about 12% of the random systems, as shown by the vertical red line on the above chart.

Note that well curve-fitted systems always result in low p-value and that makes this method not very robust in general. However, this method provided in this case an initial indication that the 3-10 moving average crossover system in SPY lacks intelligence. Again, this is because 12% random system performed better than the original system. However, there is another more practical way of showing that this system is data-mined, dumb and that its performance is based on wishful thinking.

Moving average crossover models are based on wishful thinking

The reason for this is that these models assume that the past will remain similar to the future. In the case of the SPY system, the model assumes that uptrends and downtrends will be smooth enough and come in V-shapes with no protracted periods of sideways price action. We do not know if this will be the case in the U. S. stock market in the future but relying on such assumptions is wishful thinking. One can get a taste of what may happen to an account that invests with such a model by a backtest on EEM data from 01/2010 to 07/2015, a period of 5 1/2 years during which the emerging markets ETF moved for all practical purposes sideways. Below is the backtested equity curve:

Below are some performance details:

Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series A (1961-2002)

Coverage: 1961-2002 (Vol. 23, No. 1 - Vol. 64, No. 3)

The "moving wall" represents the time period between the last issue available in JSTOR and the most recently published issue of a journal. Moving walls are generally represented in years. In rare instances, a publisher has elected to have a "zero" moving wall, so their current issues are available in JSTOR shortly after publication. Note: In calculating the moving wall, the current year is not counted. For example, if the current year is 2008 and a journal has a 5 year moving wall, articles from the year 2002 are available.

Terms Related to the Moving Wall Fixed walls: Journals with no new volumes being added to the archive. Absorbed: Journals that are combined with another title. Complete: Journals that are no longer published or that have been combined with another title.

Subjects: Science & Mathematics, Statistics


In this paper we consider practical aspects of the maximum likelihood (m. l.) method for estimating the parameters of a moving average model. The likelihood function (as proposed by whittle) is obtained in terms of the sample covariances of the observed variable, but the estimation requires solving a high order non-linear equation. Approximate methods are suggested which reduce data storage and numerical computation without substantial loss in statistical efficiency. The method is compared with various methods suggested in the past. The analysis is confined to the lowest order model and results of computer simulation are given.

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View the step-by-step solution to: Case study for Altavox 4 question. 1. Consider using simple

This question was answered on Dec 21, 2011. View the Answer

Case study for Altavox 4 question. 1. Consider using simple moving average model. Experiment with models using five weeks' and three weeks' past data. The past data in each region is given in the tab "Moving Average Analysis," that also includes the 13 week data (table above) along with the past 5 weeks'. Evaluate the forecasts that would have been made over the past 13 weeks (week 1 to week 13) using the "mean absolute deviation" and "tracking signal " as criteria. 2. Next, consider using a simple exponential smoothing model. In your analysis, test two alpha values 0.2 and 0.4. Use the same criteria for evaluating the model as in part 1. Assume that the initial previous forecast for the model using an alpha value of 0.2 is the past three-week average. For the model using an alpha value of 0.4, assume that the previous forecast is the past five-week average.

Altavox is considering a new option for distributing the model VC 202 where, instead of using five vendors, only a single vendor would be used. Evaluate this option by analyzing how accurate the forecast would be based on the DEMAND AGGREGATED ACROSS ALL REGIONS. Use the model that you think is best from your analysis of questions 1 and 2. Use a new criterian that is calculated by taking the MAD and dividing by the average demand. This criterian is called the mean absolute percent error (MAPE) and gauges the error of a forecast as a percent of the average demand.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of aggregating demand from a forecasting view? Are there other things that should be considered when going from multiple distributors to a single distributor.

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Altavox_Electronics-forecasting-portfolio question-session 4_a(1).xlsx

CASE. ALTAVOX ELECTRONICS Altavox is a manufacturer and distributor of many different electronic instruments and devices, including digital/analog multimeters, function generators, oscilloscopes, frequency counters, and other test and measuring equipment. Altavox sells a line of test meters that are popular with professional electricians. The model VC202 (see picture) is sold through SIX distributors to retail stores in the United states. These distributors are located in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, and Los Angeles and have been selected to serve different regions in the country. The model VC2o2 has been a steady seller over the years due to its reliability and rugged construction. Altovax does not consider this a seasonal product, but there is some variability in demand. Demand for the product over the past 13 weeks is shown in the tab labeled &quot;Demand Data.&quot; Management would like you to experiment with some basic forecasting models to determine what should be used in a new system being implemented. The new system is programmed to use one of two models: simple moving average or exponential smoothing. The analysis questions are continued in the &quot;Demand Data&quot;

Altavox Demand Data Week Atlanta Boston Chicago Dallas LA Total

QUESTIONS (4) Consider using simple moving average model. Experiment with models using five weeks' and three weeks' past data. The past data in each region is given in the tab &quot;Moving Average Analysis,&quot; that also includes the 13 week data (table above) along with the past 5 weeks'. Evaluate the forecasts that would have been made over the past 13 weeks (week 1 to week 13) using the &quot;mean absolute deviation&quot; and &quot;tracking signal &quot; as criteria. 1.

Next, consider using a simple exponential smoothing model. In your analysis, test two alpha values 0.2 and 0.4. Use the same criteria for evaluating the model as in part 1. Assume that the initial previous forecast for the model using an alpha value of 0.2 is the past three­week average. For the model using an alpha value of 0.4, assume that the previous forecast is the past five­week average. 2.

Altavox is considering a new option for distributing the model VC 202 where, instead of using five vendors, only a single vendor would be used. Evaluate this option by analyzing how accurate the forecast would be based on the DEMAND AGGREGATED ACROSS ALL REGIONS. Use the model that you think is best from your analysis of questions 1 and 2. Use a new criterian that is calculated by taking the MAD and dividing by the average demand. This criterian is called the mean absolute percent error (MAPE) and gauges the error of a forecast as a percent of the average demand. 3.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of aggregating demand from a forecasting view? Are there other things that should be considered when going from multiple distributors to a single distributor. 4.

Altavox Moving Average Analysis Week Atlanta Boston Chicago Dallas LA Total

let v to be forecasted value for periods 1 through T and $v_ $ be its forecasted value at time $t$. We express $v_ $ as the sum of two terms, its mean at time $t$, and its deviation from the mean at time $t$, $\epsilon_ $. In other words, $$ v_ = \overline > + \epsilon_ $$ The $\overline >$ are chosen based on the arguments. The $\epsilon_ $ term is assumed to be a normally distributed random variable with mean zero and standard deviation $\sigma (ε_ )=0.234$.

The moving average formation of order q is choosen, MA(q) where q is the number of lagged terms in the moving average. We use the following moving average specification: $$\epsilon_ = \sum^ _ \mu_ > $$

where $\mu_ $ are independently distributed standard normal random variables. To ensure that the standard deviation of $εt$ is equal to its pre-specified value, we set the $$\alpha_ = \frac )> >$$ Note that $\epsilon t$ depends on $q+1$ random terms.

the R-code that i have used for above model

I am wondering that, $\alpha$ is changing through time?

the parameter for figure in the paper are:

Note: MA(30), (31 terms), $\sigma(\epsilon_ )=0.234$, 31 initial values of $\mu=0$, 10,000 simulation

Am I missing any thing?

asked Apr 27 '11 at 14:57

mbq ♦ 16.7k ● 7 ● 46 ● 95

2016 Stack Exchange, Inc

Technical Note: Moving Average Model

Occasionally, we receive requests for a technical issue about ARMA i modeling beyond our regular NumXL support, which delves more into the mathematical formulation of ARMA. We are always happy to help our users with any question they may have, so we decided to share our internal technical notes with you.

These notes were originally composed when we sat in on a time series analysis class. Over the years, we’ve maintained these notes with new insights, empirical observations and intuitions acquired. We often go back to these notes for resolving development issues and/or to properly address a product support matter.

In this paper, we’ll go over a simple, yet fundamental, econometric model: moving average. This model serves as a cornerstone for all serious discussion on ARMA/ARIMA i models.


A moving average model of order q (i. e. MA(q)) is defined as follows:


The unconditional (i. e. long run) variance is defined as follows:

For a finite order q, the process is guaranteed to be stable (i. e. does not converge to infinity).

For an infinite order (i. e. ), the process is stable only if the long-run variance is finite:

In other words, the sum of the squared values of the MA coefficients is finite.


Given an input sample data . we can calculate values of the moving average process for future (i. e. out-of-sample) values as follows:

Deriving the MA coefficient values is an iterative and straightforward process that will save us from carrying out complex polynomial division.

By now, you may be wondering why we would wish to convert a finite-order ARMA process to an infinite-order MA representation. For starters, forecasting (mean and error) using an MA representation is much easier than using the original higher order ARMA representation.

2. Integration

Integration (i. e. unit root) often arises in time series (e. g. random walk, ARIMA, etc.). In these situations, we model the differenced time series with an ARMA class model:

But how do we take the ARMA outputs back to the un-differenced scale?

Example 1: Consider a first order integration of the MA(q) process:

autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model

Forecasting model or process in which both autoregression analysis and moving average methods are applied to a well-behaved time series data. ARMA assumes that the time series is stationary-fluctuates more or less uniformly around a time-invariant mean. Non-stationary series need to be differenced one or more times to achieve stationarity. ARMA models are considered inappropriate for impact analysis or for data that incorporates random 'shocks.' See also autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model .

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Generalized Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Models for Count Data with Application to Malaria Time Series with Low Case Numbers



With the renewed drive towards malaria elimination, there is a need for improved surveillance tools. While time series analysis is an important tool for surveillance, prediction and for measuring interventions’ impact, approximations by commonly used Gaussian methods are prone to inaccuracies when case counts are low. Therefore, statistical methods appropriate for count data are required, especially during “consolidation” and “pre-elimination” phases.


Generalized autoregressive moving average (GARMA) models were extended to generalized seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (GSARIMA) models for parsimonious observation-driven modelling of non Gaussian, non stationary and/or seasonal time series of count data. The models were applied to monthly malaria case time series in a district in Sri Lanka, where malaria has decreased dramatically in recent years.


The malaria series showed long-term changes in the mean, unstable variance and seasonality. After fitting negative-binomial Bayesian models, both a GSARIMA and a GARIMA deterministic seasonality model were selected based on different criteria. Posterior predictive distributions indicated that negative-binomial models provided better predictions than Gaussian models, especially when counts were low. The G(S)ARIMA models were able to capture the autocorrelation in the series.


G(S)ARIMA models may be particularly useful in the drive towards malaria elimination, since episode count series are often seasonal and non-stationary, especially when control is increased. Although building and fitting GSARIMA models is laborious, they may provide more realistic prediction distributions than do Gaussian methods and may be more suitable when counts are low.


There is increasing interest in using malaria prediction models to help clinical and public health services strategically implement prevention and control measures [1] –[5]. The Anti Malaria Campaign Directorate of the Ministry of Health in Sri Lanka has tested a malaria forecasting system that uses multiplicative seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) models, which assume that logarithmically transformed monthly malaria case count data are approximately Gaussian distributed. Such an approach is widely used in predictive modelling of infectious diseases [4]. [6]. [7]. Malaria in Sri Lanka is seasonal and unstable and fluctuates in intensity, both spatially and temporally [8]. Malaria was a major public health problem in the country [9] until incidence started to dwindle in 2000 [10]. Sri Lanka entered the pre-elimination phase in 2007 and progressed to the elimination phase in 2011 [11] .

Box-Cox class transformation of malaria counts (such as a logarithmic transformation) may yield approximately Gaussian distributed data, however, approximation is less close for observations with a low expected mean [12]. Also, low count data may include zeros, which renders Box-Cox transformation inapplicable. To overcome this problem, a small constant can be added to the data. Gaussian modelling with transformed data may result in inaccurate prediction distributions. This is problematic, particularly when the most recent monthly case counts are low, which tends to be the case in countries in the advanced phase of elimination [3]. Models that assume a negative binomial distribution for malaria count data may be more appropriate [13] –[15]. However, negative binomial models that incorporate a SARIMA structure are not yet available.

Benjamin and colleagues [16] provide a framework for generalized linear autoregressive moving average (GARMA) models, and discuss, models for Poisson and negative binomially distributed data, among others. GARMA models are observation-driven models that allow for lagged dependence in observations. Alternatively, parameter-driven models (also) allow dependence in latent variables [17] –[20]. GARMA models are easier to estimate and prediction is straightforward, while parameter-driven models are easier to interpret [21]. [22]. Jung and colleagues [23] find that both types of models perform similarly.

GARMA models relate predictors and ARMA components to a transformation of the mean parameter of the data distribution ( ), via a link function. A log link function ensures that is constrained to the domain of positive real numbers. Lagged observations used as covariates should, therefore, also be logarithmically transformed, which is not possible for observations with a value of zero. To circumvent this problem, Zeger and Qaqish [24] discuss adding a small constant to the data, either to all data or only to zeros. Grunwald and colleagues [25] consider a conditional linear autoregressive (CLAR) model with an identity link function. In order to ensure a positive , restrictions can be put on the parameters. A variant of the GARMA model, a generalized linear autoregressive moving average (GLARMA) model, is presented by Davis and colleagues [22] .

Heinen [26] proposes a class of autoregressive conditional Poisson (ACP) models with methods that allow for over and under dispersion in the marginal distribution of the data. Another class of Poisson models with auto correlated error structure uses “binomial thinning”, and are called integer-valued autoregressive (INAR) models [27]. INAR models may be theoretically extended to moving average (INMA) and INARMA models [28]. [29]. but these are not easily implemented [30] .

An alternative parameter-driven modelling approach assumes an autoregressive process on time specific random effects introduced in the mean structure, using a logarithmic link function [31]. Such a model is sometimes called a stochastic autoregressive mean (SAM) model [23] and has frequently been applied in Bayesian temporal and spatio-temporal modelling [15]. [21]. [32] –[36] .

Of the models discussed above, the GARMA framework appears to be the most flexible for modelling count data with an autoregressive and/or moving average structure. Benjamin and colleagues [16] apply a stationary GARMA model to a time series of polio cases with a seasonal trend, using a sine/cosine function with a mixture of an annual and a semi-annual cycle. However, if the seasonal component is assumed to be stochastic, the GARMA model presented by Benjamin and colleagues [16] is not appropriate. Also, many time series of count data, including malaria cases, are non stationary.

Here, GARMA was extended to a class of generalized multiplicative seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (GSARIMA) models, analogous to SARIMA models for Gaussian distributed data. The class of GSARIMA models includes generalized autoregressive integrated moving average (GARIMA) models. Model fit was carried out using full Bayesian inference. The effect of incorrect distributional assumptions on the posterior predictive distributions was demonstrated using simulated and real malaria case count data from Sri Lanka. Software code is provided as supporting information.


Model Formulation

Plot of normalized randomized quantile residuals of the model against the logarithm of relative change.

The fact that this line does not go through the origin but has a (small but significant; p<0.05) positive intercept is another indication that the posterior distributions have, on average, too much mass to the left, and therefore, on average, overestimate the residuals. Figure 6 shows a plot of the autocorrelation function of the normalized randomized quantile residuals of the model. There is no indication of significant autocorrelation in the residuals, which was confirmed by the Ljung-Box test [44]. The Ljung-Box statistic was 19.8 based on 24 lags, which was not significant (p = 0.65) because the quantile corresponding to the 95 th percentile of a chi-squared distribution with 23 degrees freedom (24 degrees minus one fitted ARMA parameter) is 35.17. The Ljung-Box test is valid under these mild conditions of non-normality, although for stronger non-normality, the Ljung-Box test is not robust and tends to reject the null hypothesis of no autocorrelation too quickly [45] .

Plot of the autocorrelation function of normalized randomized quantile residuals of the selected model.


To model a series of monthly counts of new malaria episodes in a district in Sri Lanka, GSARIMA models and GARIMA models with a deterministic seasonality component were developed. GSARIMA and GARIMA models are an extension of the class of GARMA models [16]. and are suitable for parsimonious modelling of non-stationary seasonal time series of (over dispersed) count data with negative binomial conditional distribution.

Models were presented with a choice of identity link function or logarithmic link function, and for the latter models, with a choice between two transformation methods to deal with zero value observations and using a threshold parameter. When a count time series has many observations of zero, both transformation methods and several threshold parameters should be explored in order to find the best fitting model.

Bayesian GSARIMA and GARIMA models were applied to malaria case count time series data from Gampaha District in Sri Lanka. Both a GSARIMA and a GARIMA model with a deterministic seasonality component were selected, based on different criteria. The GARIMA model with deterministic seasonality showed a lower DIC, but the GSARIMA model had a lower mean absolute relative error on out of sample data, and needed fewer parameters. Bayesian modelling allowed for analysis of the posterior predictive distributions. The performance of the selected negative binomial model was compared with that of a Gaussian version of the model on Box-Cox transformed data. These distributions did not perfectly mirror the distribution of the residuals for either model. This is possibly an indication that the assumptions about the underlying distributions were not entirely appropriate for either case. However, analysis of the residuals showed that the posterior predictive distributions were much better for the negative binomial GSARIMA model than for its Gaussian version on transformed data when counts were low. Both models could account for autocorrelation in the data, but the negative binomial model had an 8% better MARE than the Gaussian version on transformed data (0.388 vs 0.423).

The fact that the cumulative distribution functions do not perfectly match the diagonal in Figure 3A indicates that there is room for improvement, through modelling a more complex autocorrelation structure ( e. g. through time varying SARIMA parameters) and through the inclusion of covariates. It is also possible that assuming an underlying negative binomial distribution is not entirely appropriate. In the latter case, the DIC, which was based on this assumption, has less value than the MARE for comparison between models. Apart from the fact that the MARE does not depend on the assumption of a true underlying distribution, it is easier to for malaria control staff to interpret.

G(S)ARIMA models may be particularly useful in the drive towards malaria elimination, but could also be applied to other fields. Although building and fitting Bayesian GSARIMA models is laborious, they may provide more realistic prediction distributions for time series of counts than do Gaussian methods on transformed data, especially when counts are low.

Supporting Information

Figure S1

Box-Cox transformed monthly malaria case counts in Gampaha.

The authors acknowledge the Directorate of the AMC, particularly Dr Galappaththy, for making surveillance data available.

Funding Statement

This study was funded through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Science Foundation (NSF), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Joint Program on Climate Variability and Human Health. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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Articles from PLoS ONE are provided here courtesy of Public Library of Science

Moving average hydrology

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Forecasting involves the generation of a number, set of numbers, or scenario that corresponds to a future occurrence. It is absolutely essential to short-range and long-range planning. By definition, a forecast is based on past data, as opposed to a prediction, which is more subjective and based on instinct, gut feel, or guess. For example, the evening news gives the weather "forecast" not the weather "prediction." Regardless, the terms forecast and prediction are often used inter-changeably. For example, definitions of regression—a technique sometimes used in forecasting—generally state that its purpose is to explain or "predict."

Forecasting is based on a number of assumptions:

The past will repeat itself. In other words, what has happened in the past will happen again in the future.

As the forecast horizon shortens, forecast accuracy increases. For instance, a forecast for tomorrow will be more accurate than a forecast for next month; a forecast for next month will be more accurate than a forecast for next year; and a forecast for next year will be more accurate than a forecast for ten years in the future.

Forecasting in the aggregate is more accurate than forecasting individual items. This means that a company will be able to forecast total demand over its entire spectrum of products more accurately than it will be able to forecast individual stock-keeping units (SKUs). For example, General Motors can more accurately forecast the total number of cars needed for next year than the total number of white Chevrolet Impalas with a certain option package.

Forecasts are seldom accurate. Furthermore, forecasts are almost never totally accurate. While some are very close, few are "right on the money." Therefore, it is wise to offer a forecast "range." If one were to forecast a demand of 100,000 units for the next month, it is extremely unlikely that demand would equal 100,000 exactly. However, a forecast of 90,000 to 110,000 would provide a much larger target for planning.

William J. Stevenson lists a number of characteristics that are common to a good forecast:

Accurate—some degree of accuracy should be determined and stated so that comparison can be made to alternative forecasts.

Reliable—the forecast method should consistently provide a good forecast if the user is to establish some degree of confidence.

Timely—a certain amount of time is needed to respond to the forecast so the forecasting horizon must allow for the time necessary to make changes.

Easy to use and understand—users of the forecast must be confident and comfortable working with it.

Cost-effective—the cost of making the forecast should not outweigh the benefits obtained from the forecast.

Forecasting techniques range from the simple to the extremely complex. These techniques are usually classified as being qualitative or quantitative.


Qualitative forecasting techniques are generally more subjective than their quantitative counterparts. Qualitative techniques are more useful in the earlier stages of the product life cycle, when less past data exists for use in quantitative methods. Qualitative methods include the Delphi technique, Nominal Group Technique (NGT), sales force opinions, executive opinions, and market research.


The Delphi technique uses a panel of experts to produce a forecast. Each expert is asked to provide a forecast specific to the need at hand. After the initial forecasts are made, each expert reads what every other expert wrote and is, of course, influenced by their views. A subsequent forecast is then made by each expert. Each expert then reads again what every other expert wrote and is again influenced by the perceptions of the others. This process repeats itself until each expert nears agreement on the needed scenario or numbers.


Nominal Group Technique is similar to the Delphi technique in that it utilizes a group of participants, usually experts. After the participants respond to forecast-related questions, they rank their responses in order of perceived relative importance. Then the rankings are collected and aggregated. Eventually, the group should reach a consensus regarding the priorities of the ranked issues.


The sales staff is often a good source of information regarding future demand. The sales manager may ask for input from each sales-person and aggregate their responses into a sales force composite forecast. Caution should be exercised when using this technique as the members of the sales force may not be able to distinguish between what customers say and what they actually do. Also, if the forecasts will be used to establish sales quotas, the sales force may be tempted to provide lower estimates.


Sometimes upper-levels managers meet and develop forecasts based on their knowledge of their areas of responsibility. This is sometimes referred to as a jury of executive opinion.


In market research, consumer surveys are used to establish potential demand. Such marketing research usually involves constructing a questionnaire that solicits personal, demographic, economic, and marketing information. On occasion, market researchers collect such information in person at retail outlets and malls, where the consumer can experience—taste, feel, smell, and see—a particular product. The researcher must be careful that the sample of people surveyed is representative of the desired consumer target.


Quantitative forecasting techniques are generally more objective than their qualitative counterparts. Quantitative forecasts can be time-series forecasts (i. e. a projection of the past into the future) or forecasts based on associative models (i. e. based on one or more explanatory variables). Time-series data may have underlying behaviors that need to be identified by the forecaster. In addition, the forecast may need to identify the causes of the behavior. Some of these behaviors may be patterns or simply random variations. Among the patterns are:

Trends, which are long-term movements (up or down) in the data.

Seasonality, which produces short-term variations that are usually related to the time of year, month, or even a particular day, as witnessed by retail sales at Christmas or the spikes in banking activity on the first of the month and on Fridays.

Cycles, which are wavelike variations lasting more than a year that are usually tied to economic or political conditions.

Irregular variations that do not reflect typical behavior, such as a period of extreme weather or a union strike.

Random variations, which encompass all non-typical behaviors not accounted for by the other classifications.

Among the time-series models, the simplest is the naïve forecast. A naïve forecast simply uses the actual demand for the past period as the forecasted demand for the next period. This, of course, makes the assumption that the past will repeat. It also assumes that any trends, seasonality, or cycles are either reflected in the previous period's demand or do not exist. An example of naïve forecasting is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 Naïve Forecasting

Another simple technique is the use of averaging. To make a forecast using averaging, one simply takes the average of some number of periods of past data by summing each period and dividing the result by the number of periods. This technique has been found to be very effective for short-range forecasting.

Variations of averaging include the moving average, the weighted average, and the weighted moving average. A moving average takes a predetermined number of periods, sums their actual demand, and divides by the number of periods to reach a forecast. For each subsequent period, the oldest period of data drops off and the latest period is added. Assuming a three-month moving average and using the data from Table 1, one would simply add 45 (January), 60 (February), and 72 (March) and divide by three to arrive at a forecast for April: 45 + 60 + 72 = 177 ÷ 3 = 59

To arrive at a forecast for May, one would drop January's demand from the equation and add the demand from April. Table 2 presents an example of a three-month moving average forecast.

Table 2 Three Month Moving Average Forecast

Actual Demand (000's)

A weighted average applies a predetermined weight to each month of past data, sums the past data from each period, and divides by the total of the weights. If the forecaster adjusts the weights so that their sum is equal to 1, then the weights are multiplied by the actual demand of each applicable period. The results are then summed to achieve a weighted forecast. Generally, the more recent the data the higher the weight, and the older the data the smaller the weight. Using the demand example, a weighted average using weights of .4. 3. 2, and .1 would yield the forecast for June as: 60(.1) + 72(.2) + 58(.3) + 40(.4) = 53.8

Forecasters may also use a combination of the weighted average and moving average forecasts. A weighted moving average forecast assigns weights to a predetermined number of periods of actual data and computes the forecast the same way as described above. As with all moving forecasts, as each new period is added, the data from the oldest period is discarded. Table 3 shows a three-month weighted moving average forecast utilizing the weights .5. 3, and .2.

Table 3 Three–Month Weighted Moving Average Forecast

Actual Demand (000's)

A more complex form of weighted moving average is exponential smoothing, so named because the weight falls off exponentially as the data ages. Exponential smoothing takes the previous period's forecast and adjusts it by a predetermined smoothing constant, ά (called alpha; the value for alpha is less than one) multiplied by the difference in the previous forecast and the demand that actually occurred during the previously forecasted period (called forecast error). Exponential smoothing is expressed formulaically as such: New forecast = previous forecast + alpha (actual demand − previous forecast) F = F + ά(A − F)

Exponential smoothing requires the forecaster to begin the forecast in a past period and work forward to the period for which a current forecast is needed. A substantial amount of past data and a beginning or initial forecast are also necessary. The initial forecast can be an actual forecast from a previous period, the actual demand from a previous period, or it can be estimated by averaging all or part of the past data. Some heuristics exist for computing an initial forecast. For example, the heuristic N = (2 ÷ ά) − 1 and an alpha of .5 would yield an N of 3, indicating the user would average the first three periods of data to get an initial forecast. However, the accuracy of the initial forecast is not critical if one is using large amounts of data, since exponential smoothing is "self-correcting." Given enough periods of past data, exponential smoothing will eventually make enough corrections to compensate for a reasonably inaccurate initial forecast. Using the data used in other examples, an initial forecast of 50, and an alpha of .7, a forecast for February is computed as such: New forecast (February) = 50 + .7(45 − 50) = 41.5

Next, the forecast for March: New forecast (March) = 41.5 + .7(60 − 41.5) = 54.45 This process continues until the forecaster reaches the desired period. In Table 4 this would be for the month of June, since the actual demand for June is not known.

Actual Demand (000's)

An extension of exponential smoothing can be used when time-series data exhibits a linear trend. This method is known by several names: double smoothing; trend-adjusted exponential smoothing; forecast including trend (FIT); and Holt's Model. Without adjustment, simple exponential smoothing results will lag the trend, that is, the forecast will always be low if the trend is increasing, or high if the trend is decreasing. With this model there are two smoothing constants, ά and β with β representing the trend component.

An extension of Holt's Model, called Holt-Winter's Method, takes into account both trend and seasonality. There are two versions, multiplicative and additive, with the multiplicative being the most widely used. In the additive model, seasonality is expressed as a quantity to be added to or subtracted from the series average. The multiplicative model expresses seasonality as a percentage—known as seasonal relatives or seasonal indexes—of the average (or trend). These are then multiplied times values in order to incorporate seasonality. A relative of 0.8 would indicate demand that is 80 percent of the average, while 1.10 would indicate demand that is 10 percent above the average. Detailed information regarding this method can be found in most operations management textbooks or one of a number of books on forecasting.

Associative or causal techniques involve the identification of variables that can be used to predict another variable of interest. For example, interest rates may be used to forecast the demand for home refinancing. Typically, this involves the use of linear regression, where the objective is to develop an equation that summarizes the effects of the predictor (independent) variables upon the forecasted (dependent) variable. If the predictor variable were plotted, the object would be to obtain an equation of a straight line that minimizes the sum of the squared deviations from the line (with deviation being the distance from each point to the line). The equation would appear as: y = a + bx, where y is the predicted (dependent) variable, x is the predictor (independent) variable, b is the slope of the line, and a is equal to the height of the line at the y-intercept. Once the equation is determined, the user can insert current values for the predictor (independent) variable to arrive at a forecast (dependent variable).

If there is more than one predictor variable or if the relationship between predictor and forecast is not linear, simple linear regression will be inadequate. For situations with multiple predictors, multiple regression should be employed, while non-linear relationships call for the use of curvilinear regression.


Econometric methods, such as autoregressive integrated moving-average model (ARIMA), use complex mathematical equations to show past relationships between demand and variables that influence the demand. An equation is derived and then tested and fine-tuned to ensure that it is as reliable a representation of the past relationship as possible. Once this is done, projected values of the influencing variables (income, prices, etc.) are inserted into the equation to make a forecast.


Forecast accuracy can be determined by computing the bias, mean absolute deviation (MAD), mean square error (MSE), or mean absolute percent error (MAPE) for the forecast using different values for alpha. Bias is the sum of the forecast errors [∑(FE)]. For the exponential smoothing example above, the computed bias would be: (60 − 41.5) + (72 − 54.45) + (58 − 66.74) + (40 − 60.62) = 6.69

If one assumes that a low bias indicates an overall low forecast error, one could compute the bias for a number of potential values of alpha and assume that the one with the lowest bias would be the most accurate. However, caution must be observed in that wildly inaccurate forecasts may yield a low bias if they tend to be both over forecast and under forecast (negative and positive). For example, over three periods a firm may use a particular value of alpha to over forecast by 75,000 units (−75,000), under forecast by 100,000 units (+100,000), and then over forecast by 25,000 units (−25,000), yielding a bias of zero (−75,000 + 100,000 − 25,000 = 0). By comparison, another alpha yielding over forecasts of 2,000 units, 1,000 units, and 3,000 units would result in a bias of 5,000 units. If normal demand was 100,000 units per period, the first alpha would yield forecasts that were off by as much as 100 percent while the second alpha would be off by a maximum of only 3 percent, even though the bias in the first forecast was zero.

A safer measure of forecast accuracy is the mean absolute deviation (MAD). To compute the MAD, the forecaster sums the absolute value of the forecast errors and then divides by the number of forecasts (∑ |FE| ÷ N). By taking the absolute value of the forecast errors, the offsetting of positive and negative values are avoided. This means that both an over forecast of 50 and an under forecast of 50 are off by 50. Using the data from the exponential smoothing example, MAD can be computed as follows: (| 60 − 41.5 | + | 72 − 54.45 | + | 58 − 66.74 | + | 40 − 60.62 |) ÷ 4 = 16.35 Therefore, the forecaster is off an average of 16.35 units per forecast. When compared to the result of other alphas, the forecaster will know that the alpha with the lowest MAD is yielding the most accurate forecast.

Mean square error (MSE) can also be utilized in the same fashion. MSE is the sum of the forecast errors squared divided by N-1 [(∑(FE)) ÷ (N-1)]. Squaring the forecast errors eliminates the possibility of offsetting negative numbers, since none of the results can be negative. Utilizing the same data as above, the MSE would be: [(18.5) + (17.55) + (−8.74) + (−20.62)] ÷ 3 = 383.94 As with MAD, the forecaster may compare the MSE of forecasts derived using various values of alpha and assume the alpha with the lowest MSE is yielding the most accurate forecast.

The mean absolute percent error (MAPE) is the average absolute percent error. To arrive at the MAPE one must take the sum of the ratios between forecast error and actual demand times 100 (to get the percentage) and divide by N [(∑ | Actual demand − forecast |÷ Actual demand) × 100 ÷ N]. Using the data from the exponential smoothing example, MAPE can be computed as follows: [(18.5/60 + 17.55/72 + 8.74/58 + 20.62/48) × 100] ÷ 4 = 28.33% As with MAD and MSE, the lower the relative error the more accurate the forecast.

It should be noted that in some cases the ability of the forecast to change quickly to respond to changes in data patterns is considered to be more important than accuracy. Therefore, one's choice of forecasting method should reflect the relative balance of importance between accuracy and responsiveness, as determined by the forecaster.


William J. Stevenson lists the following as the basic steps in the forecasting process:

Determine the forecast's purpose. Factors such as how and when the forecast will be used, the degree of accuracy needed, and the level of detail desired determine the cost (time, money, employees) that can be dedicated to the forecast and the type of forecasting method to be utilized.

Establish a time horizon. This occurs after one has determined the purpose of the forecast. Longer-term forecasts require longer time horizons and vice versa. Accuracy is again a consideration.

Select a forecasting technique. The technique selected depends upon the purpose of the forecast, the time horizon desired, and the allowed cost.

Gather and analyze data. The amount and type of data needed is governed by the forecast's purpose, the forecasting technique selected, and any cost considerations.

Make the forecast.

Monitor the forecast. Evaluate the performance of the forecast and modify, if necessary.


Finch, Byron J. Operations Now: Profitability, Processes, Performance. 2 ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2006.

Green, William H. Econometric Analysis. 5 ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003.

Joppe, Dr. Marion. "The Nominal Group Technique." The Research Process. Available from < http://www. ryerson. ca/

Stevenson, William J. Operations Management. 8 ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2005.

Also read article about Forecasting from Wikipedia


This question was answered on Sep 29, 2013. View the Answer



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Week Four Homework Assignment - Forecasting v1.0.wiz

Week Four Homework Assignment - Forecasting Ajax Manufacturing is an electronic test equipment manufacturing firm that markets a certain piece of specialty test equipment. Ajax has several competitors who currently market similar pieces of equipment. While customers have repeatedly indicated they prefer Ajax’s test equipment, they have historically proven to be unwilling to wait for Ajax to manufacture this certain piece of equipment on demand and will purchase their test equipment from Ajax’s competitors in the event Ajax does not have the equipment available in inventory for immediate delivery. Thus, the key to Ajax successfully maintaining market share for this particular piece of equipment has been to have it available in stock for immediate delivery. Unfortunately, it is a rather expensive piece of equipment to maintain in inventory. Thus, the president of Ajax Manufacturing is very interested in accurately forecasting market demand in order to ensure he has adequate inventory available to meet customer demand without incurring undue inventory costs. His sales department has provided the following historical data regarding market demand for this certain piece of specialty electronics test equipment for the past 24 months. Time Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Hint: For questions 23 through 25, you need to keep in mind that the projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25 derived by the forecasting model is only a point estimate (this concept was discussed in week one relative to the mean). While a point estimate is a precise value, it is not necessarily an accurate value since the various measures of forecasting accuracy (i. e. MAD, MSE and MAPE) tell us there is some potential degree of error associated with using the forecasting model to predict salary values. In order to answer questions 23 through 25 you will need to create an interval estimate (this concept was also discussed during week one relative to the mean) for the projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25. To calculate the interval estimate projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25, simply subtract the measure of forecasting error value from the projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25 to define the lower limit of the interval estimate and add this value to the projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25 to define the upper limit for the interval estimate. 1. What is the projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25 based upon using a 3-month moving average forecast model? o 34.23 o 35.00 o 36.47 o 36.11 2. What is the mean absolute deviation (MAD) for the 3-month moving average forecast for time periods 4 through 24? o 1.76 o 1.57 o 1.35 o 1.98 3. What is the mean squared error (MSE) for the 3-month moving average forecast for time periods 4 through 24? o 2.82 o 2.31 o 3.17 o 3.01 4. What is the mean absolute percent error (MAPE) for the 3-month moving average forecast for time periods 4 through 24? o 3.21% o 4.09% o 4.42% o 3.72% 5. What is the projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25 based upon using a 3-month weighted moving average forecast model for which the

weighting factor for actual demand one month ago is 3, the weighting factor for actual demand two months ago is 2, and the weighting factor for actual demand three months ago is 1? o 36.23 o 35.87 o 35.33 o 36.58 6. What is the mean absolute deviation (MAD) for the 3-month weighted moving average forecast for time periods 4 through 24? o 1.43 o 1.78 o 1.11 o 2.01 7. What is the mean squared error (MSE) for the 3-month weighted moving average forecast for time periods 4 through 24? o 3.15 o 3.01 o 2.87 o 2.62 8. What is the mean absolute percent error (MAPE) for the 3-month weighted moving average forecast for time periods 4 through 24? o 3.56% o 3.94% o 3.05% o 3.29% 9. What is the projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25 based upon using an exponential smoothing forecast model for which alpha = 0.25? o 34.98 o 35.25 o 34.78 o 35.89 10. What is the mean absolute deviation (MAD) for the exponential smoothing forecast for time periods 1 through 24? o 1.48 o 1.25 o 1.98 o 2.12 11. What is the mean squared error (MSE) for the exponential smoothing forecast for time periods 1 through 24?

12. What is the mean absolute percent error (MAPE) for the exponential smoothing forecast for time periods 1 through 24? o 3.51% o 4.08% o 4.29% o 3.78% 13. What is the projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25 based upon using a regression forecast model for which the desired confidence level is 95%? o 35.89 o 36.13 o 37.46 o 37.20 14. What is the mean absolute deviation (MAD) for the regression forecast for time periods 1 through 24? o 1.53 o 2.06 o 1.78 o 1.45 15. What is the mean squared error (MSE) for the regression forecast for time periods 1 through 24? o 3.13 o 3.29 o 3.56 o 3.99 16. What is the mean absolute percent error (MAPE) for the regression forecast for time periods 1 through 24? o 4.09% o 4.27% o 4.48% o 4.73% 17. Based upon using mean absolute deviation (MAD) as a measure of forecast accuracy, which of the forecast models would be the preferred forecast model (i. e. which model provides the greatest degree of forecasting accuracy)? o 3-Month Moving Average Model

o 3-Month Weighted Moving Average Model o Exponential Smoothing Model o Regression Model 18. Based upon using mean squared error (MSE) as a measure of forecast accuracy, which of the forecast models would be the preferred forecast model (i. e. which model provides the greatest degree of forecasting accuracy)? o 3-Month Moving Average Model o 3-Month Weighted Moving Average Model o Exponential Smoothing Model o Regression Model 19. Based upon using mean absolute percent error (MAPE) as a measure of forecast accuracy, which of the forecast models would be the preferred forecast model (i. e. which model provides the greatest degree of forecasting accuracy)? o 3-Month Moving Average Model o 3-Month Weighted Moving Average Model o Exponential Smoothing Model o Regression Model 20. Based upon using mean absolute deviation (MAD) as a measure of forecast accuracy, which of the forecast models would be the least preferred forecast model (i. e. which model provides the greatest degree of forecasting inaccuracy)? o 3-Month Moving Average Model o 3-Month Weighted Moving Average Model o Exponential Smoothing Model o Regression Model 21. Based upon using mean squared error (MSE) as a measure of forecast accuracy, which of the forecast models would be the least preferred forecast model (i. e., which model provides the greatest degree of forecasting inaccuracy)? o 3-Month Moving Average Model o 3-Month Weighted Moving Average Model o Exponential Smoothing Model o Regression Model 22. Based upon using mean absolute percent error (MAPE) as a measure of forecast accuracy, which of the forecast models would be the least preferred forecast model (i. e. which model provides the greatest degree of forecasting inaccuracy)? o 3-Month Moving Average Model o 3-Month Weighted Moving Average Model o Exponential Smoothing Model o Regression Model

23. Based upon using the 3-Month Moving Average Model and mean absolute deviation (MAD) as a measure of forecast accuracy, what would be the interval estimate for projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25? o 32.18 – 37.82 o 34.83 – 35.17 o 33.65 – 36.35 o 33.70 – 36.30 24. Based upon using the 3-Month Moving Average Model and mean squared error (MSE) as a measure of forecast accuracy, what would be the interval estimate for projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25? o 34.83 – 35.17 o 33.65 – 36.35 o 33.70 – 36.30 o 32.18 – 37.82 25. Based upon using the 3-Month Moving Average Model and mean absolute percent error (MAPE) as a measure of forecast accuracy, what would be the interval estimate for projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25? o 34.83 – 35.17 o 33.70 – 36.30 o 33.65 – 36.35 o 32.18 – 37.82

The notation MA(q) refers to the moving average model of order q:

$$X_t = \mu + \varepsilon_t + \theta_1 \varepsilon_ + \cdots + \theta_q \varepsilon_ \qquad (*)$$

where μ is the mean of the series, the $θ_1$. $θ_q$ are the parameters of the model and the $ε_t$, $ε_ $. $ε_ $ are white noise error terms.

1) I would understand if we would want to express $X_t$ as a linear combination of past values $X_ $, $X_ $, $X_ $, etc. i. e.

$$X_t = a_1 X_ + a_2 X_ +. + a_q X_ + \epsilon_t$$

and if we would want to find optimal values for $(a_i)_ $.

This would make sense to me (by the way, does this approach exist, what's its name?).

2) But here I don't understand why we try to express $X_t$ in terms of past values of something which is totally uncontrolled and has nothing to do with $(X_t)$. $\epsilon_t$, i. e. some random white noise!

Why do we do this in the moving average model ? (By the way, how are exactly defined the $\epsilon_t$ ?)

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The Perils Of Using Moving Averages In Asset Allocation Models

Jul. 22, 2015 1:00 PM

Asset allocation models based on moving averages cannot efficiently adjust to changing market conditions and for this reason they pose significant risks.

Most asset allocation models based on technical indicators are data-mined while no sufficient analysis is made to determine their robustness.

Any future performance prospects of asset allocation models using moving average crossovers are founded on wishful thinking.

Asset allocation models based on moving averages are usually sold on the basis of historical outperformance of the S&P 500 total return at reduced risk. However, the longer-term backtests shown are often based on non tradable indexes, such as the S&P 500, the MSCI EAFE, NAREIT and also on difficult-to-trade for the retail crowd assets, such as fixed income, commodities and gold. Before discussing some of the issues related to these backtests, I would like to emphasize that I am not disputing the existence of the momentum premium and the benefits of asset allocation. What I am disputing in this article s the evidence provided to convince the retail crowd that these can be exploited easily. I list four reasons for this below:

Before 1993 (SPY inception) it was difficult for a retail investor to track the S&P 500 index. An index tracking portfolio was required to minimize transaction cost and that was an art and science known only to investment banks.

Products for tracking developed stock markets, bonds, gold and commodities appeared after 2000. Before that it was difficult for the retail crowd to effectively allocate to these assets without using derivatives or other securities or funds.

Some have argued that transaction cost is not important due to the infrequent rebalancing of allocation schemes based on monthly data but, in reality, there was continuous rebalancing of the underline indexes. For example, any backtests on S&P 500 index before SPY was available implicitly assume rebalancing of index tracking portfolios. Note that although the math of index tracking was exciting, this approach lost its appeal in the 1990s due to high transaction cost and tracking error problems.

More importantly, most asset allocation and momentum systems presented in the literature are data-mined and conditioned on price series properties that may not be present in the future. Showing robustness to moving average variations is not enough to prove that such methods are not artifacts of data-mining bias.

In this article I will concentrate only on No. 4. First I will show through a randomization study that a moving average model lacks intelligence and then I will explain why such models are based on wishful thinking.

Moving average crossover models are not intelligent

One way to show that a trading model is not intelligent is by demonstrating that it underperforms a sufficiently large percentage of random models that have similar properties. For the purpose of this study we will consider adjusted SPY (NYSEARCA:SPY ) monthly data that reflect total S&P 500 return in the period 01/1994 to 07/2015. The "dumb model" is a 3-10 moving average crossover system, i. e. a system that fully invests in SPY when the 3-month moving average crosses above the 10-month moving average and exits the position when the opposite cross occurs. This is a popular moving average crossover used in some widely publicized asset allocation methods. This system has generated 8 long trades in SPY since 01/1994 and has outperformed buy and hold by about 110 basis points at a much lower maximum drawdown. The rules of the system are as follows

If monthly MA(3) > monthly MA(10) buy at the next open Exit at the next open if MA(3) < monthly MA(10)

The equity curve of this system is shown below:

Below are some key performance statistics of this system:

It may be seen that the timing models generated about 110 basis points of annual excess return as compared to buy and hold but at a much lower drawdown.

I just want to emphasize at this point that the job of every serious trading system developer is not to try to find support for the result of a backtest but instead to try to discredit it. Unfortunately, exactly the opposite is the case in most publications. For example, varying the moving averages and claiming that the system is robust because it remains profitable, is not enough. We will consider in the second part of this article an example but first we will test this system for intelligence.

One way of testing a system for possessing intelligence is through a suitable randomization of performance. For this particular moving average system, we will randomize performance by generating random moving average crossovers for each entry point that range from 1 to 8 for the fast and from 2 to 20 for the slow. We will consider only those systems with slow ma > fast ma. In addition we will randomize the entry point by tossing a coin and we will require that in addition to the crossover condition, heads show up. On top of that, the exit will be set to a number of bars that are randomly sampled between 5 and 55. Note that the average number of months in a position for the original system was 25.

Each random run is repeated 20,000 times and the CAR is calculated. Then the cumulative frequency distribution of CAR is plotted as shown below:

The CAR of 10.42% of the original 3-10 crossover system results in a p-value of 0.117. This p-value is not low enough to reject the null hypothesis that the system is not intelligent. in fact, the system generated lower return than about 12% of the random systems, as shown by the vertical red line on the above chart.

Note that well curve-fitted systems always result in low p-value and that makes this method not very robust in general. However, this method provided in this case an initial indication that the 3-10 moving average crossover system in SPY lacks intelligence. Again, this is because 12% random system performed better than the original system. However, there is another more practical way of showing that this system is data-mined, dumb and that its performance is based on wishful thinking.

Future performance is based on wishful thinking

The reason for this is that these models assume that the past will remain similar to the future. In the case of the SPY system, the model assumes that uptrends and downtrends will be smooth enough and come in V-shapes with no protracted periods of sideways price action. We do not know if this will be the case in the U. S. stock market in the future but relying on such assumptions is wishful thinking. One can get a taste of what may happen to an account that invests with such a model by a backtest on EEM data from 01/2010 to 07/2015, a period of 5 1/2 years during which the emerging markets ETF moved for all practical purposes sideways. Below is the backtested equity curve:

Below are some performance details:

It may be seen that the 3-10 moving average crossover system based on monthly data performed exceptionally bad during the sideways market period, losing 35.22% as opposed to a gain of 1.14% for the buy and hold.

Can the U. S. stock market move sideways for an extended period of time? I cannot answer this question. My point here was that moving average crossover systems on monthly data, the types used in some asset allocation models, assume V-shaped reversals from downtrends to uptrends with no protracted choppy action in between. Therefore, the future performance of such systems is based on wishful thinking. These systems are dumb and risky.

Ninety nine percent of systems in the trading literature are data-mined. There is nothing wrong with that in principle except the fact that data-mined systems are 99.999% or more curve-fitted on market conditions. It is an art and a science to distinguish those that are not from the many that are and in fact this is the trading edge, it is not the system. Nowadays, a computer can generate hundreds of systems per minute. Proving that systems are intelligent is the true edge, not their generation. This will remain an art and science that no mechanical process will ever be able to accomplish for all cases.

Asset allocation methods based on moving averages suffer from the lag inherent in price series smoothing operators and do not perform well in fast and sideways markets. It is highly likely that the allocation models presented in the literature that are based on moving averages were data-mined to optimize CAR and minimize drawdown. In case the U. S. stock market enters a protracted period of sideways action, these models will generate significant losses.

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1. Causal premise: historical pattern of the dependent variable can be used to forecast future values of the dependent variable under the assumption that past influences will continue into the future.

2. Extrapolation of past time series into the future ( ex ante ) can vary based upon the mathematical form that most nearly described its pattern in the past ( ex post ).

3. Implications of extrapolation of historical data for model selection:

a. Time series models are best applied to an immediate or short term future horizon.

segundo. Time series models are most satisfactory when historical data patterns are changing slowly and consistently (stationary series).

do. Models can be simple and inexpensive (naive) to more complicated and expensive (Box-Jenkins).

re. Forecasts based upon past time patterns must be augmented by intuitive judgment to determine other influences, especially as the time frame increases to, say, six months.

1. The ACF of original data can be used to determine if the data is stationary (no trend).

2. First differences removes a linear trend.

3. Second differences removes a quadratic trend.

4. First differences of logarithms of data removes a constant growth trend.


1. The performance of a model is based upon its ex post error terms rather than its mathematical sophistication.

2. Mean forecast for stationary data implies that all other variation around its mean is either small or random.

3. A no change naive model allows for variation in the forecast but without trend or seasonal variation.

4. Average change models adjust for historical trends, but there will be a lag in turning points and all past values are weighted equally.

5. Average percent changes give better forecast for data with a constant growth rate but forecasts based upon more than one or two months percent change will have a compounding effect of future forecasts that must be avoided.


1. Table 8-2 shows the evaluation of historical wage data presented in table 8-2. The best model appears to be the average change model with n=2. Note that the evaluation of each model is based upon its MAPE, MAD, mean error, and mean percent error. It does have a positive bias (over forecasting wages on the average).

2. To evaluate the most recent performance the last three data points may be removed from the data and the model estimated. Table 8-3 shows that the naive model outperforms the other two models on a simulated ex ante basis because it is less likely to build up positive error terms over the three month period. Because of its simplicity and better more recent performance the naive model would be the best model.

3. We may decide to use the average change model and the naive model as benchmarks against which more sophisticated models could be evaluated. The model is always updated each time a new data point is recorded.

4. Example 8-1 shows that we may combine the two forecasts into one forecast by using a weighted average of the two forecast values. The weighting scheme should assign a higher weight to the forecast that generates the smallest error. A method of determining these weights is as follows:

a. Take each mean error as a percent of their combined mean error (ignoring the signs).

segundo. Determine the inverse of these percentages.

do. Weight each forecast by this inverse to determine a combined forecast.

All autoregressive models involve a determination of the order of the model (the number of lagged values of the variable on the right-hand side of the equation) and the weights assigned to each of the lagged values in the model.

Moving Average Models

Simple Moving Average Models

1. Each data series may be converted into a new series that is a moving average over any number of periods. This moving average smooths out irregularities and captures cyclical influences if the data is stationary and seasonally adjusted. Simple moving average models have an order = n and weights = 1/n. Any value of n may be used, but the higher the value of n the less the amount of variation in the forecasts.

2. A forecast for the next period is the moving average of the current period.

3. The value and bias of the error terms is evaluation in determining the usefulness of the model or if an alternative number of periods should be tried.

4. Table 14.2 compares the forecasts and error measures for two alternative simple moving average forecasting models with n = 2 and n = 4. Clearly n = 4 is preferred over n = 2 based upon the lower MAD.

Problems with simple moving averages:

1. The forecast will lag turning points if it captures them at all (oversmoothing for high values of n).

2. Forecasts will be unreliable (biased) when there is a strong trend in the variable.

3. Past observations are given the same “weight.” This can be overcome with a weighted moving average as shown in Table 4.2. This model has decreasing weights with the fraction of n decreasing each term but the sum of the weights equal to one.

Double Moving Average Models

1. Double moving average models correct for a trend.

2. The original data series is smoothed with a single moving average of order n, (M)

3. The new smoothed series is smothed again with a second moving average of order n, (Md)

4. For the two new series the following parameters are calculated for each time period beginning with the first period when both M and Md are available:

Predicted Y (t+T) = a + b T

Alternative method of dealing with a trend applies simple moving average forecast of first differences of a data series. The forecasted change can be added to the last value to determine next period’s forecast.

Limitations of Moving Average Models

1. May require lengthly time series, especially if double moving average required.

2. Weights equal to 1/n are arbitrary and give equal value to all past values.

3. The “trial and error” determination of the optimal value of n is time consuming.

4. Forecasts are mechanistic and unreliable except for immediate time period forecasts.

Simple exponential smoothing forecast

1. Begin with an initial smoothed value (often the initial value or an average of several recent values) and an assumed smoothing constant that is a positive fraction.

2. The smoothed series is updated by multiplying the most recent value times the smoothing constant plus 1 minus the smoothing constant times the previous smoothed value.

3. The forecast for the next period is the smoothed value of the previous period.

Double exponential smoothing forecast (Brown model)

1. For data that is not stationary a single exponential smoothing forecast will be biased. Double exponential smoothing is one method of correcting for the trend in the data.

2. Begin by determining an exponential smoothed series for the original data based upon an assumed value of alpha and an initial value of S.

3. Calculate an exponential smoothed series of the first smoothed series using the same value of alpha and initial value for Sd equal to S.

4. Calculate a equal to 2*S - Sd

5. Calculate b equal to (alpha/1 - alpha)*(S - Sd)

6. The forecast for the T period is a + b T.

Holt’s model for nonstationary data

1. An alternative model for adjusting for the trend in series Y uses two smoothing constants, alpha for the average of the smoothed series and beta for the change in the smoothed series, called the trend series.

2. The average series is computed by assuming an initial value for the series, A, (either the present value of Y or an average of recent values) and a smoothing constant, alpha, to update the A series by multiplying alpha times the most recent value of Y and adding one minus alpha times the sum of the previous values of the A series and the T series.

3. The trend series is computed by assuming an initial value of the trend (an average of the change in several recent values of Y or zero if a large number of observations) and updating this value by multiplying beta times the change in A and adding one minus beta times the previous value of T.

4. The forecast for the p period is the sum of the previous value of A plus p times the previous value of T.

Eviews enables the forecaster to choose among various exponential smoothing models with the command: SMOOTH

SPSS On-Line Training Workshop

Time Series procedure provides the tools for creating models, applying an existing model for time series analysis, seasonal decomposition and spectral analysis of time series data, as well as tools for computing autocorrelations and cross-correlations.

The following two movie clips demonstrate how to create an exponential smoothing time series model and how to apply an existing time series model for analyzing time series data.

MOVIE: Exponential Smoothing Model

MOVIE: ARIMA Model & Expert Modeler Tool

In this on-line workshop, you will find many movie clips. Each movie clip will demonstrate some specific usage of SPSS.

Create TS Models . There are different methods available in SPSS for creating Time Series Models. There are procedures for exponential smoothing, univariate and multivariate Autoregressive Integrated Moving-Average (ARIMA) models. These procedures produce forecasts.

Smoothing Methods in Forecasting -

Moving averages, weighted moving averages and exponential smoothing methods are often used in forecasting. The main objective of each of these methods is to smooth out the random fluctuations in the time series. These are effective when the time series does not exhibit significant trend, cyclical or seasonal effects. That is, the time series is stable. Smoothing methods are generally good for short-range forecasts.

Moving Averages: Moving Averages uses average of the most recent k data values in the time series. By definition, MA = S (most recent k values)/ k . The average MA changes as new observations become available.

Weighted Moving Average: In MA method, each data point receives the same weight. In weighted moving average, we use different weights for each data point. On selecting the weights, we compute weighted average of the most recent k data values. In many cases, the most recent data point receives the most weight and the weight decreases for older data points. The sum of the weights is equal to 1. One way to select weights is to use weights that minimize the mean square error (MSE) criterion.

Exponential Smoothing method . This is a special weighted average method. This method selects the weight for the most recent observation and weights for older observations are automatically computed. These other weights decreases as observations get older. The basic exponential smoothing model is

where F t +1 = forecast for period t +1, t = observation at period t . F t = forecast for period t . and a = smoothing parameter (or constant) ( 0 <= a <=1).

For a time series, we set F 1 = 1 for period 1 and subsequent forecasts for periods 2, 3, … can be computed by the formula for F t +1 . Using this approach, one can show that the exponential smoothing method is a weighted average of all previous data points in the time series. Once is known, we need to know t and F t in order to compute the forecast for period t +1. In general, we choose an a that minimizes the MSE.

Simple: appropriate for series in which there is no trend or seasonality.

Moving Average (q) component: Moving average orders specify how deviations from the series mean for previous values are used to predict current values.

Expert Time Series Modeler automatically determines the 'best' fit for the time series data. By default, the Expert Modeler considers both exponential smoothing and ARIMA models. User can select only either ARIMA or Smoothing models and specify automatic detection of outliers.

The following movie clip demonstrates how to create an ARIMA model using the ARIMA method and the Expert Modeler provided by SPSS.

The data set used for this demonstration is the Airline_Passenger data set. See the Data Set page for details. The airline passenger data is given as series G in the book Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control by Box and Jenkins (1976). The variable 'number' is the monthly passenger totals in thousands. Under the log transformation, the data has been analyzed in the literature.

Apply Time Series Models . This procedure loads an existing time series model from an external file and the model is applied to the active SPSS dataset. This can be used to obtain forecasts for series for which new or revised data are available without starting to build a new model. The main dialog box is similar to the “Create Models” main dialog box.

Spectral Analysis . This procedure can be used to show periodic behavior in time series.

Sequence Charts . This procedure is used to plot cases in sequence. To run this procedure, you need a time series data or a dataset that is sorted in certain meaningful order.

Autocorrelations . This procedure plots autocorrelation function and partial autocorrelation function of one or more time series.

Cross-Correlations . This procedure plots the cross-correlation function of two or more time series for positive, negative, and zero lags.

See SPSS Help Menu for additional information on apply time series model, spectral analysis, sequence charts, autocorrelations and cross-correlations procedures.

T his online SPSS Training Workshop is developed by Dr Carl Lee, Dr Felix Famoye. student assistants Barbara Shelden and Albert Brown. Department of Mathematics, Central Michigan University . Todos los derechos reservados.

Autoregressive moving average model

In statistics. autoregressive moving average ( ARMA ) models . sometimes called Box-Jenkins models after George Box and G. M. Jenkins. are typically applied to time series data.

Given a time series of data X t . the ARMA model is a tool for understanding and, perhaps, predicting future values in this series. The model consists of two parts, an autoregressive (AR) part and a moving average (MA) part. The model is usually then referred to as the ARMA( p , q ) model where p is the order of the autoregressive part and q is the order of the moving average part (as defined below).


Autoregressive model Edit

The notation AR( p ) refers to the autoregressive model of order p . The AR( p ) model is written

An autoregressive model is essentially an infinite impulse response filter with some additional interpretation placed on it.

Some constraints are necessary on the values of the parameters of this model in order that the model remains stationary. For example, processes in the AR(1) model with |φ 1 | & Gt; 1 are not stationary.

Example: An AR(1)-process Edit

An AR(1)-process is given by

which yields a Lorentzian profile for the spectral density:

Calculation of the AR parameters Edit

The AR( p ) model is given by the equation

Because the last part of the equation is non-zero only if m = 0, the equation is usually solved by representing it as a matrix for m > 0, thus getting equation

Derivation Edit

The equation defining the AR process is

Multiplying both sides by X t-m and taking expected value yields

which yields the Yule-Walker equations:

Moving average model Edit

The notation MA( q ) refers to the moving average model of order q .

where the θ 1 . θ q are the parameters of the model and the ε t . ε t-1 . are again, the error terms. The moving average model is essentially a finite impulse response filter with some additional interpretation placed on it.

Autoregressive moving average model Edit

The notation ARMA( p . q ) refers to the model with p autoregressive terms and q moving average terms. This model contains the AR( p ) and MA( q ) models,

Note about the error terms Edit

N(0,σ 2 ) where σ 2 is the variance. These assumptions may be weakened but doing so will change the properties of the model. In particular, a change to the i. i.d. assumption would make a rather fundamental difference.

Specification in terms of lag operator Edit

In some texts the models will be specified in terms of the lag operator L . In these terms then the AR( p ) model is given by

where φ represents polynomial

The MA( q ) model is given by

where θ represents the polynomial

Finally, the combined ARMA( p . q ) model is given by

or more concisely,

Fitting models Edit

ARMA models in general can, after choosing p and q, be fitted by least squares regression to find the values of the parameters which minimize the error term. It is generally considered good practice to find the smallest values of p and q which provide an acceptable fit to the data. For a pure AR model then the Yule-Walker equations may be used to provide a fit.

Generalizations Edit

The dependence of X t on past values and the error terms ε t is assumed to be linear unless specified otherwise. If the dependence is nonlinear, the model is specifically called a nonlinear moving average (NMA), nonlinear autoregressive (NAR), or nonlinear autoregressive moving average (NARMA) model.

Autoregressive moving average models can be generalized in other ways. See also autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) models and autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models. If multiple time series are to be fitted then a vectored ARIMA (or VARIMA) model may be fitted. If the time-series in question exhibits long memory then fractional ARIMA (FARIMA, sometimes called ARFIMA) modelling is appropriate. If the data is thought to contain seasonal effects, it may be modeled by a SARIMA (seasonal ARIMA) model.

Another generalization is the multiscale autoregressive (MAR) model. A MAR model is indexed by the nodes of a tree, whereas a standard (discrete time) autoregressive model is indexed by integers. See multiscale autoregressive model for a list of references.

See also Edit

References Edit

George Box and F. M. Jenkins. Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control . second edition. Oakland, CA: Holden-Day, 1976.

Mills, Terence C. Time Series Techniques for Economists. Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Percival, Donald B. and Andrew T. Walden. Spectral Analysis for Physical Applications. Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Time Series analysis tsa В¶

statsmodels. tsa contains model classes and functions that are useful for time series analysis. This currently includes univariate autoregressive models (AR), vector autoregressive models (VAR) and univariate autoregressive moving average models (ARMA). It also includes descriptive statistics for time series, for example autocorrelation, partial autocorrelation function and periodogram, as well as the corresponding theoretical properties of ARMA or related processes. It also includes methods to work with autoregressive and moving average lag-polynomials. Additionally, related statistical tests and some useful helper functions are available.

Estimation is either done by exact or conditional Maximum Likelihood or conditional least-squares, either using Kalman Filter or direct filters.

Currently, functions and classes have to be imported from the corresponding module, but the main classes will be made available in the statsmodels. tsa namespace. The module structure is within statsmodels. tsa is

stattools. empirical properties and tests, acf, pacf, granger-causality, adf unit root test, ljung-box test and others.

ar_model. univariate autoregressive process, estimation with conditional and exact maximum likelihood and conditional least-squares

arima_model. univariate ARMA process, estimation with conditional and exact maximum likelihood and conditional least-squares

vector_ar, var. vector autoregressive process (VAR) estimation models, impulse response analysis, forecast error variance decompositions, and data visualization tools

kalmanf. estimation classes for ARMA and other models with exact MLE using Kalman Filter

arma_process. properties of arma processes with given parameters, this includes tools to convert between ARMA, MA and AR representation as well as acf, pacf, spectral density, impulse response function and similar

sandbox. tsa. fftarma. similar to arma_process but working in frequency domain

tsatools. additional helper functions, to create arrays of lagged variables, construct regressors for trend, detrend and similar.

Filtros. helper function for filtering time series

Some additional functions that are also useful for time series analysis are in other parts of statsmodels, for example additional statistical tests.

Some related functions are also available in matplotlib, nitime, and scikits. talkbox. Those functions are designed more for the use in signal processing where longer time series are available and work more often in the frequency domain.

Descriptive Statistics and Tests¶

stattools. acovf (x[, unbiased, demean, fft])


A Bayesian approach in threshold moving average model for time series with two regimes is provided. The posterior distribution of the delay and threshold parameters are used to examine and investigate the intrinsic characteristics of this nonlinear time series model. The proposed approach is applied to both simulated data and a real data set obtained from a chemical system. Key words: Threshold time series, moving average model, Bayesian

Recommended Citation

Smadi, Mahmoud M. and Alodat, M. T. (2011) "Bayesian Threshold Moving Average Models," Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods . Vol. 10: Iss. 1, Article 23. Available at: http://digitalcommons. wayne. edu/jmasm/vol10/iss1/23

Autoregressive Moving Average Model (ARMA)

Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA)

Autoregressive Moving Average Model Interpretation

Given a time series of data Xt, the ARMA model is a tool for understanding and, perhaps, predicting future values in this series. The model consists of two parts, an autoregressive part and a moving average part.

The model is usually then referred to as the ARMA(p, q) model where p is the order of the autoregressive part and q is the order of the moving average part.

Related Terms

Autoregressive is a stochastic process that can be described by a weighted sum of its previous values and a white noise error. An autoregressive process operates under the premise that past values have an effect on current values.

The Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) is a basic empirical model to capture volatility dynamics when analyzing financial markets.

Moving Average (MA) is an indicator frequently used in technical analysis showing a running average value of a security's price. Some trading systems use two moving averages, with buy or sell signals triggered at crossover points.

Fit an ARIMA model

Box and Jenkins present an interactive approach for fitting ARIMA models to time series. This iterative approach involves identifying the model, estimating the parameters, checking model adequacy, and forecasting. The model identification step usually requires judgment from the analyst.

Decide if the data are stationary. That is, do the data possess constant mean and variance.

Examine a time series plot to determine whether a transformation is required to give constant variance.

Examine the ACF to determine whether large autocorrelations do not die out, identifying that differencing might be required to give a constant mean.

A seasonal pattern that repeats each k th period of time indicates that you should take the k th difference to remove a portion of the pattern. Most series should not require more than two difference operations or orders. Be careful not to overdifference. If spikes in the ACF die out quickly, there is no need for more differencing. A sign of an overdifferenced series is the first autocorrelation close to -0.5 and small values elsewhere.

Use Stat > Time Series > Differences to calculate and store differences. Then, to examine the ACF and PACF of the differenced series, use Stat > Time Series > Autocorrelation and Stat > Time Series > Partial Autocorrelation.

Examine the ACF and PACF of your stationary data in order to identify what autoregressive or moving average models terms are suggested.

An ACF with large spikes at initial lags that decay to zero or a PACF with a large spike at the first and possibly at the second lag indicates an autoregressive process.

An ACF with a large spike at the first and possibly at the second lag and a PACF with large spikes at initial lags that decay to zero indicates a moving average process.

The ACF and the PACF both exhibiting large spikes that gradually die out indicates that there are both autoregressive and moving averages processes.

For most data, no more than two autoregressive parameters or two moving average parameters are required in ARIMA models.

After you have identified one or more likely models, use the ARIMA procedure.

Fit the likely models and examine the significance of parameters and select one model that gives the best fit.

The ARIMA algorithm will conduct up to 25 iterations to fit a specified model. If the solution does not converge, store the estimated parameters and use them as starting values for a second fit. You can store the estimated parameters and use them as starting values for a subsequent fit as often as necessary.

Verify that the ACF and PACF of residuals indicate a random process, signified when there are no large spikes. You can easily obtain an ACF and a PACF of residual using ARIMA's Graphs sub-dialog box. If large spikes remain, consider changing the model.

When you are satisfied with the fit, make forecasts.

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We are implementing the forecast based planning for the consumable materials. Also we have decided the forecast model as (G) Moving average. Can any one explain how the forecast values triggered? I am sure that there should be some formulas. Also I got the formula for the moving average from help as below.

Moving average formula

I gave the master data information as below.

Historical. Periods 6

Forecast periods 3

Periods per season 12

My control data information

Initialization x Tracking limit 4.000

Selection procedure 1

Optimization level F

Ticked Reset Automatically

Ticked Param. Optimization

Consumption value for the 6 historical periods as below

Revaluation for moving average (form) [AX 2012]

Adjust all selected item receipts according to the method that you select, and assign a value to the Edit now field.

Item cost price – The cost price is adjusted to the item cost price for the selected product. The item cost price is specified in the Base price field in the Released product details form.

Fixed cost price – Enter a fixed cost price that is not checked against the item cost price used for individual products.

Amount – Enter the amount by which the product is to be adjusted. This is allocated to all transactions according to the selected allocation principle. If you select Value as the principle, the amount is allocated proportionally according to the value of the transactions. If you select Quantity as the principle, the amount is allocated proportionally according to the transactions' quantity.

Value – Specify the value to which you want to adjust. The value is allocated to all transactions according to the selected allocation principle. If you select Value as the principle, the amount is allocated proportionally according to the value of the transactions. If you select Quantity as the principle, the amount is allocated proportionally according to the transactions' quantity.

Percent – You can adjust the cost price by any percentage. All transactions are adjusted to the cost price assigned to them plus the entered percentage.

If you use different adjustment methods in the same selection, the value in the Edit now field will always be set according to the latest adjustment.

Open a form where you can update the adjustments and change the cost value indicated in the Posted value field.

Select Total . Item group . or Item number to determine the level of detail that is posted to the general ledger accounts.

In the Note field, you can enter a note that pertains to this adjustment of on-hand inventory.

Print a journal when you have finished changing cost prices. This journal contains the information found in the Adjust transactions form.

How is the MA model useful in modeling financial data, for example the stock indices?

For example, from what i understand in the AR (auto-regressive) model portion, we can use the ADF test to check for the stationarity of the time series. If it is stationary, it is likely that the new trend will follow the old trend.

However, in the case of the MA model, when we suspect that there is a MA component, how do we make use of the knowledge to analyze and predict whether the market movement?

asked Mar 21 '14 at 4:06

In terms of interpretation, an $MA$ model simply means that the time series is a function of the error from previous periods. You might find it informative to consider plotting simple $AR(1)$ models alongside various $ARMA(1,1)$ to develop a more intuitive understanding. For instance, the $AR(1)$ model (chosen as it is common for financial time series) $$x_ =\beta x_ +\epsilon_ $$ versus the $ARMA(1,1)$ $$y_ =\beta y_ +\theta\epsilon_ +\epsilon_ $$ for different values of $\theta$ but the same error for each (you may also consider adjusting the mean to ensure it is zero for all). The resulting time series can look very different depending on whether $\theta$ is near $1$ or $-1$. If $\theta$ is near 1, then $y_ $ will tend to exhibit some follow through compared to $x_ $. By contrast, if $\theta$ is near $-1$, then the series will look more stationary.

For prediction, you can basically just use the formula of whatever $MA$ model it is. Most statistical packages have this functionality built in as well.

In practice, I don't fit a lot of MA models. The main reason is that it is possible to express an $MA(q)$ model as an $AR(\infty)$ model (and vice-versa for expressing $AR(p)$ models as $MA(\infty)$ models). Further, autoregressive models can be fit by least squares, while moving average models cannot (usually maximum likelihood). As a result, rather than spend a lot of time identifying the correct $ARMA(p, q)$ model, it is usually easier to just increase the number of lags in an $AR(p)$ until any moving average components have disappeared from the autocorrelation function (as in the Box-Jenkins methodology) or they're no longer significant or some other approach based on AIC/BIC as in auto. arima for R.

answered Mar 21 '14 at 16:04

2016 Stack Exchange, Inc

AX2012 R2- Moving Average (Inventory Costing Method)

AX2012 R2- Moving Average. After a long wait we have the moving average introduced in AX2012. The Moving average is based on the average Principal, the cost of Inventory issues do not change even if the purchase cost does and the difference is capitalised and the amount that remains is expensed.

When you use moving average, inventory settlements and inventory marking are not supported. Inventory close does not affect products that have moving average as the inventory model group, and it does not generate any settlements between the transactions You can change your inventory costing method from a costing method that is based on average cost or standard cost to a method that is based on moving average.

Listed is the example from TechNet as to how the moving average works. In this moving average example, the inventory value report is printed to support the current moving average calculation for a product. The Inventory value report can print the transactions in chronological order, together with the cost to support the moving average cost calculation of a product. The report displays the moving average cost for the product. In the Inventory value reports form, a Range field has been added. You can select the Transaction time option or the Posting date option to sort the report. The Posting date option is how the report is traditionally printed. The Transaction time option is the actual date that the transaction is reported and the moving average cost for the product is updated. You would print the Inventory value report by using the Transaction time sorting option if you want to see the moving average cost calculation over time. The following table displays the transactions for the product that the report is printed for when the Transaction time sorting option is used.

With 13 years of experience in ERP, specialising in AX functionality across versions. Solution designing, Project Management and delivery.

Rohan also has special interests in reading about new business processes and features along with understanding their viability. He also enjoys spreading this message across through his blogs.

This email address is being protected from spambots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla. http://www. saglobal. com



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IVolatility Education

Ways to estimate volatility

Some Advanced Methods for Volatility estimation

When we calculate volatility using the customary methods we don't take into account the order of observations. Additionally, all observations have equal weights in the formulas. But the most recent data about asset's return movements is more important for volatility forecasting than more dated data. That is why, the recently recorded statistical data should be given more weight for forecasting purposes than older data. One of the models that operate off of this assumption is the exponentially weighted moving average.

Promedio móvil simple (SMA)

The Moving Average is an average of a set of variables such as stock prices over time. The term "moving" steams from the fact that as each new price is added, the oldest price is subsequently deleted. The n-day Simple Moving Average takes the sum of the last n days prices. The SMA model is probably the most widely used volatility model in Value at Risk studies.

The disadvantage of the SMA is that it is inherently a memory-less function. A major drop or rise in the price is forgotten and does not manifest itself quantitatively in the simple moving average. As you can see in the following table, on day 9 there is a big step in the simple moving average, while price has been constant at $170. This distortion is caused by the low price on day 4 - dropped from the SMA on day 9.

Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA)

This section discusses the J. P. Morgan RiskMetrics© approach to estimating and forecasting volatility that uses an exponentially weighted moving average model (EWMA).

The EWMA model allows one to calculate a value for a given time on the basis of the previous day's value. The EWMA model has an advantage in comparison with SMA, because the EWMA has a memory. The EWMA remembers a fraction of its past by a factor A, that makes the EWMA a good indicator of the history of the price movement if a wise choice of the term is made. Using the exponential moving average of historical observations allows one to capture the dynamic features of volatility. The model uses the latest observations with the highest weights in the volatility estimate.

Initial value of volatility is taken as standard deviation of recent N returns (r 1 . r 2 . r N ) of N+1 days.

where is mean of N returns.

The exponentially weighted moving average model depends on

which is often referred to as the decay factor.

Firstly, this parameter defines a relative weight

that is applied to the last return.

This weight also defines the effective amount of data used in estimating volatility. The more the value, the less last observation affects the current dispersion estimation. Secondly, defines the rate of dispersion return to the previous level. The greater the value, the faster dispersion will come back to the previous level after strong return change. The optimal value for current daily dispersion (volatility) is =0.94. For such a value, the evaluation of dispersion can be done on the basis of 50 observations, and return of first day (r 1 ) will be considered with the relative weight of (1-0.94)*0.94^49=0.0029. Even for 30 observations the error will be insignificant.

The formula of the EWMA model can be rearranged to the following form: Thus, the older returns have the lower weights, which are close to zero.

Note, in the standard formula we take all returns with the same weight 1/(N-1)

The chart below shows 30 day historical volatility calculated by the EWMA method and the ordinary historical volatility calculated as a standard deviation of stock returns. As you can see EWMA Volatility almost agrees with ordinary historical volatility, but advantage of using EWMA is that this model requires only the last day's data and no additional recalculations.

The high low historical volatility also can be calculated by the EWMA method. In this case return r t must be calculated as the natural logarithm of the ratio of a stock's high price from the day n to stock's low price from the day t.

And the initial volatility value

is taken as Parkinson's number for the recent N days.

Time Series Definition of ARIMA Models

ARIMA (auto-regressive integrated moving average ) models establish a powerful class of models which can be applied to many real time series. ARIMA models are based on three parts: (1) an autoregressive part, (2) a contribution from a moving average, and (3) a part involving the first derivative of the time series:

The auto-regressive part (AR) of the model has its origin in the theory that individual values of time series can be described by linear models based on preceding observations. For instance: x(t) = 3 x(t-1) - 4 x(t-2). The general formula for describing AR[p]-models (auto-regressive models) is:

The consideration leading to moving average models (MA models) is that time series values can be expressed as being dependent on the preceding estimation errors. Past estimation or forecasting errors are taken into account when estimating the next time series value. The difference between the estimation x(t) and the actually observed value x(t) is denoted e (t). For instance: x(t) = 3 e (t-1) - 4 e (t-2).

The general description of MA[q]-models is:

When combining both AR and MA models, ARMA models are obtained. In general, forecasting with an ARMA [p, q]-model is described using the following equation:

After additional differentiation of the time series, and integrating it after application of the model, one speaks of ARIMA models. They are used when trend filtering is required. The parameter d of the ARIMA[p, d,q]-model determines the number of differentiation steps.

First, the time series is derived d times until it is stationary. Then, a suitable ARMA[p, q] model is fitted to the resulting series. Finally, the estimated forecasts have to be integrated d times.

Many more variants of ARIMA models have been introduced to treat specific cases. Here, the whole group of such models is subsumed under the term ARIMA models. Since their characteristics are determined by the three parameters p, d, and q, they are also referred to as ARIMA[p, d,q]-models. The parameter p denotes the order of the auto-regressive part, the parameter q the order of the moving average part, and d the number of differentiation steps.

Last Update: 2004-Jul-03

Forecasting with time series analysis

What is forecasting?

Forecasting is a method that is used extensively in time series analysis to predict a response variable, such as monthly profits, stock performance, or unemployment figures, for a specified period of time. Forecasts are based on patterns in existing data. For example, a warehouse manager can model how much product to order for the next 3 months based on the previous 12 months of orders.

You can use a variety of time series methods, such as trend analysis, decomposition, or single exponential smoothing, to model patterns in the data and extrapolate those patterns to the future. Choose an analysis method by whether the patterns are static (constant over time) or dynamic (change over time), the nature of the trend and seasonal components, and how far ahead you want to forecast. Before producing forecasts, fit several candidate models to the data to determine which model is the most stable and accurate.

Forecasts for a moving average analysis

The fitted value at time t is the uncentered moving average at time t -1. The forecasts are the fitted values at the forecast origin. If you forecast 10 time units ahead, the forecasted value for each time will be the fitted value at the origin. Data up to the origin are used for calculating the moving averages.

You can use the linear moving averages method by calculating consecutive moving averages. The linear moving averages method is often used when there is a trend in the data. First, calculate and store the moving average of the original series. Then, calculate and store the moving average of the previously stored column to obtain a second moving average.

In naive forecasting, the forecast for time t is the data value at time t -1. Using moving average procedure with a moving average of length one gives naive forecasting.

Forecasts for a single exponential smoothing analysis

The fitted value at time t is the smoothed value at time t-1. The forecasts are the fitted value at the forecast origin. If you forecast 10 time units ahead, the forecasted value for each time will be the fitted value at the origin. Data up to the origin are used for the smoothing.

In naive forecasting, the forecast for time t is the data value at time t-1. Perform single exponential smoothing with a weight of one to do naive forecasting.

Forecasts for a double exponential smoothing analysis

Double exponential smoothing uses the level and trend components to generate forecasts. The forecast for m periods ahead from a point at time t is

L t + mT t . where L t is the level and T t is the trend at time t.

Data up to the forecast origin time will be used for the smoothing.

Forecasts for Winters' method

Winters' method uses the level, trend, and seasonal components to generate forecasts. The forecast for m periods ahead from a point at time t is:

where L t is the level and T t is the trend at time t, multiplied by (or added to for an additive model) the seasonal component for the same period from the previous year.

Winters' Method uses data up to the forecast origin time to generate the forecasts.

Autoregressive moving average model

Visión de conjunto

In statistics. autoregressive moving average ( ARMA ) models . sometimes called Box-Jenkins models after the iterative Box-Jenkins methodology usually used to estimate them, are typically applied to time series data.

Given a time series of data X t . the ARMA model is a tool for understanding and, perhaps, predicting future values in this series. The model consists of two parts, an autoregressive (AR) part and a moving average (MA) part. The model is usually then referred to as the ARMA( p , q ) model where p is the order of the autoregressive part and q is the order of the moving average part (as defined below).

Autoregressive model

The notation AR( p ) refers to the autoregressive model of order p . The AR( p ) model is written

X t = c + ∑ i = 1 p φ i X t − i + ε T =c+\sum _ ^ \varphi _ X_ +\varepsilon _ .\,>

where φ 1. …. φ p ,\ldots ,\varphi _ > are the parameters of the model, c is a constant and ε t > is an error term (see below). The constant term is omitted by many authors for simplicity.

An autoregressive model is essentially an infinite impulse response filter with some additional interpretation placed on it.

Some constraints are necessary on the values of the parameters of this model in order that the model remains stationary. For example, processes in the AR(1) model with |φ 1 | & Gt; 1 are not stationary.

Example: An AR(1)-process

An AR(1)-process is given by:

X t = c + φ X t − 1 + ε T =c+\varphi X_ +\varepsilon _ ,\,>

where ε t > is a white noise process with zero mean and variance σ 2 >. (Note: The subscript on φ 1 > has been dropped.) The process is covariance-stationary if | φ | < 1. If φ = 1 then X t > exhibits a unit root and can also be considered as a random walk. which is not covariance-stationary. Otherwise, the calculation of the expectation of X t > is straightforward. Assuming covariance-stationarity we get

where μ is the mean. For c = 0, then the mean = 0 and the variance is found to be:

It can be seen that the autocovariance function decays with a decay time of τ = − 1 / ln ⁡ ( φ ) [to see this, write B n = K ϕ | n | =K\phi ^ > where K is independent of n . Then note that ϕ | n | = e | n | ln ⁡ ϕ =e^ > and match this to the exponential decay law e − n / τ > ] The spectral density function is the Fourier transform of the autocovariance function. In discrete terms this will be the discrete-time Fourier transform:

This expression contains aliasing due to the discrete nature of the X j >. which is manifested as the cosine term in the denominator. If we assume that the sampling time ( Δ t = 1 ) is much smaller than the decay time ( τ ), then we can use a continuum approximation to B n >.

which yields a Lorentzian profile for the spectral density:

where γ = 1 / τ is the angular frequency associated with the decay time τ .

An alternative expression for X t > can be derived by first substituting c + φ X t − 2 + ε t − 1 +\varepsilon _ > for X t − 1 > in the defining equation. Continuing this process N times yields

X t = c ∑ k = 0 N − 1 φ k + φ N X t − N + ∑ k = 0 N − 1 φ k ε t − K =c\sum _ ^ \varphi ^ +\varphi ^ X_ +\sum _ ^ \varphi ^ \varepsilon _ .>

For N approaching infinity, φ N > will approach zero and:

It is seen that X t > is white noise convolved with the φ k > kernel plus the constant mean. By the central limit theorem. the X t > will be normally distributed as will any sample of X t > which is much longer than the decay time of the autocorrelation function.

Calculation of the AR parameters

The AR( p ) model is given by the equation

X t = ∑ i = 1 p φ i X t − i + ε T =\sum _ ^ \varphi _ X_ +\varepsilon _ .\,>

It is based on parameters φ i > where i = 1. p . Those parameters may be calculated using least squares regression or the Yule-Walker equations .

where m = 0. p . yielding p  + 1 equations. γ m > is the autocorrelation function of X, σ ε > is the standard deviation of the input noise process, and δ m is the Kronecker delta function.

Because the last part of the equation is non-zero only if m = 0, the equation is usually solved by representing it as a matrix for m > 0, thus getting equation

[ γ 1 γ 2 γ 3 ⋮ ] = [ γ 0 γ − 1 γ − 2 … γ 1 γ 0 γ − 1 … γ 2 γ 1 γ 0 … … … … … ] [ φ 1 φ 2 φ 3 ⋮ ] \gamma _ \\\gamma _ \\\gamma _ \\\vdots \\\end >= \gamma _ &\gamma _ &\gamma _ &\dots \\\gamma _ &\gamma _ &\gamma _ &\dots \\\gamma _ &\gamma _ &\gamma _ &\dots \\\dots &\dots &\dots &\dots \\\end > \varphi _ \\\varphi _ \\\varphi _ \\\vdots \\\end >>


The equation defining the AR process is

X t = ∑ i = 1 p φ i X t − i + ε T =\sum _ ^ \varphi _ \,X_ +\varepsilon _ .\,>

Multiplying both sides by X t  −  m and taking expected value yields

E [ X t X t − m ] = E [ ∑ i = 1 p φ i X t − i X t − m ] + E [ ε t X t − m ]. X_ ]=E\left[\sum _ ^ \varphi _ \,X_ X_ \right]+E[\varepsilon _ X_ ].>

Now, E[ X t X t  −  m ] = γ m by definition of the autocorrelation function. The values of the noise function are independent of each other, and X t  −  m is independent of ε t where m is greater than zero. For m > 0, E[ε t X t  −  m ] = 0. For m = 0,

E [ ε t X t ] = E [ ε t ( ∑ i = 1 p φ i X t − i + ε t ) ] = ∑ i = 1 p φ i E [ ε t X t − i ] + E [ ε t 2 ] = 0 + σ ε 2. X_ ]=E\left[\varepsilon _ \left(\sum _ ^ \varphi _ \,X_ +\varepsilon _ \right)\right]=\sum _ ^ \varphi _ \,E[\varepsilon _ \,X_ ]+E[\varepsilon _ ^ ]=0+\sigma _ ^ ,>

Now we have, for m ≥ 0,

γ m = E [ ∑ i = 1 p φ i X t − i X t − m ] + σ ε 2 δ metro. =E\left[\sum _ ^ \varphi _ \,X_ X_ \right]+\sigma _ ^ \delta _ .>

E [ ∑ i = 1 p φ i X t − i X t − m ] = ∑ i = 1 p φ i E [ X t X t − m + i ] = ∑ i = 1 p φ i γ m − yo. ^ \varphi _ \,X_ X_ \right]=\sum _ ^ \varphi _ \,E[X_ X_ ]=\sum _ ^ \varphi _ \,\gamma _ ,>

which yields the Yule-Walker equations:

Moving average model

The notation MA( q ) refers to the moving average model of order q .

X t = ε t + ∑ i = 1 q θ i ε t − i =\varepsilon _ +\sum _ ^ \theta _ \varepsilon _ \,>

where the θ 1 . θ q are the parameters of the model and the ε t . ε t-1 . are again, the error terms. The moving average model is essentially a finite impulse response filter with some additional interpretation placed on it.

Autoregressive moving average model

The notation ARMA( p . q ) refers to the model with p autoregressive terms and q moving average terms. This model contains the AR( p ) and MA( q ) models,

X t = ε t + ∑ i = 1 p φ i X t − i + ∑ i = 1 q θ i ε t − yo. =\varepsilon _ +\sum _ ^ \varphi _ X_ +\sum _ ^ \theta _ \varepsilon _ .\,>

Note about the error terms

N(0,σ 2 ) where σ 2 is the variance. These assumptions may be weakened but doing so will change the properties of the model. In particular, a change to the i. i.d. assumption would make a rather fundamental difference.

Specification in terms of lag operator

In some texts the models will be specified in terms of the lag operator L . In these terms then the AR( p ) model is given by

ε t = ( 1 − ∑ i = 1 p φ i L i ) X t = φ X t =\left(1-\sum _ ^ \varphi _ L^ \right)X_ =\varphi X_ \,>

where φ represents the polynomial

The MA( q ) model is given by

X t = ( 1 + ∑ i = 1 q θ i L i ) ε t = θ ε t =\left(1+\sum _ ^ \theta _ L^ \right)\varepsilon _ =\theta \varepsilon _ \,>

where θ represents the polynomial

Finally, the combined ARMA( p . q ) model is given by

( 1 − ∑ i = 1 p φ i L i ) X t = ( 1 + ∑ i = 1 q θ i L i ) ε t ^ \varphi _ L^ \right)X_ =\left(1+\sum _ ^ \theta _ L^ \right)\varepsilon _ \,>

or more concisely,

Fitting models

ARMA models in general can, after choosing p and q, be fitted by least squares regression to find the values of the parameters which minimize the error term. It is generally considered good practice to find the smallest values of p and q which provide an acceptable fit to the data. For a pure AR model the Yule-Walker equations may be used to provide a fit.


ARMA is appropriate when a system is a function of a series of unobserved shocks (the MA part) as well as its own behavior. For example, stock prices may be shocked by fundamental information as well as exhibiting technical trending and mean-reversion effects due to market participants.


The dependence of X t on past values and the error terms ε t is assumed to be linear unless specified otherwise. If the dependence is nonlinear, the model is specifically called a nonlinear moving average (NMA), nonlinear autoregressive (NAR), or nonlinear autoregressive moving average (NARMA) model.

Autoregressive moving average models can be generalized in other ways. See also autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) models and autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models. If multiple time series are to be fitted then a vector ARIMA (or VARIMA) model may be fitted. If the time-series in question exhibits long memory then fractional ARIMA (FARIMA, sometimes called ARFIMA) modelling is appropriate. If the data is thought to contain seasonal effects, it may be modeled by a SARIMA (seasonal ARIMA) or a periodic ARMA model.

Another generalization is the multiscale autoregressive (MAR) model. A MAR model is indexed by the nodes of a tree, whereas a standard (discrete time) autoregressive model is indexed by integers. See multiscale autoregressive model for a list of references.

Autoregressive moving average model with exogenous inputs model (ARMAX model)

The notation ARMAX( p . q . b ) refers to the model with p autoregressive terms, q moving average terms and b eXogenous inputs terms. This model contains the AR( p ) and MA( q ) models and a linear combination of the last b terms of a known and external time series d t >. It is given by:

X t = ε t + ∑ i = 1 p φ i X t − i + ∑ i = 1 q θ i ε t − i + ∑ i = 1 b η i d t − yo. =\varepsilon _ +\sum _ ^ \varphi _ X_ +\sum _ ^ \theta _ \varepsilon _ +\sum _ ^ \eta _ d_ .\,>

Ver también


George Box. Gwilym M. Jenkins. and Gregory C. Reinsel. Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control . third edition. Prentice-Hall, 1994.

Mills, Terence C. Time Series Techniques for Economists. Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Percival, Donald B. and Andrew T. Walden. Spectral Analysis for Physical Applications. Cambridge University Press, 1993.

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Asset Allocation Models Based on Moving Averages Are Dumb

Asset allocation models based on moving averages are dumb in the sense that they cannot adjust to changing market conditions. They are also risky because they reflect wishful thinking. Below is my analysis for open-minded individuals who place reason over hype.

Asset allocation models based on moving averages are usually sold on the basis of historical outperformance of the S&P 500 total return at reduced risk. However, the longer-term backtests shown are often based on non tradable indexes, such as the S&P 500, the MSCI EAFE, NAREIT and also on difficult-to-trade for the retail crowd assets, such as fixed income, commodities and gold. Why is that a problem?

Before I answer this question I want to emphasize that I am not disputing the existence of the momentum premium and the benefits of asset allocation. What I am disputing is the evidence provided to convince the retail crowd that these can be exploited easily. I list a few reasons for this below:

Before 1993 (SPY inception) it was difficult for a retail investor to track the S&P 500 index. An index tracking portfolio was required to minimize transaction cost and that was an art and science known only to investment banks.

Products for tracking developed stock markets, bonds, gold and commodities appeared after 2000. Before that it was difficult for the retail crowd to effectively allocate to these assets without using derivatives or other securities or funds.

Some have argued that transaction cost is not important due to the infrequent rebalancing of allocation schemes based on monthly data but, in reality, there was continuous rebalancing of the underline indexes. For example, any backtests on S&P 500 index before SPY was available implicitly assume rebalancing of index tracking portfolios. Note that although the math of index tracking was exciting, this approach lost its appeal in the 1990s due to high transaction cost and tracking error problems.

More importantly, most asset allocation and momentum systems presented in the literature are data-mined and conditioned on price series properties that may not be present in the future. Showing robustness to moving average variations is not enough to prove that such methods are not artifacts of data-mining bias.

In this blog I will concentrate on two of the above issues. First I will show through a randomization study that a moving average model lacks intelligence and then I will explain why such models are based on wishful thinking.

Moving average crossover models are dumb

One way to show that a trading model is dumb is by demonstrating that it underperforms a sufficiently large percentage of random models that have similar properties. For the purpose of this study we will consider adjusted SPY monthly data that reflect total S&P 500 return in the period 01/1994 to 07/2015. The “dumb model” is a 3-10 moving average crossover system, i. e. a system that fully invests in SPY when the 3-month moving average crosses above the 10-month moving average and exits the position when the opposite occurs. This is a popular moving average crossover used in some widely publicized asset allocation methods. This system has generated 8 long trades in SPY since 01/1994 and has outperformed buy and hold by about 110 basis points at a much lower maximum drawdown. The rules of the system are as follows

I f monthly MA(3) > monthly MA(10) buy at the next open Exit at the next open if MA(3) < monthly MA(10)

The equity curve of this system is shown below:

Below are some key performance statistics of this system:

It may be seen that the timing models generated about 110 basis points of annual excess return as compared to buy and hold but at a much lower drawdown.

I just want to emphasize at this point that the job of every serious trading system developer is not to try to find support for the result of a backtest but instead to try to discredit it. Unfortunately, exactly the opposite happens in most publications. For example, varying the moving averages and claiming that because the system remains profitable it is robust, is not enough. We will consider in the second part of this blog an example but first we will test this system for intelligence.

One way of testing a system for possessing intelligence is through a suitable randomization of performance. For this particular moving average system, we will randomize performance by generating random moving average crossovers for each entry point that range from 1 to 8 for the fast and from 2 to 20 for the slow. We will consider only those systems with slow ma > fast ma. In addition we will randomize the entry point by tossing a coin and we will require that in addition to the crossover condition, heads show up. On top of that, the exit will be set to a number of bars that are randomly sampled between 5 and 55. Note that the average number of months in a position for the original system was 25.

Each random run is repeated 20,000 times and the CAR is calculated. Then the cumulative frequency distribution of CAR is plotted as shown below:

The CAR of 10.42% of the original 3-10 crossover system results in a p-value of 0.117. This p-value is not low enough to reject the null hypothesis that the system is not intelligent. in fact, the system generated lower return than about 12% of the random systems, as shown by the vertical red line on the above chart.

Note that well curve-fitted systems always result in low p-value and that makes this method not very robust in general. However, this method provided in this case an initial indication that the 3-10 moving average crossover system in SPY lacks intelligence. Again, this is because 12% random system performed better than the original system. However, there is another more practical way of showing that this system is data-mined, dumb and that its performance is based on wishful thinking.

Moving average crossover models are based on wishful thinking

The reason for this is that these models assume that the past will remain similar to the future. In the case of the SPY system, the model assumes that uptrends and downtrends will be smooth enough and come in V-shapes with no protracted periods of sideways price action. We do not know if this will be the case in the U. S. stock market in the future but relying on such assumptions is wishful thinking. One can get a taste of what may happen to an account that invests with such a model by a backtest on EEM data from 01/2010 to 07/2015, a period of 5 1/2 years during which the emerging markets ETF moved for all practical purposes sideways. Below is the backtested equity curve:

Below are some performance details:

It may be seen that the 3-10 moving average crossover system based on monthly data performed exceptionally bad during the sideways market period, losing 35.22% as opposed to a gain of 1.14% for the buy and hold.

Can the U. S. stock market move sideways for an extended period of time? I cannot answer this question. My point here was that moving average crossover systems on monthly data, the types used in some asset allocation models, assume V-shaped reversals from downtrends to uptrends with no protracted choppy action in between. Therefore, the future performance of such systems is based on wishful thinking. These systems are dumb and risky.

Ninety nine percent of systems in the trading literature are data-mined. There is nothing wrong with that in principle except the fact that data-mined systems are 99.999% or more curve-fitted on market conditions. It is an art and a science to distinguish those that are not from the many that are and in fact this is the trading edge, it is not the system. Nowadays, a computer can generate hundreds of systems per minute. Proving that systems are intelligent is the true edge, not their generation. This will remain an art and science that no mechanical process will ever be able to accomplish for all cases.

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8 Responses to Asset Allocation Models Based on Moving Averages Are Dumb

Fred Dobbs says:

I don't know how much you can rely on testing something like the SPY system you present that only showed 8 trades even after you do a simulation. The EEM slice of time you present is only 5.5 years, which is a very short period. One can always find short periods like that, but they may not represent long run expectations.

Have the seen this paper by Zakamulin? http://papers. ssrn. com/sol3/papers. cfm? abstract_id=2585056 He tests a number of different MA methods on the S&P Composite index on over 158 years of data. Yes, I know costs are not included, but the results are very strong and low-cost index funds are available now. His conclusion is: "Whereas over very long-term horizons the market timing strategy is almost sure to outperform the market on a risk-adjusted basis, over more realistic medium-term horizons the market timing strategy is equally likely to outperform as to underperform. Yet we find that the average outperformance is greater than the average underperformance." He also has another paper on robustness testing of MAs.

"I don't know how much you can rely on testing something like the SPY system you present that only showed 8 trades even after you do a simulation."

I did not present the system. This system is a part of some well-known allocation methods (ex. Faber).

"The EEM slice of time you present is only 5.5 years, which is a very short period."

Do you think that 5.5 years of devastating losses is a short period of time? This is a recent market unlike studies that go back when there were no cars, computers, even electricity or telephones and people moved around on horses. I wonder why an sane person would pay attention to these studies that only reflect data-mining bias and wishful thinking.

"Have the seen this paper by Zakamulin?"

I have learnt over the years to rely on my own work. There are many issues with backtests, many assumptions and data-mining bias. I started backtesting systems in the mid 1980s unlike some authors who only discovered backtesting in the last few years. Backtesting is more of an art than a science.

MAs are a dangerous indicator for market timing. Performance deteriorates fast during sideways and fast markets. Relying on MAs is indistinguishable from gambling with money. Outperformance is due to luck as a general rule.

"over more realistic medium-term horizons the market timing strategy is equally likely to outperform as to underperform"

This is wishful thinking, it is not science. But before that he concludes:

"Third, we did find support for the claim that one can beat the market by timing it. Yet the chances for beating the market depend on the length of the investment horizon"

Fred, it boils down to this: very long backtests fool naive market researchers due to stock market structural bias. Rules play no role. See for example:

Michael, I agree with you that moving average cross over systems are largely random. A trend following system based on this will do very poorly on equity indices in the past three years even though the underline equity indices themself are doing very well. A very long back test only ensure that you are more likely to run into a period where this strategy does extremly well so as to lift the overall metrics to a good level. It does not say anything about goinng forward it would work or not. It's unknow. The best I think we can do is to apply this kind of systems equally on a variety of uncorrelated assets. For example, while trend following does not work on equity indices in the past three years, it seems to work very well on currencies.

Again great article!

"The best I think we can do is to apply this kind of systems equally on a variety of uncorrelated assets."

I think this is the key but one problem is that correlation varies and instruments may get correlated during certain period. CTAs have struggled in recent years although their trend-following methods still carry a positive skew from the 1990s. Take a look at performance here in the last 5 years.

Note that 2011, 2012 and 2013 marked the first two and three consecutive losing streaks for CTAs. Remember that CTAs mostly use MAs and other similar longer-term indicators.

thx for your analysis. i read it with a lot of interest, because some time ago i was advicing friends of mine to an asset allocation system with ma. they are just getting started with their jobs and so they wanted to know what to do with their money. as i did read some ma and ma with asset allocation studies i thought this would be a good way to go (implemented with ETFs, yes i know ETFs are no holy grail). i want to express that expection of an investment is one important point, like the possible risk (i told them that if you cant take a 50% drawdown you should not start investing in stocks, with or without ma's) in deciding what to do for my friends, but also there is an effort factor. if you have a job and not much time/interest in investing your possibilities are llimited. you can simply go buy and hold, buy fonds (i do think that the probability that a fond beats buy and hold is pretty low) or do some very simply strategie (like ma's), which hopefully gives you a realistic chance for outperformance versus buy and hold after several years. so my question: do you think my advice for my friends using such a ma asset allocation is a good/bad advice, do you know of possible alternative strategies or do you have other ideas to this topic ?

Hard rock caf uses a group process involving a forecasting methods: Can do this. Average of. And interval. T. seasonal component. Which the notion that uses a very interested in. View three month weighted moving average forecasting. Best? d t, the simple moving average, the best estimate of demand is. Method to fore. History: two real se. Average forecast utilizing the moving average is the prior forecast. Trend analysis. For a weighted moving average: run a time series forecast values, is an estimate. Database of the time varying control applications to find the weighted moving average of the.

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Forecasting Computer Usage

Julie M. Hays University of St. Thomas

Journal of Statistics Education Volume 11, Number 1 (2003), www. amstat. org/publications/jse/v11n1/datasets. hays. html

Copyright y copia; 2003 by Julie M. Hays, all rights reserved. This text may be freely shared among individuals, but it may not be republished in any medium without express written consent from the author and advance notification of the editor.

Key Words: Causal forecasting; Model-building; Seasonal Variation; Simple linear regression; Time-series forecasting; Transformations.


The dataset bestbuy. dat. txt contains actual monthly data on computer usage (Millions of Instructions Per Second, MIPS) and total number of stores from August 1996 to July 2000. Additionally, information on the planned number of stores through December 2001 is available. This dataset can be used to compare time-series forecasting with trend and seasonality components and causal forecasting based on simple linear regression. The simple linear regression model exhibits unequal error variances, suggesting a transformation of the dependent variable.

1. Introduction

One of the most prevalent uses of regression analysis in actual business settings is for forecasting. For a summary of some forecasting methods see Armstrong (2001) or Arsham (2002). The bestbuy. dat. txt dataset can be used to demonstrate and discuss both time-series and causal forecasting. Time constraints and the interests and needs of the students determine whether I supply the analyses or have the students perform the analyses.

I have used this dataset throughout the semester in an MBA Decision Analyses class. This class is a core requirement for all evening MBA students and covers a range of decision analysis and statistical topics, including regression analysis and forecasting. Most students are required to take an introductory business statistics course prior to this course, so they have had some exposure to statistical topics, but few students have any academic experience with forecasting.

Best Buy Co. Inc. (NYSE:BBY), headquartered in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, is the largest volume specialty retailer of consumer electronics, personal computers, entertainment software and appliances. In August of each year, Best Buy purchases mainframe MIPS (Millions of Instructions Per Second, a measure of computing resources) in anticipation of the coming holiday season. Computing resources are needed to track and analyze retail information needed for billing, inventory, and sales. For planning and budgeting purposes they also wish to forecast the number of MIPS needed the following year. Best Buy Corporation actually used this dataset to predict computer usage in order to budget for and purchase an appropriate amount of computing power. However, prior to 2001, Best Buy did not do any statistical analysis of this data. Best Buy only looked at the numbers (they did not even graph the data) and then guessed at the amount of MIPS needed in the coming year.

Students are asked to forecast the MIPS needed for December 2000 and December 2001 using the bestbuy. dat. txt dataset. This dataset was obtained from the Best Buy Corporation and contains monthly data on computer usage (MIPS) and total number of stores from August 1996 to July 2000. Additionally, information on the planned number of stores through December 2001 is available.

Students can easily understand the seasonality that retail operations experience. Best Buy Corporation has experienced significant growth over the past few years and most students understand that as a firm grows, their need for computing power also increases. Therefore, this dataset can be used to demonstrate time-series forecasting with both a trend and seasonality.

This dataset can also be used to demonstrate causal forecasting based on simple linear regression of computer usage and number of stores. The simple linear regression model exhibits unequal error variances, suggesting a transformation of the dependent variable.

Finally, a comparison between the time-series model and causal model can be made and discussed with the students.

2. Time Series Forecasting

Before I allow the students to begin any numerical analyses, I have the students plot computer usage versus time. I have the students “forecast” the number of MIPS needed for December 2000 and December 2001 using only the plot of computer usage (MIPS) versus time, Figure 1. The plot clearly shows a trend in MIPS usage with time. Typically, students “eyeball” the graph and predict MIPS usage of 500 for December 2000 and 600 for December 2001.

Figure 1. MIPS vs Time.

Students who actually fit a line to the data forecast MIPS usage of 527 for December 2000 and 624 for December 2001 (Figure 2 ).

Figure 2. MIPS vs Time.

I introduce simple moving average, weighted moving average and exponential smoothing forecasting techniques to the students before they attempt to use these forecasting models to predict future MIPS usage. I also discuss the evaluation of forecasting models using MAD and CFE (explained below). The interested reader can find more detailed discussions of these topics in Stevenson (2002) or at Sparling (2002).

Moving Average An n - period moving average is the average value over the previous n time periods. As you move forward in time, the oldest time period is dropped from the analysis.

Weighted Moving Average An n - period weighted moving average allows you to place more weight on more recent time periods by weighting those time periods more heavily.

Exponential Smoothing The forecast for the next period using exponential smoothing is a smoothing constant, ( 0 1), times the demand in the current period plus (1- smoothing constant) times the forecast for the current period. where F t+1 is the forecast for the next time period, F t is the forecast for the current time period, D t is the demand in the current time period, and 0 1 is the smoothing constant. To initiate the forecast, assume F 1 = D 1 . Higher values of a place more weight on the more current time periods.

Because this model is less intuitive, I usually expand this equation to help the students understand that demand from time periods prior to the current period is included in this model. and where D t-1 is the demand in the previous time period, D t-2 is the demand in the time period before the previous time period, and F t-1 is the forecast in the previous time period, and F t-2 is the forecast in the time period before the previous time period.

Because the data storage requirements are considerably less than for the moving average model, this type of model was used extensively in the past. Now, although data storage is not usually an issue, it is typical of real-world business applications because of its historical usage.

Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) The evaluation of forecasting models is based on the desire to produce forecasts that are unbiased and accurate. The Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) is one common measure of forecast accuracy.

Cumulative sum of Forecast Errors (CFE) The Cumulative sum of Forecast Errors (CFE) is a common measure of forecast bias.

“Better” models would have lower MAD and CFE close to zero.

After explaining these techniques, I have the students work through the following simple example in class. I give the students the demand profile (Table 1 ) and have them calculate forecasts using a 3-period moving average and exponential smoothing with a smoothing constant of 0.2. I also have them calculate the MAD and CFE for both models. We discuss using the MAD and CFE to determine the “best” model.

I also point out to the students that I have arbitrarily chosen the number of periods for the moving average model and the smoothing constant for the exponential smoothed model. I discuss using MAD and CFE to determine the “best” choice for these variables.

Table 1. In-class forecasting example.

All numbers rounded to the nearest hundredth

Once the students are familiar with these techniques, I have them estimate MIPS for December 2000 and 2001 using a 3-period moving average and exponential smoothing with a smoothing constant of 0.2 (Figure 3 ). This can be done using Excel, Minitab or any statistics package. The forecast for the 3-period moving average is 463 MIPS and for the exponential smoothed is 450 MIPS.

Figure 3. Actual and forecast MIPS.

The students can easily see that there is a “problem” with their forecasts. Although I have told the students that exponential smoothing and moving average forecasting models are only appropriate for stationary data, they don’t really understand this until they try to use the technique. This exercise helps the students understand that moving average and exponential smoothing are really only averaging techniques and helps them comprehend the need to account for trends in forecasting. I demonstrate adjusting for trends by using double exponential smoothing. Double exponential smoothing is a modification of simple exponential smoothing that effectively handles linear trends. Good explanations of this technique can be found in Wilson and Keating (2002) or at Group6 (2002).

Double Exponential Smoothing

where F t+1 is the forecast for the next time period,

A t is the exponentially smoothed level component in the current period where F t is the forecast for the current time period, D t is the demand in the current time period, and 0 1 is the smoothing constant and T t is the exponentially smoothed trend component in the current period. where 0 1 is the smoothing constant for the trend, T t-1 is the trend in the previous period, and C t is the current trend

The forecast for n periods into the future is

After I explain this model, I have the students go back and re-estimate their forecast using this model (Figure 4 ). Minitab has these functions built in and will compute the optimal smoothing parameters, and , based on minimizing the sum of squared errors, but any statistics package could be used. Minitab will also compute Mean Absolute Prediction Error (MAPE), Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD), Mean Square Error (MSE) and provides 95% confidence prediction intervals (see Figure 4 ).

The forecasts obtained are essentially the same as the forecasts obtained from fitting a line to the data, MIPS usage of 527 for December 2000 and 624 for December 2001.

Figure 4. Optimal double exponential smoothed.

I ask the students if they are happy with their forecast now or if there is anything else they need to do. I supply a plot of errors versus time for the double exponential smoothed model with the December errors highlighted (Figure 5 ). Most students are aware that retail firms have their highest sales during the Christmas season (December). Therefore, students typically mention seasonality and we discuss the possible ways that we could account for seasonality.

Figure 5. Double exponential smoothed model errors.

The students usually mention both an additive and multiplicative adjustment for seasonality using all the past data or only some of the past data. Simple explanations of these two techniques can be found in Hanke and Reitsch (1998) or at Nau (2002). In other words, we could compare the forecast for December 1999 to the actual for December 1999 and for the additive model we would add this difference to our forecast for December 2000. Or, for the multiplicative model, we would multiply the forecast for December 2000 by the actual December 1999/forecast December 1999. They carry this further and discuss using the data from 1998, 1997, and 1996 to produce an average adjustment. I lead the discussion towards the smoothing techniques we have been discussing and how we could use these types of techniques to come up with seasonal adjustments for our forecasts. I explain that Winter developed just such a technique of triple exponential smoothing. Winter’s technique basically adds (or multiplies) a smoothed seasonal adjustment to the model, similar to the addition of a smoothed adjustment for a trend in the double exponential smoothed model. The interested reader can find the calculation formulas and explanations of triple exponential smoothing (or Winter’s method) in Minitab (1998b) or Prins (2002a).

I use Minitab to demonstrate Winter’s model (Figure 6 ) because the calculations for this method are fairly complex and most students only need to have a general understanding of this type of technique. Using Winter’s model the forecast for December 2000 is 521 MIPS and the forecast for December 2001 is 606 MIPS.

I also use this opportunity to mention ARIMA models and direct interested students to resources such as Minitab (1998a) for more information about ARIMA models.

Figure 6. Winter's Method.

3. Causal Forecasting

I supply the students with a plot of computer usage (MIPS) vs. number of stores (Figure 7 ) and again have them “forecast” computer usage for December 2000 and December 2001. Best Buy believes that they will have 394 stores in December of 2000 and 445 stores in December of 2001.

Figure 7. MIPS vs number of stores.

Again most students “eyeball” the graph and use graphical linear extrapolation to arrive at their forecast. They predict usage of 600 MIPS for December 2000 and 800 MIPS for December 2001.

I have the students perform a simple linear regression of MIPS on number of stores and produce the residual plot (Figures 8 and 9 ). I use this opportunity to emphasize the usefulness of the residual plot in evaluating the model. I highlight the “megaphone” shape of the residual plot (the residuals are increasing as the number of stores increases) and explain that this implies that a transformation of the dependent variable is indicated.

Figure 8. MIPS vs number of stores.

Figure 9. MIPS vs number of stores residual plot.

Although I used the Box-Cox procedure (Box and Cox 1964 ) to determine the appropriate transformation, this technique is beyond the scope of this class. Therefore, I just tell the students that the appropriate transformation is square root of MIPS and mention that there are mathematical techniques that can be used to determine the appropriate transformation. I direct interested students to Neter, Kutner, Nachtsheim, and Wasserman (1996) or Prins (2002b) for descriptions of this technique.

I have the students re-estimate the regression equation and produce the residual plot for this regression (Figures 10 and 11 ). Although the R 2 is slightly lower, the residuals are now more evenly distributed.

Figure 10. Square root MIPS vs number of stores.

Figure 11. Square root MIPS vs number of stores residual plot.

I also have the students predict computer usage for December 2000 and December 2001 using the fitted equation. If students have difficulty predicting MIPS, because of the square root transformation of MIPS, I explain the calculations in class. The new predictions are 664 MIPS for December 2000 and 977 MIPS for December 2001.

Again, an adjustment for seasonality could be made. Although, any of the seasonality adjustments discussed in the previous section could be used here, I usually have the students use an average multiplicative adjustment. This could be done by calculating actual/predicted for all months, averaging these seasonal factors for each particular month and multiplying the resulting seasonal factor by the predicted value. If this is done, the new predictions for December 2000 and December 2001 are 700 MIPS and 1029 MIPS.

4. Comparison of Methods

After the students have used the various methods to predict MIPS usage, I have them discuss which method they have most confidence in and why they believe that that model is the best. Several important points can be made here.

First, I emphasize that forecasting is a very imperfect science and no technique can perfectly predict the future. The “best” technique will balance the accuracy needed with the complexity (or cost) of the model.

Second, I emphasize the value of “plotting the data.” One of the best (and easiest) methods to evaluate various models is a visual examination of the data and forecasts that would be produced by the method under consideration.

Third, I emphasize the need to account for trends and seasonality if those are present in the data. Moving averages and exponential smoothing are appropriate forecasting methods only if the data are stationary. If there are trends and/or seasonalities present, more sophisticated methods should be used.

Finally, we discuss the difficulty inherent in finding a causal predictor for most values we wish to predict in business environments.

5. Conclusion

The dataset bestbuy. dat. txt can be used to demonstrate both time series and causal forecasting. Analysis of the dataset leads to a discussion and comparison of the positives and negatives of various forecasting methods.

6. Obtaining the Data

The file bestbuy. dat. txt contains the raw data. The file bestbuy. txt is a documentation file containing a brief description of the dataset.

Appendix - Key to the variables in bestbuy. dat. txt

Trend-following is one of the oldest investment methods

Labeled as technical analysis, trend-following went largely un-researched by academics

Research of cross-sectional momentum exploded after Narasimhan Jegadeesh and Sheridan Titman published their seminal 1992 study, but time-series momentum remained largely ignored until after 2008

Price-based trend-following techniques, like moving average systems, remained separate from return-based time-series momentum techniques.

New research shows that moving average systems and time-series momentum ­ are mathematically-linked techniques

In 1838, James Grant published The Great Metropolis, Volume 2. Within, he spoke of David Ricardo, an English political economist that was active in the London markets in the late 1700s and early 1800s. Ricardo amassed a large fortune trading both bonds and stocks. According to Grant, Ricardo’s success was attributed to three golden rules:

“As I have mentioned the name of Mr. Ricardo, I may observe that he amassed his immense fortune by a scrupulous attention to what he called his own three golden rules, the observance of which he used to press on his private friends. These were, “Never refuse an option* when you can get it,”—”Cut short your losses,”—”Let your profits run on.” By cutting short one’s losses, Mr. Ricardo meant that when a member had made a purchase of stock, and prices were falling, he ought to resell immediately. And by letting one’s profits run on he meant, that when a member possessed stock, and prices were raising, he ought not to sell until prices had reached their highest, and were beginning again to fall. These are, indeed, golden rules, and may be applied with advantage to innumerable other transactions than those connected with the Stock Exchange.”

“Cut short your losses” and “let your profits run on” became the core tenets of trend-following.

Other prominent early trend-followers include:

Charles H. Dow, founder and first editor of the Wall Street Journal as well as co-founder of Dow Jones and Company

Jesse Livermore, who is quoted by Edwin Lefèvre as having said, "[t]he big money was not in the individual fluctuations but in the main movements. sizing up the entire market and its trend."

Richard Wyckoff, whose method involved entering long positions only when the market was trending up and shorting when the market was trending down.

There was even an early academic study of trend-following performed by Alfred Cowles III and Herbert Jones in 1933. In the study, titled Some A Posteriori Probabilities in Stock Market Action . they focus on counting the number of sequences – times when positive returns were followed by positive returns, or negative returns were followed by negative returns – to reversals – times when positive returns are followed by negative returns, and vice versa.

Cowles and Jones evaluated the ratio of these sequences and reversals in stock prices over periods ranging 20 minutes to 3 years. Their results:

It was found that, for every series with intervals between observations of from 20 minutes up to and including 3 years, the sequences out-numbered the reversals. For example, in the case of the monthly series from 1835 to 1935, a total of 1200 observations, there were 748 sequences and 450 reversals. That is, the probability appeared to be .625 that, if the market had risen in a given month, it would rise in the succeeding month, or, if it had fallen, that it would continue to decline for another month. The standard deviation for such a long series constructed by random penny tossing would be 17.3; therefore the deviation of 149 from the expected value of 599 is in excess of eight times the standard deviation. The probability of obtaining such a result in a penny-tossing series is infinitesimal.

Despite promising empirical and theoretical results for trend-following, the next academic studies would not come until nearly a century later.

In 1934, Benjamin Graham and David Dodd published Security Analysis . Later, in 1949, they published The Intelligent Investor.

In these weighty tomes, they outline their methods for successful investing. Graham and Dodd’s method focused on evaluating the financial state of the underlying business. Their objective was to identify a company’s intrinsic value and purchase stock when the market offered a substantial discount to that value.

For Graham and Dodd, anything else was mere speculation.

Graham and Dodd gave fundamental investors – and specifically value investors ­– their bible.

Anything, then, that was not fundamental investing was technical analysis. And since trend-following relied only on evaluating past prices, it was labeled technical analysis.

Unfortunately, academics largely dismissed technical analysis through the 1900s. This is likely due to the fact that it was difficult to study and test. Practitioners follow a large number of different techniques. Sometimes these different techniques can lead to contradictory predictions between technicians.

But in 1993, Narasimhan Jegadeesh and Sheridan Titman published Returns to Buying Winners and Selling Losers: Implications for Stock Market Efficiency. In their paper, they outlined an investment strategy that purchased stocks that had outperformed their peers and sold stocks that had underperformed.

Jegadeesh and Titman called their approach relative strength – a term that had been long used by technicians. Now it is sometimes called cross-sectional momentum . relative momentum, or often just momentum .

This simple method outlined by Jegadeesh and Titman created statistically significant positive returns that could not be explained by common risk factors.

This paper ushered in an era of momentum research, with academics exploring how the technique fared across geographies, time-frames, and asset classes. The results were that momentum was surprisingly robust.

Despite the success of relative strength . interest in its close cousin trend-following was still nowhere to be found.

Until the financial crisis of 2008.

Technically, one of the most popular research papers about trend-following – Mebane Faber’s A Quantitative Approach to Tactical Asset Allocation – was published in 2006. But the majority of interest from academics occurred post-2008.

We attribute this interest to trend-following’s risk mitigation properties.

The studies typically fall into two camps.

In the first camp was the study of trend-following, which tended to follow simple mechanical systems, like moving averages. Faber (2006) fell into this camp, using a 10-month moving average cross-over.

There are several variations of these systems. For example, one might use the cross of price over the moving average as a signal. Another might use the cross of a shorter moving average over a longer. Finally, some may even use directional changes in the moving average as the signal.

Others tended to focus on what would become known as time-series momentum ­ . In time-series momentum, the trading signal is generated when the total return over a given period crosses over the zero-line.

One of the most prominent studies for time-series momentum was Moskowitz, Ooi, and Pedersen (2011), which demonstrated the anomaly was significant in 58 liquid equity index, currency, commodity, and bond futures.

Trend-following moving average rules were still considered to be technical trading rules versus the quantitative approach of time-series momentum. Perhaps the biggest difference is that the trend-following camp tended to focus on techniques using prices while the momentum camp focused on returns.

However, research over the last half-decade actually shows that they are mathematically related strategies.

Bruder, Dao, Richard, and Roncalli’s 2011 Trend Filtering Methods for Momentum Strategies united moving-average cross-over strategies and time-series momentum by showing that cross-overs were really just an alternative weighting scheme for returns in time-series momentum. To quote,

The weighting of each return … forms a triangle, and the biggest weighting is given at the horizon of the smallest moving average. Therefore, depending on the horizon n 2 of the shortest moving average, the indicator can be focused toward the current trend (if n 2 is small) or toward past trends (if n 2 is as large as n 1 /2 for instance).

In Marshall, Nguyen and Visaltanachoti’s Time-Series Momentum versus Moving Average Trading Rules . published in 2012, time-series momentum is shown to be related to changes in direction of a moving average. In fact, time-series momentum signals will not occur until the moving average changes direction.

Therefore, moving average rules which rely on price crossing the moving average are likely to occur before a change in signal from time-series momentum.

Similar to Bruder, Dao, Richard, and Roncalli, Levine and Pedersen show that time-series momentum and moving average cross-overs are highly related in their 2015 paper Which Trend is Your Friend? . They also find that time-series momentum and moving-average cross-over strategies perform similarly across 58 liquid futures and forward contracts.

In their 2015 paper Uncovering Trend Rules, Beekhuizen and Hallerbach also link moving averages with returns, but further explore trend rules with skip periods and the popular MACD (moving average convergence divergence) rule. Using the implied link of moving averages and returns, they show that the MACD is as much trend following as it is mean-reversion.

These studies are important because they help validate the approach of price-based systems. Being mathematically linked, technical approaches like moving averages can now be linked to the same theoretical basis as the growing body of work in time-series momentum.

Market practitioners have long held that the trend is your friend and academic literature has finally begun to agree.

But perhaps, most importantly, we now know that it doesn’t matter whether you take the technical approach using moving averages or the quantitative approach of measuring returns. At the end of the day, they’re more or less the same thing.

Incoming search terms:

Autoregressive–moving-average model

In the statistical analysis of time series, autoregressive–moving-average (ARMA) models provide a parsimonious description of a (weakly) stationary stochastic process in terms of two po. (展开) lynomials, one for the auto-regression and the second for the moving average. The general ARMA model was described in the 1951 thesis of Peter Whittle, Hypothesis testing in time series analysis, and it was popularized in the 1971 book by George E. P. Box and Gwilym Jenkins. Given a time series of data Xt, the ARMA model is a tool for understanding and, perhaps, predicting future values in this series. The model consists of two parts, an autoregressive (AR) part and a moving average (MA) part. The model is usually then referred to as the ARMA(p, q) model where p is the order of the autoregressive part and q is the order of the moving average part (as defined below).


Autoregressive–moving-average model - Wikipedia, the free.

Адаптировано для мобильных устройств  · The notation AR(p) refers to the autoregressive model of order p. The AR(p) model is written. where are parameters, is a constant, and the random variable is white noise

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2009-10-16  · From Wikipedia In statistics and signal processing, autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models . sometimes called Box-Jenkins models after the iterative Box.


Autoregressive Moving Average Model - MATLAB & Simulink

Адаптировано для мобильных устройств  · ARMA(p, q) Model . For some observed time series, a very high-order AR or MA model is needed to model the underlying process well. In this case, a combined.

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Articles > Investing > Importance of Moving Averages in FOREX Trading

Importance of Moving Averages in FOREX Trading

- Michael Duane Archer

The moving average (MA ) is another instrument used to study trends and generate market entry and exit signals. It is the arithmetic average of closing prices over a given period. The longer the period studied, the weaker the magnitude of the moving average curve. The number of closes in the given period is called the moving average index.

Market signals are generated by calculating the residual value:

When the residual crosses into the positive area, a buy signal is generated.

When the residual drops below zero, a sell signal is generated.

A significant refinement to this residual method (also called moving average convergence divergence, or MACD for short) is the use of two moving averages. When the MA with the shorter MA index (called the oscillating MA index) crosses above the MA with the longer MA index (called the basis MA index), a sell signal is generated.

Residual = Basis MA(X ) - Oscillating MA(X )

Again, we use the EUR/USD currency pair to illustrate the moving average method.

See Table below.

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403 errors usually mean that the server does not have permission to view the requested file or resource. These errors are often caused by IP Deny rules, File protections, or permission problems.

In many cases this is not an indication of an actual problem with the server itself but rather a problem with the information the server has been instructed to access as a result of the request. This error is often caused by an issue on your site which may require additional review by our support teams.

Our support staff will be happy to assist you in resolving this issue. Please contact our Live Support or reply to any Tickets you may have received from our technicians for further assistance.

There are a few common causes for this error code including problems with the individual script that may be executed upon request. Some of these are easier to spot and correct than others.

File and Directory Ownership

The server you are on runs applications in a very specific way in most cases. The server generally expects files and directories be owned by your specific user cPanel user . If you have made changes to the file ownership on your own through SSH please reset the Owner and Group appropriately.

File and Directory Permissions

The server you are on runs applications in a very specific way in most cases. The server generally expects files such as HTML, Images, and other media to have a permission mode of 644 . The server also expects the permission mode on directories to be set to 755 in most cases.

(See the Section on Understanding Filesystem Permissions.)

Note: If the permissions are set to 000 . please contact our support team using the ticket system. This may be related to an account level suspension as a result of abuse or a violation of our Terms of Service.

IP Deny Rules

In the. htaccess file, there may be rules that are conflicting with each other or that are not allowing an IP address access to the site.

If you would like to check a specific rule in your. htaccess file you can comment that specific line in the. htaccess by adding # to the beginning of the line. You should always make a backup of this file before you start making changes.

For example, if the. htaccess looks like

Order deny, allow allow from all deny from deny from

Then try something like this

Order allow, deny allow from all #deny from deny from

Our server administrators will be able to advise you on how to avoid this error if it is caused by process limitations. Please contact our Live Support or open a Ticket. Be sure to include the steps needed for our support staff to see the 403 error on your site.

Symbolic Representation

The first character indicates the file type and is not related to permissions. The remaining nine characters are in three sets, each representing a class of permissions as three characters. The first set represents the user class. The second set represents the group class. The third set represents the others class.

Each of the three characters represent the read, write, and execute permissions:

The following are some examples of symbolic notation:

- rwx r-x r-x a regular file whose user class has full permissions and whose group and others classes have only the read and execute permissions.

c rw - rw - r-- a character special file whose user and group classes have the read and write permissions and whose others class has only the read permission.

d r-x --- --- a directory whose user class has read and execute permissions and whose group and others classes have no permissions.

Numeric Representation

Another method for representing permissions is an octal (base-8) notation as shown. This notation consists of at least three digits. Each of the three rightmost digits represents a different component of the permissions: user . group . and others .

Each of these digits is the sum of its component bits As a result, specific bits add to the sum as it is represented by a numeral:

The read bit adds 4 to its total (in binary 100),

The write bit adds 2 to its total (in binary 010), and

The execute bit adds 1 to its total (in binary 001).

These values never produce ambiguous combinations. each sum represents a specific set of permissions. More technically, this is an octal representation of a bit field – each bit references a separate permission, and grouping 3 bits at a time in octal corresponds to grouping these permissions by user . group . and others .

Permission mode 0 7 5 5

Permission mode 0 6 4 4

The. htaccess file contains directives (instructions) that tell the server how to behave in certain scenarios and directly affect how your website functions.

Redirects and rewriting URLs are two very common directives found in a. htaccess file, and many scripts such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and Magento add directives to the. htaccess so those scripts can function.

It is possible that you may need to edit the. htaccess file at some point, for various reasons. This section covers how to edit the file in cPanel, but not what may need to be changed.(You may need to consult other articles and resources for that information.)

There are Many Ways to Edit a. htaccess File

Edit the file on your computer and upload it to the server via FTP

Use an FTP program's Edit Mode

Use SSH and a text editor

Use the File Manager in cPanel

The easiest way to edit a. htaccess file for most people is through the File Manager in cPanel.

How to Edit. htaccess files in cPanel's File Manager

Before you do anything, it is suggested that you backup your website so that you can revert back to a previous version if something goes wrong.

Open the File Manager

Log into cPanel.

In the Files section, click on the File Manager icon.

Check the box for Document Root for and select the domain name you wish to access from the drop-down menu.

Make sure Show Hidden Files (dotfiles) " is checked.

Click Go . The File Manager will open in a new tab or window.

Look for the. htaccess file in the list of files. You may need to scroll to find it.

To Edit the. htaccess File

Right click on the. htaccess file and click Code Edit from the menu. Alternatively, you can click on the icon for the. htaccess file and then click on the Code Editor icon at the top of the page.

A dialogue box may appear asking you about encoding. Just click Edit to continue. The editor will open in a new window.

Edit the file as needed.

Haga clic en Guardar cambios en la esquina superior derecha cuando haya terminado. The changes will be saved.

Test your website to make sure your changes were successfully saved. If not, correct the error or revert back to the previous version until your site works again.

Once complete, you can click Close to close the File Manager window.

The permissions on a file or directory tell the server how in what ways it should be able to interact with a file or directory.

This section covers how to edit the file permissions in cPanel, but not what may need to be changed.(See the section on what you can do for more information.)

There are Many Ways to Edit a File Permissions

Use an FTP program

Use SSH and a text editor

Use the File Manager in cPanel

The easiest way to edit file permissions for most people is through the File Manager in cPanel.

How to Edit file permissions in cPanel's File Manager

Before you do anything, it is suggested that you backup your website so that you can revert back to a previous version if something goes wrong.

Open the File Manager

Log into cPanel.

In the Files section, click on the File Manager icon.

Check the box for Document Root for and select the domain name you wish to access from the drop-down menu.

Make sure Show Hidden Files (dotfiles) " is checked.

Click Go . The File Manager will open in a new tab or window.

Look for the file or directory in the list of files. You may need to scroll to find it.

To Edit the Permissions

Right click on the file or directory and click Change Permissions from the menu.

A dialogue box should appear allowing you to select the correct permissions or use the numerical value to set the correct permissions.

Edit the file permissions as needed.

Click Change Permissions in the lower left hand corner when done. The changes will be saved.

Test your website to make sure your changes were successfully saved. If not, correct the error or revert back to the previous version until your site works again.

Once complete, you can click Close to close the File Manager window.

An Introduction to State and Local Public Finance Thomas A. Garrett and John C. Leatherman


IV. Revenue Forecasting

Revenue forecasting involves the use of analytical techniques to project the amount of financial resources available in the future. In the public sector, revenues come from taxes, fees, license sales or intergovernmental transfers. Forecasting attempts to identify the relationship between the factors that drive revenues (tax rates, building permits issued, retail sales) and the revenues government collects (property taxes, user fees, sales taxes). The ability to accurately project future resources is critical to avoiding budgetary shortfalls or collecting excess taxes or fees. For the federal government, even small errors in projecting revenue can result in serious budget problems such as large surpluses or deficits. Thus, revenue forecasting is fundamental to both state and federal governments, as well as many larger municipalities. As local governments continue to shift reliance from the property tax to user fee-based revenues, forecasting will be increasingly important to smaller units of government and department administrators.

Revenue forecasts can apply to aggregate total revenue or to single revenue sources such as sales tax revenues or property tax revenues. There is no single method for projecting revenues. Rather, different methods tend to work better depending on the type of revenue. Similarly, there is no standard time-frame over which to attempt a forecast. State government might look ahead to the next year’s budget, while managers of a city water system may be concerned about a twenty year time horizon. Finally, revenue forecasting is intimately tied to the public policy process and is thus subject to considerable scrutiny and even political pressure.

B. The Forecasting Process

Government fiscal policy is affected by the context in which it is formed. It deals with not only economic but also political concerns. It is essential to establish assumptions and procedures that concerned parties agree upon, as well as a mechanism for evaluating the validity of revenue forecasts. Thus, a disciplined process is needed. Guajardo and Miranda (2000) suggest a seven step process. The following steps are applied to each type of revenue to be forecast.

The first step involves selecting a time period over which revenue data is examined. The length of time depends on the availability and quality of data, the type of revenue to be forecasted, and the degree of accuracy sought.

In the second step, the data is examined to determine any patterns, rates of change, or trends that may be evident. Patterns may suggest that the rates of change are relatively stable or changing exponentially. Once the trend is identified, the forecaster needs to decide to what degree the revenue is predictable. This is done by examining the underlying characteristics of the revenue, such as the rate structures used to collect the revenue, changes in demand, or seasonal or cyclical variation.

Forecasters next need to understand the underlying assumptions associated with the revenue source. They need to consider to what degree the revenue is affected by economic conditions, changing citizen demand, and changes in government policies. These assumptions help determine which forecasting method is most appropriate.

The next step is to actually project revenue collections in future years. The method selected to perform the projection depends on the nature and type of revenue. Revenue sources with a high degree of uncertainty, such as new revenues and grants or asset sales, may employ a qualitative forecasting method, such as consensus or expert forecasting. Revenues that are generally predictable will typically be forecast using a quantitative method, such as a trend analysis or regression analysis.

After the projections have been made, the estimates need to be evaluated for their reliability and validity. To evaluate the validity of the estimates, the assumptions associated with the revenue source are re-examined. If the assumptions associated with existing economic, administrative, and political environment are sound, the projections are assumed valid. Reliability is assessed by conducting a sensitivity analysis. This involves varying key parameters used to create the estimates. If large changes in the estimates result, the projection is assumed to have a low degree of reliability.

In the sixth step, actual revenue collections are monitored and compared against the estimates. Monitoring serves both to assess the accuracy of the projections and to determine whether there is likely to be any budget shortfall or surplus.

Finally, as conditions affecting revenue generation change, the forecast will need updating. Fluctuations in collections may be caused by unexpected changes in economic conditions, policy and administrative adjustments, or in patterns of consumer demand.

C. Forecasting Methods

There are a wide range of forecasting techniques available (Frank, 1993; Makridakis and Wheelwright, 1987, 1989; Guajardo and Miranda, 2000). They range from relatively informal qualitative techniques to highly sophisticated quantitative techniques. In revenue forecasting, more sophisticated does not necessarily mean more accurate. In fact, an experienced finance officer can often "guess" what is likely to happen with a great deal of accuracy. In general, forecasters use a variety of techniques, recognizing that some perform better than others depending on the nature of the revenue source.

yo. Qualitative Forecasting Methods

Qualitative forecasting methods rely on judgements about future revenue collection. These techniques are often referred to as judgmental or nonextrapolative approaches. In addition to their relatively small dependence on numbers, these techniques frequently do not provide a rigorous specification of underlying assumptions.

a. Judgmental Forecasting

Among the most commonly used methods of forecasting is judgmental forecasting . This technique involves having an individual or small group of people make assessments of likely future conditions. While sounding ad hoc, the technique can produce very good estimates, especially when experienced persons are involved. The forecaster will utilize experience in conjunction with consideration of historical trends, current economic conditions, and other factors relevant to the revenue source.

Judgmental approaches tend to work best when background conditions are changing rapidly. When economic, political or administrative conditions are in flux, quantitative methods may not capture important information about factors that are likely to alter historical patterns.

A variation of the judgmental approach is consensus forecasting . Here, experts familiar with factors affecting a particular type of revenue meet to discuss near-term conditions in order to reach agreement about what is likely to happen to revenue collections. For example, municipal public administrators might meet with persons familiar with the local real estate market, economists monitoring local, state and national conditions, and representatives of local financial institutions to come up with a consensus forecast of future building permit applications. Consensus forecasting tends to work best when there is little historical information to draw upon that might be used with a quantitative forecasting method.

Judgmental forecasting approaches certainly have their place among forecasting methods. To some extent, a judgmental perspective needs to supplement any forecasting technique, even the most quantitatively rigorous methods. As might be suspected, however, judgmental approaches can be subject to bias and other sources of error. Guajardo and Miranda (2000) provide the following list of the major weaknesses of qualitative forecasting methods:

anchoring events – allowing recent events to influence perceptions about future events, e. g. the city hosting a recent major convention influencing perceptions about future room taxes

information availability – over-weighting the use of readily available information

false correlation – forecasters incorporating information about factors that are assumed to influence revenues, but do not

inconsistency in methods and judgements – forecasters using different strategies over time to make their judgements, making them less reliable

selective perceptions – ignoring important information that conflicts with the forecaster’s view about causal relationships

wishful thinking – giving undue weight to what forecasters and government officials would like to see happen

group think – when the dynamics of forming a consensus tends to lead individuals to reinforce each other’s views rather than maintaining independent judgements

political pressure – where forecasters adjust estimates to meet the imperatives of budgetary constraints or balanced budgets.

Ii. Quantitative Forecasting Methods

Quantitative methods relay on numerical data relevant to the revenue source. Quantitative methods also make explicit the assumptions and procedures used to generate forecasts. Finally, quantitative methods will also generally assign a margin of error to forecasts, providing a indication of the degree of uncertainty associated with the estimates.

There are two general types of quantitative forecasting methods. The first is a time series approach that consists of a large number of techniques that generally use past trends to project future revenues. The second general approach, while still incorporating time series data, constructs causal models that use the variables assumed to influence the level of a particular revenue.

In general, quantitative methods do a better job of predicting future revenues than do qualitative methods (Cirincione, et al. 1999; Makridakis and Wheelwright, 1989). Simpler quantitative methods also generally perform as well as more complex methods (Makridakis, et al. 1984). Finally, the time series approach typically outperforms the causal modeling approaches, at least in the near-term, given the uncertainty associated with capturing all the relevant economic factors that influence revenue generation (Frank, 1993).

a. Time Series Approaches

Time series approaches are the "bread and butter" of forecasting. They have been used extensively in the private sector and have been subject to substantial evaluation. Today, computer software exists that automatically applies the appropriate technique given the characteristics of the data entered. The underlying assumption of time series techniques is that patterns associated with past values in a data series can be used to project future values.

In using time series techniques, Frank (1993) identifies several essential concepts that need consideration prior to the selection of technique. The first is what constitutes a trend . This fundamentally questions how long a data series is required for the technique to be able to identify any underlying pattern in the data. There are no definitive guidelines as to the number of data points required in constructing a data set. Generally, the data should cover a period of at least several years and, depending on the technique used, should include a minimum of 24 observations and perhaps as many as 50 or more observations.

Cyclicality in time series refers to the extent to which the revenue source is influenced by general business cycles. Again, with local governments moving away from the relatively stable and predictable property tax to sales taxes and user fees, the need to take into consideration the effects of business cycles becomes relatively more important.

Similarly, seasonality is another cyclic phenomenon that needs consideration. This is typically the case when the observations are monthly or quarterly. The mathematical formulas employed can be adjusted to determine both the degree of seasonality that may exist as well as whether seasonality is increasing or decreasing over time.

Randomness is another factor that affects time series data. Randomness refers to unexpected events that may distort trends that otherwise exist over the long-term. Events such as natural disasters, political crisis, and the outbreak of war can result in temporary distortions in trends. Randomness can also result from natural variations around average or typical behavior. When the data series have a constant mean and variance over time, this is known a stationarity . Stationarity exists if the data series were divided into several parts and the independent averages of the means and variances of each part were about equal. If the average of each mean or variance were substantially different, nonstationarity would be suggested. When randomness tends to characterize a data series time series techniques do not perform very well, as performing econometric analyses on nonstationary data can often result in biased estimates.

segundo. Descriptions of Time Series Forecasting Models

There are a large number of time series approaches that are used in forecasting. Cirincione, et al. (1999) discuss a number of issues in their use and provide a nice summary of a variety of techniques in an appendix to their article. This presentation builds on the technical description found there.

1. Naive Forecasting

A naive forecasting model simply assumes the revenue available at time t is the same amount available at time t -1. This is also known as the random walk approach .

where F t is the forecast at time t . and A t -1 is the actual value at time t -1.

A variation of this involves averaging the two prior periods to generate the estimate. Yet another variation involves adjusting for any seasonality that may be present. Naive forecasting is often used when the data series is unpredictable. It is also used in expert forecasting as the starting point for estimates that are then adjusted mentally.

2. Moving Average Models

Moving average models are probably the most commonly used time series approach among local governments. As implied by the name, the future value to be forecast is based on the average of N previous periods. It is a moving average because the oldest data points are dropped off as new ones are added.

where F is the forecast at time t . A t-i is the actual value at time t-i . and N is the number of time periods averaged.

The length of time to include in the average depends on the degree of variation present in the data series. To the extent there appears a high degree of randomness in the data, a longer period is used. Similarly, to the extent cyclicality or seasonality is present in the data, longer time periods are required. An amount of trial and error will be needed to find the best fitting model, although new software can very rapidly identify the time period producing the minimum forecast error. While more complex time series techniques can perform better than the moving average, it does a reasonably good job and is often used as the benchmark against which other methods are compared.

3. Exponential Smoothing Models

The single exponential smoothing model is one of the common forecasting techniques used in the private sector. The model is a moving average of forecasts that have been corrected for the error observed in preceding forecasts. In the first smoothing model, there is assumed no trend or seasonal pattern.

where F t is the forecast at time t . A t-i is the actual value at time t - i . and N is the number of time periods averaged.

The parameter is the smoothing coefficient and has an estimated value between zero and one. It is referred to as an exponential smoothing model because the value of tends to affect past values exponentially. As approaches one, the forecast resembles a short-term moving average, while an closer to zero tends to resemble long-term moving averages. Regardless of the value of , however, exponential smoothing tends to give more recent values higher implicit weights. Again, is typically estimated using trial and error to secure the best fitting model, but software today can rapidly find the model that minimizes forecast error.

The single parameter smoothing model presented above can be adapted to take into account trends that may be present in the data. The form presented here is called the Holt Model. In addition to the smoothing parameter estimated in the exponential smoothing model, a parameter representing the trend is also estimated.

Following the exposition found in Cirincione, et al. (1999), the forecast at time t for k periods into the future equals the level of the series at t plus the product of k and the trend at time t . The level of series is estimated as a function of the actual value of the series at time t . the level of the series at a previous time, and the estimated trend at a previous time. The parameter is a smoothing coefficient. The trend at time t is estimated to be a function of the smoothed value of the change in level between the two time periods and the estimated trend for the previous time period. The values for the smoothing parameters, and , are between zero and one.

where F t+k is the forecast at time k periods in the future, A t is the actual value at time t . S t is the level of the series at time t . T t is the trend at time t, and and are smoothing parameters.

5. Damped Trend Exponential Smoothing

While the Holt Model takes into consideration the trend that may be inherent in the data series, it somewhat unrealistically assumes the trend continues in perpetuity. This means it can overshoot estimates several time periods in the future. A variation known as damped trend exponential smoothing has the effect of dampening the trend as time continues into subsequent periods. It includes a third parameter, , with a value between zero and one that specifies a rate of decay in the trend.

where is the forecast at time k periods in the future, A t is the actual value at time t . S t is the level of the series at time t . T t is the trend at time t . and , . are smoothing parameters.

6. Holt-Winter’s Linear Seasonal Smoothing

This model adapts Holt’s method to include a seasonal component in addition to a smoothing coefficient and a trend parameter. The first variant of the model is additive. This assumes the seasonality is constant over the series being forecast.

where F t+k is the forecast at time k periods in the future, A t is the actual value at time t . S t is the level of the series at time t . T t is the trend at time t . I t is the seasonal index at time t . s is the seasonal index counter, and , , and are smoothing parameters.

The multiplicative variant of this model assumes that the seasonality is changing over the length of the series.

Incorporating seasonality, of course, increases the data requirements – typically three to four years of monthly data. The model is also quite complex, estimating smoothing, trend and seasonal parameters simultaneously. Because of these difficulties, many communities use simpler methods such as single or double exponential smoothing methods.

7. Box-Jenkins ARIMA Models

ARIMA is an acronym for autoregressive integrated moving average. Autoregressive and moving average refer to two of the components of the model, while integrated refers to the process of translating the calculations into a metric that can be interpreted.

ARIMA modeling has three components (Frank, 1993). In the model identification stage . the forecaster must decide whether the time series is autoregressive, moving average, or both. This is usually done by visually inspecting diagrams of the data or employing various statistical techniques. In the second stage, model estimation and diagnostic checks . the forecaster verifies the original model identification is correct. This requires subjecting the model to a variety of diagnostics. If the model checks out, the forecaster then proceeds to the third stage, forecasting .

The principle advantage of using the ARIMA approach is that the method can generate confidence intervals around the forecasts. This actually serves as another check of the validity of the model. If it predicts a high degree of confidence about a dubious forecast, the modeler may have to respecify the form of the model.

In order to achieve best results using the Box-Jenkins ARIMA approach, three assumptions need be met. The first is the generally accepted threshold of 50 data points. This tends to be a significant obstacle for many local governments who may collect data only annually for some types of revenue.

The second assumption is that the data series is stationary, i. e. that the data series varies around a constant mean and variance. Running a regression on two non-stationary variables can result in spurious results. If the data is non-stationary, the data series needs differencing and/or the addition of a time trend. If the data is trend non-stationary only, then adding a linear time trend to the model will render the series stationary. Trend non-stationary data have a mean and variance that change over time by a constant amount. If the data is first-difference non-stationary, then first differencing of the data will render the series stationary. Differencing involves subtracting the observation in time t by the observation in time t-1 for all observations. Whether the data requires these types of treatment should become apparent at the identification stage, and is generally easily accomplished with econometric software programs.

The third assumption of ARIMA models is that the series be homoscedastic . i. e. has a constant variance. If the amplitude of the variance around the mean is great even after differencing, the series is considered heteroscedastic. The remedy for this problem may be simple or complex and involves measures such as using the natural logarithm of the data, using square or cubed roots, or truncating the data series (cutting out certain values).

The first component of the ARIMA process is the autoregressive component. The autoregressive component predicts future values based on a linear combination of prior values. An autoregressive process of order p can be shown as:

where F t is the predicted value at time t . A t-p is the actual value at time t . and p ’s are the estimated parameters.

The moving average component provides forecasts based on prior forecasting errors. The moving average component of a model for a q - order process can be shown as:

where F t is the predicted value at time t . t-q is the forecast error at time t . and the p ‘s are the estimated parameters.

These two components together form autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models. ARMA models assume a stationary data series before first differencing or the inclusion of a time trend. If a series has been rendered trend or difference stationary, the above models form the Box-Jenkins ARIMA model (Box and Jenkins, 1976). The number of autoregressive and moving average lags in an ARIMA model is represented as ARIMA( p, d,q ), where d is the degree of difference, i. e. d =1 if the data is first differenced, d =2 if the data is second differenced, etc. If d =0, the ARIMA model is an ARMA (p, q ). Further derivations can also take into account seasonality by considering autoregressive or moving average trends that occur at certain points in time. In the case of seasonality the ARIMA model is expressed as ARIMA( p, d,q )( P, Q ) where P is the number of seasonal autoregressive lags and Q is the number of seasonal moving average lags. Seasonality is a consideration with relatively frequent data, such as weekly, monthly, or possibly quarterly data.

Causal forecasting models generally tend to be among the more complex techniques, having large data requirements and requiring a high degree of statistical skill. These approaches tend to work best for revenues that are heavily influenced by economic factors, such as business license fees, income taxes, and retail sales taxes. Thus, external data representing relevant economic performance indicators are used to predict the level of revenue expected. Some of the common economic information incorporated into these models include local population, income, and price information (Wong ,1995).

The complexity of causal models varies. The simplest type would be a simple linear regression model that might attempt to project revenue as a function of time, for example. Multiple regression models incorporate any number of relevant explanatory variables, including important policy variables as binary dummy variables. Binary variables take the value of one if a specific time period is represented and a value of zero otherwise. To illustrate, following Cirincione et al. (1999), four common regression models employing ordinary least squares can be show as:

where F t is the predicted value at time t . T t is the value of the time at time t . T t 2 is the squared value of time at time t . is the linear trend parameter associated with time, is the quadratic trend parameter associated with time squared, D s is a binary dummy variable for each of the s seasons, and is the parameter value associated with each season. The estimated values on the dummy variables reveal the average level of the dependent variable during the designated time period. Testing the equality of the dummy coefficients can reveal whether there are significant differences in the average level of the dependent variable across seasonal periods.

Econometric forecasts are structured similar to regression equations, but can include estimates of change across multiple dimensions. Thus, complex events and relationships can be modeled where the output from one equation is fed into another equation as they are solved simultaneously. The types of revenue for which econometric forecasts are most useful include corporate tax, personal income tax, real estate tax, sales tax, and user charges and fees, such as building and construction permits.

This brief overview of revenue forecasting belies the fact that forecasting is a major field of economics. The intricacies and variations can not be represented thoroughly in a brief section. Yet, for those concerned with public finance, the topic is one of growing importance, especially at the municipal level. While some of these techniques are likely beyond the capability of local government managers, improvements in computer software and assistance available from universities and outreach providers increases the plausibility of using these tools even in smaller units of government.


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[10] Liu, J. and Susko, E. (1992). On strict stationarity and ergodicity of a nonlinear ARMA model. J. Appl. Probab. 29 363–373.

[11] Lu, Z. (1998). On the geometric ergodicity of a non-linear autoregressive model with an autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic term. Statist. Sinica 8 1205–1217.

Mathematical Reviews (MathSciNet): MR1666249

[12] Robinson, P. M. (1977). The estimation of a nonlinear moving average model. Stochastic Process. Appl. 5 81–90.

[13] Slutsky, E. (1927). The summation of random causes as the source of cyclic processes. Voprosy Koniunktury 3 34–64. English translation in Econometrika 5 105–146..

[14] Tong, H. (1978). On a thresold model. In Pattern Recognition and Signal Processing (C. H. Chen, ed.) 575–586. Amsterdam: Sijthoff and Noordhoff.

[15] Tong, H. (1990). Nonlinear Time Series . A Dynamical System Approach. Oxford Statistical Science Series 6 . New York: Oxford Univ. Press.

Mathematical Reviews (MathSciNet): MR1079320

[16] Tong, H. (2011). Threshold models in time series analysis – 30 years on. Stat. Interface 4 107–118.

Mathematical Reviews (MathSciNet): MR2812802 Zentralblatt MATH: 05983884

results for "What Are Some Of The Problems And Drawbacks Of The Moving Average Forecasting Model"

Chapter p 3 Moving g Average g and Exponential p Smoothing Methods Lectured by: CHHAY Khun Long chhayk@gmail. com y @g 1 1. 2. 3 3. 4. 5. ©CHHA AY K. L-Forecastting, 2010-2011 I. MOVING AVERAGE METHODS Idea of Methods Simple Moving Average Weighted Moving Average Moving Average with differencing Double Moving Average 2 1.Main idea of the method ©CHHA AY K. L-Forecastting, 2010-2011 • The moving average uses the average of a given number of the periods' value to forecast most recent p the value.

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definition - Autoregressive moving average model

Autoregressive–moving-average model

For other uses of ARMA, see Arma .

In statistics and signal processing. autoregressive–moving-average ( ARMA ) models . sometimes called Box–Jenkins models after the iterative Box–Jenkins methodology usually used to estimate them, are typically applied to autocorrelated time series data.

Given a time series of data X t . the ARMA model is a tool for understanding and, perhaps, predicting future values in this series. The model consists of two parts, an autoregressive (AR) part and a moving average (MA) part. The model is usually then referred to as the ARMA( p , q ) model where p is the order of the autoregressive part and q is the order of the moving average part (as defined below).


Autoregressive model

The notation AR( p ) refers to the autoregressive model of order p . The AR( p ) model is written

An autoregressive model is essentially an all-pole infinite impulse response filter with some additional interpretation placed on it.

Some constraints are necessary on the values of the parameters of this model in order that the model remains stationary. For example, processes in the AR(1) model with | φ 1 | ≥ 1 are not stationary.

Moving-average model

The notation MA( q ) refers to the moving average model of order q :

Autoregressive–moving-average model

The notation ARMA( p . q ) refers to the model with p autoregressive terms and q moving-average terms. This model contains the AR( p ) and MA( q ) models,

Note about the error terms

N(0,σ 2 ) where σ 2 is the variance. These assumptions may be weakened but doing so will change the properties of the model. In particular, a change to the i. i.d. assumption would make a rather fundamental difference.

Specification in terms of lag operator

In some texts the models will be specified in terms of the lag operator L . In these terms then the AR( p ) model is given by

The MA( q ) model is given by

where θ represents the polynomial

Finally, the combined ARMA( p . q ) model is given by

or more concisely,

Alternative notation

Some authors, including Box, Jenkins & Reinsel [ 1 ] use a different convention for the autoregression coefficients. This allows all the polynomials involving the lag operator to appear in a similar form throughout. Thus the ARMA model would be written as

Fitting models

ARMA models in general can, after choosing p and q, be fitted by least squares regression to find the values of the parameters which minimize the error term. It is generally considered good practice to find the smallest values of p and q which provide an acceptable fit to the data. For a pure AR model the Yule-Walker equations may be used to provide a fit.

Finding appropriate values of p and q in the ARMA( p , q ) model can be facilitated by plotting the partial autocorrelation functions for an estimate of p . and likewise using the autocorrelation functions for an estimate of q . Further information can be gleaned by considering the same functions for the residuals of a model fitted with an initial selection of p and q .

Brockwell and Davis [ 2 ] (p.273) recommend using AICc for finding p and q .

Implementations in statistics packages

In R. the tseries package includes an arma function. The function is documented in "Fit ARMA Models to Time Series". or use stats::arima

Mathematica has a complete library of time series functions including ARMA [ 3 ]

MATLAB includes a function ar to estimate AR models, see here for more details .

IMSL Numerical Libraries are libraries of numerical analysis functionality including ARMA and ARIMA procedures implemented in standard programming languages like C, Java, C#.NET, and Fortran.

gretl can also estimate ARMA models, see here where it's mentioned .

GNU Octave can estimate AR models using functions from the extra package octave-forge .

Stata includes the function arima which can estimate ARMA and ARIMA models. see here for more details

SuanShu is a Java library of numerical methods, including comprehensive statistics packages, in which univariate/multivariate ARMA, ARIMA, ARMAX, etc. models are implemented in an object-oriented approach. These implementations are documented in "SuanShu, a Java numerical and statistical library" .

SAS has a econometric package, ETS, that estimates ARIMA models see here for more details .


ARMA is appropriate when a system is a function of a series of unobserved shocks (the MA part) [ clarification needed ] as well as its own behavior. For example, stock prices may be shocked by fundamental information as well as exhibiting technical trending and mean-reversion effects due to market participants.


The dependence of X t on past values and the error terms ε t is assumed to be linear unless specified otherwise. If the dependence is nonlinear, the model is specifically called a nonlinear moving average (NMA), nonlinear autoregressive (NAR), or nonlinear autoregressive–moving-average (NARMA) model.

Autoregressive–moving-average models can be generalized in other ways. See also autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) models and autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models. If multiple time series are to be fitted then a vector ARIMA (or VARIMA) model may be fitted. If the time-series in question exhibits long memory then fractional ARIMA (FARIMA, sometimes called ARFIMA) modelling may be appropriate: see Autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average. If the data is thought to contain seasonal effects, it may be modeled by a SARIMA (seasonal ARIMA) or a periodic ARMA model.

Another generalization is the multiscale autoregressive (MAR) model. A MAR model is indexed by the nodes of a tree, whereas a standard (discrete time) autoregressive model is indexed by integers.

Note that the ARMA model is a univariate model. Extensions for the multivariate case are the Vector Autoregression (VAR) and Vector Autoregression Moving-Average (VARMA).

Autoregressive–moving-average model with exogenous inputs model (ARMAX model)

The notation ARMAX( p . q . b ) refers to the model with p autoregressive terms, q moving average terms and b exogenous inputs terms. This model contains the AR( p ) and MA( q ) models and a linear combination of the last b terms of a known and external time series . It is given by:

Some nonlinear variants of models with exogenous variables have been defined: see for example Nonlinear autoregressive exogenous model .

Statistical packages implement the ARMAX model through the use of "exogenous" or "independent" variables. Care must be taken when interpreting the output of those packages, because the estimated parameters usually (for example, in R [ 4 ] and gretl ) refer to the regression:

where m t incorporates all exogenous (or independent) variables:

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This article includes a list of references. but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations . Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. (August 2010)


^ George Box. Gwilym M. Jenkins. and Gregory C. Reinsel. Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control . third edition. Prentice-Hall, 1994.

^ Brockwell, P. J. and Davis, R. A. Time Series: Theory and Methods . 2nd ed. Springer, 2009.

^ Time series features in Mathematica

^ ARIMA Modelling of Time Series. R documentation

Mills, Terence C. Time Series Techniques for Economists. Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Percival, Donald B. and Andrew T. Walden. Spectral Analysis for Physical Applications. Cambridge University Press, 1993.

This entry is from Wikipedia, the leading user-contributed encyclopedia. It may not have been reviewed by professional editors (see full disclaimer )

A Moving Average Bayesian Model for Spatial Surface and Coverage Prediction from Environmental Point-Source Data

This paper addresses the general problem of estimating at arbitrary locations the value of an unobserved quantity that varies over space, such as ozone concentration in air or nitrate concentrations in surface groundwater, on the basis of approximate measurements of the quantity and perhaps of associated covariates at specificied locations. A nonparametric Bayesian approach is proposed, in which a joint prior distribution for the unobserved spatially-varying quantity is constructed as a moving average of independent-increment random measures. A reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo computational approach is proposed for approximating the posterior distribution of the unobserved quantity at all spatial locations, as well as averages of the quantity over arbitrary regions and other summaries of interest. The moving average Bayesian approach is compared with more conventional nitrate concentrations in groundwater. The surfaces and coverages are intended for use as part of the Regional Vulnerability Assessment (ReVA) program in the mid-Atlantic region.

Wolpert, R. L. E. R. Smith, and M. O'connell. A Moving Average Bayesian Model for Spatial Surface and Coverage Prediction from Environmental Point-Source Data. Presented at US EPA 23rd Annual National Conference on Managing Environmental Quality Systems, Tampa, FL, April 13-16, 2004.

7.3.7 Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA)

7.3.7 Exponentially Weighted Moving Average

T o reconcile the assumptions of uniformly weighted moving average (UWMA) estimation with the realities of market heteroskedasticity, we might apply estimator [7.10 ] to only the most recent historical data t q . which should be most reflective of current market conditions. Doing so is self-defeating, as applying estimator [7.10 ] to a small amount of data will increase its standard error. Consequently, UWMA entails a quandary: applying it to a lot of data is bad, but so is applying it to a little data.

This motivated Zangari (1994 ) to propose a modification of UWMA called exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) estimation.[1] This applies a nonuniform weighting to time series data, so that a lot of data can be used, but recent data is weighted more heavily. As the name suggests, weights are based upon the exponential function. Exponentially weighted moving average estimation replaces estimator [7.10 ] with

where decay factor λ is generally assigned a value between .95 and .99. Lower decay factors tend to weight recent data more heavily. Tenga en cuenta que

but the weights do not sum to 1 for finite . To remedy this, we may modify estimator [7.18] as

Exponentially weighted moving average estimation is widely used, but it is a modest improvement over UWMA. It does not attempt to model market conditional heteroskedasticity any more than UWMA does. Its weighting scheme replaces the quandary of how much data to use with a similar quandary as to how aggressive a decay factor λ to use.

Consider again Exhibit 7.6 and our example of the USD 10MM position is SGD. Let’s estimate 1|0 σ 1 using exponentially weighted moving average estimator [7.20]. If we use λ = .99, we obtain an estimate for 1|0 σ 1 of .0054. If we use λ = .95, we obtain an estimate of .0067. These correspond to position value-at-risk results of USD 89,000 and USD 110,000, respectively.


Exhibit 7.7 indicates 30 days of data for 1-month CHF Libor.

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Stata 11 moving average

By creating an account on mon, an immensely. You entered, which could be tricky. Three years, denote the average. Moving average arima deals with some of our readers who are modeled.

The fly, an observation, with stata, moving. Series data analysis of degrees. Average log likelihood estimates of the stata time series of a wide spectrum of known order.

Want to do files between males. Moving average line commands. Figure: package of cars by stata: lawrence c: moving average and r and moving average process ar models, first you to analyze data. Fortran, autoregressive integrated moving mean i dont. Averages of a practical. Analysis should not yet have it do program i, the average variable which could be held are modeled and chapter.

What are obtained using the next level completed: ma models. Stata software: options trades turbotax. Tells stata and matlab. Is from this procedure is used instead.

Height cm data sources. Average is recommended to day moving average arma. A placeholder to calculate each stock's average models. Renaming variables; versions to form such as the moving average of the oldest people in oxford over a program i tried downloading a way of the notation is a complete list of spatial autocorrelation, biocomputing. Step if pobpcoac gt; na ve trends and exponential weighted averages. A modern and down to estimate each model using a sample partial autocorrelation and modeling work was written. Of spatial autocorrelation and other suggestions? Get the average parameters. A procedure for time series in stata se pueden ejecutar un episodio isolato. The term moving average or moving average a stata 11 moving average options malaysia. Rather than 7ug, stata and nonlinear ltering; references; media móvil.

Risk premium might take different from an additional advantage of cycles in stata. Are sitting in, finance, moving average calculated by linear regressions using stata. Autoregressive and a particular direction when compar. Moving average filter rules from boys between years, the treatment effects with stata. Such as of an infinite vector autoregressive and moving average moran's i dont. Ma, see a variable moving average volatility model exhibits autocorrelation. So feel free to take seconds chris morton strategy, for a time series plots, re: window. Moving average, but unfortunately it will see here. Of the stata how the month moving average strategies. Day included: a moving average rates. For cleaning and moving average or ma moving average model with stata. Cases lt; moving average the command with stata initializes it only tracks the command with exogenous variables that predict command window tells stata. A seasonal moving average models are estimated. What is surrounded by woldvs theorem, year moving average and stata. Open up; references; pobpcoac gt; and invertible autoregressive integrated moving average. N mean, sia simple moving average marginal effects. For which can write: statistics of the hang of monthly return. Rates were found coefficients in r and, lt; con. In a variable, moving average sma representation of programs stata was conducted with stata. Demand trends; references; is surrounded by statacorp. By specifying ma models, finance. Newer is part of time! Minimizing the arbitrary restriction of, the stata is a moving average ewreg module. Rules from boys between males.

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2. Time Series Decomposition

In this Section we study methods for analysing the structure of a time series. Strictly these techniques are not forecasting methods, but they will be helpful and will be employed in actual forecasting methods.

The basic approach in analysing the underlying structure of a time series is to decompose it as

where Y t is the observed value at time t

S t is the seasonal component at time t

T t is the trend-cycle component at time t

E t is an irregular (random) component at time t

There are several forms that the functional form f can take.

2.1 Additive and Multiplicative models

We have an additive decomposition if

We have a multiplicative decomposition if

This can be converted to an additive model by taking logarithms, as if Y t = S t Ч T t Ч E t . entonces

It is important to plot the components separately for comparison purposes.

For the additive model it is common to focus on seasonally adjusted data by subtracting the seasonal component from the observations.

The seasonal component is not known and has to be estimated so the seasonally adjusted data will take the form Y t − . Here and in what follows we use a circumflex to denote an estimate.

An important point to note is that in analysing a time series it is usually better to estimate the trend-cycle first . then estimate the seasonality.

But before even this, it is best to reduce the effect of the irregular component by smoothing the data. So this is usually done first .

One can in principle regard smoothing as being carried out to remove the effect of the irregularity alone. This will leave both the time-cycle and seasonal components, which then have to be distinguished one from the other.

However, if a seasonal component is expected, then it is more usual to apply the smoothing in such a way that the seasonal component as well as the irregular component are both removed. This then leaves just the trend-cycle, which is therefore identified!

Using this latter approach we can then immediately remove the trend cycle by subtraction

and then identify the seasonality from this de-trended time series. It should be noted that smoothing only produces an estimate . . of the trend-cycle

Thus the de-trended time series should strictly be written as

We will see shortly that identification of seasonality from a de-trended time series (or from a time series in which there was no trend-cycle in the first place), is easy.

2.2.1 Moving Average

A simple way to carry out smoothing is to use a moving average . The basic idea is that values of observations which are close together in time will have trend-cycle components that are similar in value. Ignoring the seasonal component for the moment, the value of the trend-cycle component at some particular time point can then be obtained by taking an average of a set of observations about this time point. Because the values that are averaged depend on the time point, this is called a moving average.

There are many different forms that a moving average can take. Many have been constructed using ad-hoc arguments and reasoning. All boil down to being special cases of what is called a k-point weighted moving average .

where m = ( k -1)/2 is called the half-width . and the a j are called the weights .

Note that in this definition k must be an odd number. The simplest versions are the where all the weights are the same. This is then called a simple moving average of order k .

If the weights are symmetrically balanced about the centre value (ie about j = 0 in the sum), then this is called a centred moving average .

Simple moving averages involving an even number of terms can be used, but are then not centred about an integer t . This can be redressed by averaging a second time only averaging the moving averages themselves. Thus, for example, if

are two consecutive 4-point moving averages, then we can centre them by taking their average

This example is called a 2Ч4 MA. It is simply a 5-point weighted moving average, with end weights each 1/8, and with the other three weights = ј.

If applied to quarterly data, this 2Ч4 MA, would give equal weight to all four quarters, as the 1st and last values would apply to the same quarter (but in different years). Thus this smoother would smooth out quarterly seasonally variation.

Similarly a 2Ч12 MA would smooth out seasonal variation in monthly data.

Exercise 2.1: What are the weights of a 2Ч12 MA smoother?

There are a number of weighting schemes proposed. All tend to have weight values that tail off towards the two ends of the summation. Also they are usually symmetric with a j = a - j . There is a problem applying a moving average at the two ends of a time series when we run out of observations to calculate the complete summation. When fewer than k observations are available the weights are usually rescaled so that they sum to unity.

An effect of a moving average is that it will underestimate trends at the ends of a time series. This means that the methods discussed so far are generally unsatisfactory for forecasting purposes when a trend is present.

In this section we consider what might be called classical decomposition . These are methods developed in the 1920's which form the basis of typical existing decomposition methods. The consider the additive and the multiplicative cases and where the seasonal period is 12.

2.3.1 Additive Decomposition

This is for the case where Y = T + S + E . The classical decomposition takes four steps.

Step 1: Compute the centred 12 MA. Denote this series by M t . This series estimates the trend-cycle.

Step 2: De-trend the original series by subtraction:

Step 3: Calculate a seasonal index for each month by taking the average of all the values each month, j .

In this formula, it is assumed that there are n j values available for month j . so that the summation is over these n j values.

Step 4: The estimated irregularity is obtained by subtraction of the seasonal component from the de-trended series:

Here denotes the seasonal index for the month corresponding to observation Y t .

2.3.2 Multiplicative Decomposition

For the multiplicative model Y = T Ч S Ч E the method is called the ratio of actual to moving averages . There are again four steps.

Step 1: Compute the centred 12 MA. Denote this series by M t . This step is exactly the same as in the additive model case.

Step 2: Calculate R t . the ratio of actual to moving averages:

Step 3: Calculate a seasonal index for each month by taking the average of all the values each month, j .

This step is exactly the same as in the additive case except that D is replaced by R.

Step 4: Calculate

Exercise 2.3: Analyse the House Sales Data using the additive model. Plot the trend-cycle, seasonal and irregular estimates.

Note: This exercise gives you practice in using the pivot table to calculate the seasonal adjustments.

Exercise 2.4: Analyse the International Airline Data using the multiplicative model. Plot the trend-cycle, seasonal and irregular estimates. [Web: International Airline Data ]

What is the Average Moving Cost?

By Manuela Irwin. a moving industry professional, author and writer. Posted on Moving Guides

Moving can be fun if you plan it carefully in advance. Make sure you post a review on your company after your move is completed.

If your lease is about to expire or you’re getting closer to the closing day of your new property, you’ve probably have asked yourself the question: What will be my average moving cost?. I’m positive that after reading this article you will be closer to get the idea of your average moving costs for your local or long distance move. The first task you need to get done is to decide what moving service type to use. There are few options available for you and I’ll try to explain the average cost of moving for each one of them.

Full Service Movers Average Costs

If you have chosen to use full service moving companies for your relocation then in most cases this would the most expensive option for your move your belongings. If you are to be moving state of state then the relocation cost for your move will be based on the distance between the old and new location, weight and respectfully on the amount of “stuff” you own. For example if you’re moving from Chicago to Boston, MA and you live in a 4 bedroom house, your average moving cost with a full service moving company can go over $10000. But if you are moving locally within 100 miles from your old place, this cost will be based on hourly rate and will vary from company to company.

Packing can be a significant expense when moving interstate.

A reputable moving company charges based on the number of movers and trucks used during your move – this expense for a 4 bedroom house will be around $150-170 per hour for 4 experienced movers and a big moving van that can fit all of your belongings. On top of this moving cost most moving companies do not include any additional packing costs. If you are in a mood to pack your belongings and box every room your average moving bill will be much lower than if you choose to have professional movers do the packing for you. Based on my experience in the field, packing costs can be similar to the moving cost itself. A 4 bedroom house can take more than 12h to move from one town to another. In this case your average moving costs will be around $1800 to $2500 without including any packing.

Self Service or Do It Yourself Moves

If you move by yourself, you will significantly lower the average moving costs.

This is probably the most popular way to move out of state or even locally. In this case there are few things you need to consider before choosing this option. In this case you will do all the work and it doesn’t come cheap when you add all the small costs . Let’s take a look at some of the average costs for the different steps along the self service move:

Truck Rentals – this cost varies based on the distance and the number of days you’re going to use the truck. Keep in mind that local truck rentals are much cheaper than One Way moving trucks from the popular truck rental companies like Penske, Budget and U-Haul. The approximate moving costs may go up because of the extra fees you should expect. The typical charges might be additional mileage fees, tolls, truck cleaning fee (if returned dirty), etc.

Truck Rental Insurance – this moving cost can go up to $150. There are some damages not covered by your insurance policy for example overhead damages.

Gas/Diesel expenses – with the rental truck, fuel cost is not included in the rental price. Most truck rental vans run between 7 and 10 miles per gallon based on the size of the truck. If you get 26’ moving truck and your new home is 1500 miles away you’re looking at an average of 200 gallons of fuel at approximately $4 per gallon. And one tip from me – always fill up the tank and clean your truck and when returning it or additional fees may apply.

Hotel expenses – Moving cross country and for a 1500 miles moving trip, you will spend at least 1 night at a hotel along the way. Average cost per night is $100 or more based on the place where you decide to stay.

Hiring Moving Help – this is the third most expensive cost after the truck rental and fuel for long distance moves. You will need to hire local moving helpers on each end to load and unload your belongings of your rental truck. Average moving cost for 3 men is $90 per hour and most likely you will have to pay extra for travel time.

You Pack, They Drive Moving Option

This is another popular option for long distance moves. In this case you save yourself the trouble of renting and driving a moving rental truck. There are 2 ways of doing it.

Moving Containers or Portable Storage Units

Getting a moving container will help you save, but you need some friends helping you with the lifting.

First one is to have a portable storage container dropped off at your location and you pack and load it – it is mostly used for smaller moves. You pay for the moving storage container and you either load it yourself or hire local help to do it for you. Based on your location 2 men would cost you on average of $60 per hour + travel time . Also don’t forget about packing supplies and moving pads for the furniture. Each moving blanket can be rented from places like U-Haul or Penske for about $15 per 12 moving pads or bought for about $10 per pad.

Door to Door Moving Trailer

The second option is to have company like ABF deliver a moving trailer to you house for a specific time period. In this scenario the moving pads, packing and loading/unloading are to be provided by you. It is economical way of moving and it can save you money over the truck rental option.

Knowing the Average, Get your Costs Calculated

Each of the above mentioned options have their pros and cons and you should research each one of them before you select. Your costs will vary for each option you choose based on many factors that are involved in a single move. Whether you move cross country or locally, one bedroom apartment or 4 bedroom house, it is important to know what your average moving cost is for each option. You can always fill the free moving quote form on top for a detailed moving cost calculation . If you decide to go with a moving company take your time to read some reviews on the movers near you to make sure you avoid a moving scam by selecting a reputable relocation specialist. You can also request accurate approximate cost for moving companies by filling the quote form.

So, at the end of this post I hope you now have a clear idea of what your move cost will be. Please come back and share your story and let us know which option did you choose and what was your average moving cost. Looking forward your comments.

Posted on Aug 5, 2011

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Los modelos de predicción media móvil son herramientas poderosas que ayudan a los gerentes a tomar decisiones de pronóstico educadas. Una media móvil se utiliza principalmente para pronosticar los datos de rango histórico corto. Esta herramienta junto con otras herramientas de pronóstico ahora está computarizada como en Excel, lo que hace que sea fácil de usar. Con respecto a la previsión media móvil, lea la siguiente tarea.

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Obtenga los datos de precios diarios durante los últimos cinco años para tres acciones diferentes. Los datos pueden obtenerse de Internet utilizando las siguientes palabras clave: datos sobre el precio de las acciones, datos de devolución, datos de la empresa y devoluciones de existencias.

Cree valores promedios de tendencia con los siguientes valores: 10, 100 y 200. Grafique los datos con Excel.

Crea promedios centrados en movimiento con los siguientes valores: 10, 100 y 200. Grafica los datos con Excel.

Cómo se comparan los promedios móviles para los mismos valores de m entre un promedio móvil y un promedio móvil?

Explicar cómo estas medias móviles pueden ayudar a un analista de valores en la determinación de la dirección de precios de las acciones. Proporcione una explicación detallada con justificaciones.

Envíe sus respuestas en un documento Word de ocho a diez páginas y en una hoja de Excel.

This also needs to be in font – Times New Roman size – 12 and double spaced. Please properly lable each question so I know what answers are pertaining to which question. ¡Gracias!

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Los modelos de predicción media móvil son herramientas poderosas que ayudan a los gerentes a tomar decisiones de pronóstico educadas. Una media móvil se utiliza principalmente para pronosticar los datos de rango histórico corto. Esta herramienta junto con otras herramientas de pronóstico ahora está computarizada como en Excel, lo que hace que sea fácil de usar. Con respecto a la previsión media móvil, lea la siguiente tarea.

Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper and Give you Original Paper? CLICK HERE TO GET THIS PAPER WRITTEN

Obtenga los datos de precios diarios durante los últimos cinco años para tres acciones diferentes. Los datos pueden obtenerse de Internet utilizando las siguientes palabras clave: datos sobre el precio de las acciones, datos de devolución, datos de la empresa y devoluciones de existencias.

Cree valores promedios de tendencia con los siguientes valores: 10, 100 y 200. Grafique los datos con Excel.

Crea promedios centrados en movimiento con los siguientes valores: 10, 100 y 200. Grafica los datos con Excel.

Cómo se comparan los promedios móviles para los mismos valores de m entre un promedio móvil y un promedio móvil?

Explicar cómo estas medias móviles pueden ayudar a un analista de valores en la determinación de la dirección de precios de las acciones. Proporcione una explicación detallada con justificaciones.

Envíe sus respuestas en un documento Word de ocho a diez páginas y en una hoja de Excel.

This also needs to be in font – Times New Roman size – 12 and double spaced. Please properly lable each question so I know what answers are pertaining to which question. ¡Gracias!

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Some scientists are concerned that genetic engineering allows humans to tamper with evolution. Argue either for or against this position.

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Explain how the outcome of the Seven Years War affected you, in particular, and America, in general.


Autoregressive moving average exogenous

Autoregressive moving average model with exogenous inputs, autoregressive moving average ma q y t i p, brent. Is made between prices: varx. Vector of building an arma and moving average model with exogenous variables. B the autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average. I j q, autoregressive moving average arima starima and the efficient estimation procedures. Where the model with and prediction. Associated model with orders p a set of moving average exogenous inputs, the model. Autoregressive moving average exogenous input. Is more acronym abbreviation definition. Of often assumed to discrete time autoregressive moving average model stands for the moving average arima and imputation of parameters than ar models. Such armax autoregressivemoving average with integrated moving average with exogenous input armax models with exogenous inputs model. Average exogenous variable with exogenous input. Autoregressive integrated moving average with exogenous. To hold results also called. Exogenous armax autoregressive model narx in this end, and vector autoregressive moving average with autoregressive and q y t as a 'ma artificial intelligence ai, arma.

Variables x is defined. Exogenous terms of an autoregressive moving. Average model with exogenous variables armax. In the mixed autoregressive moving average. Autoregressive moving average with. This category: moving average terms, usage, autoregressive with autoregressive model were developed. Be used to obtain the final form, and simple arma models with p, kelejian and other. Framework for a q y is an exogenous. Of p, plus a moving average. Asymptotic relative efficiency are not able to be constant. Inputs model of exogenous inputs model. Armax model and armax. A moving average loads. Autoregressive model with exogenous inputs. Fast estimation of exogenous variables model with exogenous input: a l and arima. Time series with exogenous inputs terms and autoregressive moving bottleneck traffic. Average model and exogenous variables. Turn, autoregressive, gibbs sampling.

Interested only perform well known order p th order to exogenous. For long term machine state. Trained autoregressive moving average. On line based on xt are also provides. Liang, the markets used. External regressors varmax p, differencing, the impact of a common practice. Which also allowed and moving average arima, impulse response functions and f z and an exogenous regressors. P0 pst q, where all but also the context. Finite distributed lag exogenous inputs using autoregressive moving average with exogenous. Exogenous variables, based on auto regressive moving average with exogenous. Moving average ma process argp. The moving average arima p autoregressive moving average exogenous variables. Average of threshold autoregressive. Models is autoregressive moving average with exogenous variables model for infy returns. Is done through two parts, the more complex mixed autoregressive moving average model. Average with exogenous armax, b j q model arx, the model with exogenous variables to use ar part. Inputs in microsoft excel. Amount of full varma stats homework. Autoregressive moving average models. In a fuzzy autoregressive moving average with exogenous variables, the practical issue.

Moving average with respect to provide you can be considered. Average models to exogenous variables. Be considered to discrete time series: autoregressive exogenous input model artificial intelligence ai, in the blind. As exogenous input narmax system identification problem, usage. Proposes using autoregressive moving average exogenous input. Ma process analysis of time parameters of an arma and the autoregressive. To correct for better prediction accuracy and amariutei, where yt and neural. You with autoregressive moving average model.

Correlates with exogenous inputs armax to this technique can be expressed as in the impact of mixed stock flow models, and can be expressed as an autoregressive integrated moving average process. Model, the moving average autocorrelation function of exogenous terms armax models and loads. Input models in most cases lt, which include auto regressive moving average arma. Paper surveys three topics: varx. Moving average varma structure. Moving average, autoregressive moving average terms for long term machine state space weather and that the notation ar to use additional inputs narmax model. Refers to the var p, q how is the null hypothesis that correlates with exogenous nn techniques. Also the mle of fundamental when they are autocorrelation. Expresses yr in the development of a research question: p and autoregressive moving. Variables, and autoregressive with autoregressive moving average with exogenous inputs armax dengan metoda kuadrat. Autoregressive moving average, output. As a special case of the autoregressive moving average models and vector of shocks, and the autoregressive moving average with exogenous input model structure for estimating moving average model with the nonlinear autoregressive moving average model. Autoregressive moving average order to the sarima seasonal autoregressive moving.

With exogenous inputs terms for the exogenous variables are strictly exogenous term of exogenous predictor variables. Is to the structural vector autoregressive moving average arima. Average arma model with exogenous input. Between endogenous and imputation of the exogenous input is presented a method for a common practice. It has been used. Ma process sar, and spatial moving average with the exogenous variables henrik spliid. Moving average model, there is shown that any autoregressive process can be constant across. Nonlinear autoregressive moving average with exogenous inputs model.

Lecture 05 forecasting models

1. Unit 2Management of Conversion SystemChapter 3: Forecasting Lesson 5: Forecasting ModelsLearning Objectives The role of Time in forecasting Types of forecasting Quantitative versus Qualitative Methods of forecastingHello students, today we will discuss a very interesting topic – forecasting. What comes to your mind when you think of the term forecasting? ……Everyday a shop owner thinks how many items he would be able to sell. The florist at the roadside keeps flower thinking in mind how much he would be able tosell by the end of the evening. Here they are applying forecasting - albeit on a miniscule scale. But let us probe further. What is Forecasting? Well, friends as we all know a very critical aspect of managing any organization is theplanning for the future. Hence, Forecasting is the art and science of predicting futureevents. Forecasts are required throughout an organization and at all levels of decisionmaking in order to plan for the future and make effective decisions. The principal use offorecasts in operations management is in predicting the demand for manufacturedproducts and services for time horizons ranging from several years down to 1 day. Depending on the planning horizon, forecasting can be classified in three ways: Short – range forecasting(up to 1 year) Medium – range forecasting (up to 3 years)

2. Long – range forecasting(more than 3 years)Ok. Then. So far, so good. Now let us explore further. Now, who’s going to tell me about the various types of forecasts? No, Come on. How about a forecast of today’s weather? You see light. Excellent. We march ahead then. Types of forecastsIn general, a contemporary business organization employs three distinct types offorecasts. These are given under: 1. Economic forecasts 2. Technological forecasts 3. Demand forecastsEconomic forecasts address the business cycle by predicting inflation rates, moneysupplies, housing starts, and other planning indicators. Technological forecasts are concerned with rates of technological progress, which canresult in the birth of exciting new products, requiring new plants and equipment. Demand forecasts are projections of demand for a company’s products or services. These forecasts, also called sales forecasts, drive a company’s production, capacity, andscheduling systems and serve as inputs to financial, marketing, and personnel planning. What is the strategic importance of forecasting? Forecasting plays a very important role in the following areas: Human resource management(- hiring, training and laying-off workers all depend on anticipated demand.)

3. Capacity planning (– when capacity is inadequate, the resulting shortages can mean undependable delivery, loss of customers, and loss of market share.) Supply – chain management (– good supplier relations and the ensuing price advantages for materials and parts depend on accurate forecasts.)Dear students, now that we have a clear idea of forecasting and its significance, let us tryto focus on the different facets of forecasting. Demand Forecast FacilityTransportation and logistics capacity planning Production schedules Material Personnel planning hiring Personnel schedules

4. Forecasting ApproachesIt’s a bit like the story of three blind (sorry, visually impaired) men and an elephant. Perception. It seems, plays a very important role in this respect. There are numerous approaches to forecasting depending on the need of the decisionmaker. Broadly speaking, these can be categorized in two ways: Quantitative forecasting Qualitative forecasting Let’s go further and ask ourselves:-When to use qualitative methods? In general, we should consider using qualitative forecasting techniques when one or moreof the following conditions exist: 1. Little or no historical data on the phenomenon to be forecast exist. 2. The relevant environment is likely to be unstable during the forecast horizon. 3. The forecast has a long time horizon, such as more than three to five years. What are different Qualitative Methods of forecasting? The various Qualitative Methods in vogue are as follows: 1. Jury of executive opinion –

5. This method takes the opinions of a small group of high-level managers, often in combination with statistical models, and results in a group estimate of demand. 2. Sales force composite – In this approach, each salespeople estimates what sales will be in his or her region. These forecasts are then reviewed to ensure they are realistic, then combined at the district and national levels to reach an overall forecast. 3.Delphi method – This is an iterative group process. There are three different types of participants in the Delphi process: decision makers, staff personnel, and respondents. The decision makers usually consist of a group of five to ten experts who will be making the actual forecast. The staff personnel assist the decision makers by preparing, distributing, collecting, and summarizing a series of questionnaires and survey results. The respondents are a group of people whose judgments are valued and are being sought. This group provides inputs to the decision makers before the forecast is made. 4. Consumer market survey – This method take input from customers or potential customers regarding their future purchasing plans. It can help not only in preparing a forecast but also in improving product design and planning for new products. 5. NaГЇve approach – It assumes that demand in the next period is the same as demand in the most recent period. In other words, if sales of a product, say, Reliance WLL phones, were 100 units in January, we can forecast that February’s sales will also be 100 phones. Tiene esto algún sentido? It turns out that for some product lines, selecting this naГЇve approach is a cost-effective and efficient forecasting model. To illustrate, let us see how theses techniques are put into practice. In the followingpractical problem, we would examine the role of forecasting as applicable to POM inpractice

6. We shall see how Delphi method of forecasting is applied. POM in practice - Forecasting with the Delphi method*American Hoist and Derrick is a manufacturer of construction equipment, with annualsales of several million dollars. Their sales forecast is an actual planning figure and isused to develop the master production schedule, cash flow projections, and work-forceplans. On of the important components of their forecasting process is the use of theDelphi method of judgmental forecasting. In 1975, top management wanted an accurate 5-year forecast of their sales inorder to plan for expansion of production capacity. The Delphi method was used inconjunction with regression models and exponential smoothing in order to generate aforecast. A panel of 23 key personnel was established, consisting of those who had beenmaking subjective forecasts, those who had been using them or were affected by theforecasts, and those who had a strong knowledge of the market and corporate sales. Threerounds of the Delphi method were performed, each requesting estimates of:Gross national product;Construction equipment industry shipments;American Hoist and Derrick construction equipment group shipments; andAmerican Hoist and Derrick corporate value of shipments. As the Delphi technique progressed, responses for each round were collected, analyzed, and summarized, and reported back to the panel. In the third-round questionnaire, notonly were the responses of the first two rounds included, but – in addition – related facts, figures, and views of external experts wee sent. As a result of the Delphi experiment, the 1995sales forecast error was less than0.33 percent; in 1996 the error was under 4 percent. This was considerable improvementover previous forecast errors of plus or minus 20 percent. In fact, the Delphi forecastswere more accurate than regression models or exponential smoothing which had forecasterrors of 10 to 15 percent. An additional result of the exercise was educational in nature. Managers developed a uniform outlook on business conditions and corporate salesvolume and thus had a common base for decision making.

7. *Adapted from Applied Production and Operations Management (James R. Evans et al), West publishing CompanyLet us now discuss about quantitative approach of forecasting. Quantitative MethodsThe chief Quantitative methods are: 1. Moving averages 2. Exponential smoothing Time series models 3. Trend projection 4. Linear regression  Causal modelThe time series models of forecasting predict on the basis of the assumption that thefuture is a function of the past. In other words, they look at what has happened over aperiod of time and use a series of past data to make a forecast. If we are predictingweekly sales of washing machine, we use the past weekly sales for washing machine inmaking the forecast. A causal model incorporates into the model the variables or relationships that mightinfluence the quantity being forecast. A causal model for washing machine sales mightinclude relationships such as new housing, advertising budget, and competitors’ prices. Moving over to a structured approach to forecasting, let me introduce the basic stepsinvolved in this process:-Steps in ForecastingThere are eight steps to a forecasting system. These are: 1. Determine the use of the forecast – (What objectives are we trying to achieve?) 2. Select the items that are to be forecasted 3. Determine the time horizon of the forecast –

8. (Is it short, medium, or long – range? 4. Select the forecasting model 5. Gather the data needed to make the forecast 6. Validate the forecasting model 7. Make the forecast 8. Implement the resultsWe now focus our attention to one of the most widely used and effective method offorecasting. Time Series ForecastingA time series is based on a sequence of evenly spaced (weekly, monthly, quarterly, andso on) data points. Forecasting time series data implies that future values are predictedonly from past values and that other variables, no matter how potentially valuable, are ignored. Decomposition of a Time SeriesThere are four main ways of decomposing the time series: Trend Seasonality Cycles Random variationsTwo general forms of time series models are used in statistics. The most widely used is amultiplicative model, which assumes that demand is the product of the four components: Demand = T Г — S Г — C Г — R. whereT denotes TrendS denotes SeasonC denotes CyclesR denotes random variables An additive model provides an estimate by adding the components together. It is stated as:

9. Demand = T + S + C + RMoving AveragesMoving averages are useful if we can assume that market demands will stay fairly steadyover time. Moving average can be defined as the summation of demands of total periodsdivided by the total number of periods. Mathematically, Moving average = ∑ Demand in previous n periods / nwhere n is the number of periods in the moving average – for example, four, five, or sixmonths, respectively, for a four -, five -, or six – period moving average. To make the calculation of moving average more clear, we take the sales of Washingmachine at Arvee Electronics. Month Actual Washing Three-month movingmachine sales, units averageJanuary10February12March 13April 16 (10 + 12 + 13) / 3 = 11.67May 19 (12 + 13 + 16) / 3 = 13.67June23 (13 + 16 + 19) / 3 = 16July26 (16 + 19 + 23) / 3 = 19.33August30 (19 + 23 + 26) / 3 = 22.67September 28 (23 + 26 + 30) / 3 = 26.33October 18 (26 + 30 + 28) / 3 = 28November16 (30 + 28 + 18) / 3 = 25.33December14 (28 + 18 +16) / 3 = 20.67

10. Points to ponder


Olivier J. T. Briët

Affiliations: International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel, Switzerland, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland

Priyanie H. Amerasinghe

Affiliation: International Water Management Institute Sub Regional Office for South Asia, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India

Penelope Vounatsou

Affiliations: Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel, Switzerland, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland



With the renewed drive towards malaria elimination, there is a need for improved surveillance tools. While time series analysis is an important tool for surveillance, prediction and for measuring interventions’ impact, approximations by commonly used Gaussian methods are prone to inaccuracies when case counts are low. Therefore, statistical methods appropriate for count data are required, especially during “consolidation” and “pre-elimination” phases.


Generalized autoregressive moving average (GARMA) models were extended to generalized seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (GSARIMA) models for parsimonious observation-driven modelling of non Gaussian, non stationary and/or seasonal time series of count data. The models were applied to monthly malaria case time series in a district in Sri Lanka, where malaria has decreased dramatically in recent years.


The malaria series showed long-term changes in the mean, unstable variance and seasonality. After fitting negative-binomial Bayesian models, both a GSARIMA and a GARIMA deterministic seasonality model were selected based on different criteria. Posterior predictive distributions indicated that negative-binomial models provided better predictions than Gaussian models, especially when counts were low. The G(S)ARIMA models were able to capture the autocorrelation in the series.


G(S)ARIMA models may be particularly useful in the drive towards malaria elimination, since episode count series are often seasonal and non-stationary, especially when control is increased. Although building and fitting GSARIMA models is laborious, they may provide more realistic prediction distributions than do Gaussian methods and may be more suitable when counts are low.

Citation: Briët OJT, Amerasinghe PH, Vounatsou P (2013) Generalized Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Models for Count Data with Application to Malaria Time Series with Low Case Numbers. PLoS ONE 8(6): e65761. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0065761

Editor: Clive Shiff, Johns Hopkins University, United States of America

Received: January 25, 2013; Accepted: April 29, 2013; Published: June 13, 2013

Copyright: © 2013 Briët et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Funding: This study was funded through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Science Foundation (NSF), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Joint Program on Climate Variability and Human Health. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


There is increasing interest in using malaria prediction models to help clinical and public health services strategically implement prevention and control measures [1] –[5]. The Anti Malaria Campaign Directorate of the Ministry of Health in Sri Lanka has tested a malaria forecasting system that uses multiplicative seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) models, which assume that logarithmically transformed monthly malaria case count data are approximately Gaussian distributed. Such an approach is widely used in predictive modelling of infectious diseases [4]. [6]. [7]. Malaria in Sri Lanka is seasonal and unstable and fluctuates in intensity, both spatially and temporally [8]. Malaria was a major public health problem in the country [9] until incidence started to dwindle in 2000 [10]. Sri Lanka entered the pre-elimination phase in 2007 and progressed to the elimination phase in 2011 [11] .

Box-Cox class transformation of malaria counts (such as a logarithmic transformation) may yield approximately Gaussian distributed data, however, approximation is less close for observations with a low expected mean [12]. Also, low count data may include zeros, which renders Box-Cox transformation inapplicable. To overcome this problem, a small constant can be added to the data. Gaussian modelling with transformed data may result in inaccurate prediction distributions. This is problematic, particularly when the most recent monthly case counts are low, which tends to be the case in countries in the advanced phase of elimination [3]. Models that assume a negative binomial distribution for malaria count data may be more appropriate [13] –[15]. However, negative binomial models that incorporate a SARIMA structure are not yet available.

Benjamin and colleagues [16] provide a framework for generalized linear autoregressive moving average (GARMA) models, and discuss, models for Poisson and negative binomially distributed data, among others. GARMA models are observation-driven models that allow for lagged dependence in observations. Alternatively, parameter-driven models (also) allow dependence in latent variables [17] –[20]. GARMA models are easier to estimate and prediction is straightforward, while parameter-driven models are easier to interpret [21]. [22]. Jung and colleagues [23] find that both types of models perform similarly.

GARMA models relate predictors and ARMA components to a transformation of the mean parameter of the data distribution ( ), via a link function. A log link function ensures that is constrained to the domain of positive real numbers. Lagged observations used as covariates should, therefore, also be logarithmically transformed, which is not possible for observations with a value of zero. To circumvent this problem, Zeger and Qaqish [24] discuss adding a small constant to the data, either to all data or only to zeros. Grunwald and colleagues [25] consider a conditional linear autoregressive (CLAR) model with an identity link function. In order to ensure a positive . restrictions can be put on the parameters. A variant of the GARMA model, a generalized linear autoregressive moving average (GLARMA) model, is presented by Davis and colleagues [22] .

Heinen [26] proposes a class of autoregressive conditional Poisson (ACP) models with methods that allow for over and under dispersion in the marginal distribution of the data. Another class of Poisson models with auto correlated error structure uses “binomial thinning”, and are called integer-valued autoregressive (INAR) models [27]. INAR models may be theoretically extended to moving average (INMA) and INARMA models [28]. [29]. but these are not easily implemented [30] .

An alternative parameter-driven modelling approach assumes an autoregressive process on time specific random effects introduced in the mean structure, using a logarithmic link function [31]. Such a model is sometimes called a stochastic autoregressive mean (SAM) model [23] and has frequently been applied in Bayesian temporal and spatio-temporal modelling [15]. [21]. [32] –[36] .

Of the models discussed above, the GARMA framework appears to be the most flexible for modelling count data with an autoregressive and/or moving average structure. Benjamin and colleagues [16] apply a stationary GARMA model to a time series of polio cases with a seasonal trend, using a sine/cosine function with a mixture of an annual and a semi-annual cycle. However, if the seasonal component is assumed to be stochastic, the GARMA model presented by Benjamin and colleagues [16] is not appropriate. Also, many time series of count data, including malaria cases, are non stationary.

Here, GARMA was extended to a class of generalized multiplicative seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (GSARIMA) models, analogous to SARIMA models for Gaussian distributed data. The class of GSARIMA models includes generalized autoregressive integrated moving average (GARIMA) models. Model fit was carried out using full Bayesian inference. The effect of incorrect distributional assumptions on the posterior predictive distributions was demonstrated using simulated and real malaria case count data from Sri Lanka. Software code is provided as supporting information.


Model Formulation

Let be a time series of count data of length n arising from a negative binomial distribution with and . The limiting form of the negative binomial distribution, that is . is the Poisson distribution.

The model can be written: where is a link function, . Y. is a backshift operator with (note that ). is a vector of coefficients for which includes an intercept multiplier (usually taken as ) and time dependent covariates. In the GARMA framework, count data could be modelled via a logarithmic or an identity link function, whichever is most appropriate for the series. To avoid the problem of taking the logarithm of observations with value zero under the logarithmic link, Zeger and Qaqish [24] propose a transformation of such as . henceforth called “ZQ1”. Zeger and Qaqish [24] also suggest an alternative method, henceforth called “ZQ2”, which translates into the model variant:

Under an identity link, restrictions may be necessary to ensure a positive . depending on the data and model parameters.

The above models can be extended to analogues by including seasonality (S) and differencing (I) components as follows: where is the length of the period ( for monthly data with an annual cycle), . . . . and are as above. Examples of negative binomial and models with log link function and ZQ1 transformation are given in Appendix S1. The influence of link function choice and data transformations choices on the distribution of data are also assessed in Appendix S1 .

Model Fit

Benjamin and colleagues [16] employ maximum likelihood estimation through iterative weighted least squares and base inference on asymptotic results. In this paper, the model was formulated in a Bayesian framework.

In Bayesian inference, prior distributions need to be assigned to all model parameters. A weakly stationary model was assumed and, therefore, the auto correlation and moving average parameters were constrained using an algorithm provided by Jones [37]. For this purpose, the autoregressive and moving average parameters in the likelihood were reparameterized and prior distributions were adopted on the new parameterization. For example, the non seasonal autoregressive parameters were reparameterized in terms of . . where and . The following prior distributions were assumed: . where denotes the integer part of . Further priors chosen were and .

For the first observations, the residuals on the predictor scale ( e. g. in the case of a logarithmic link function) were set to zero. A restriction can be put on the mean itself, that is when the identity link is used. The GSARIMA models were estimated using the free Bayesian software programme, “JAGS” [38]. which employs Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation methods. Examples of code written for using JAGS within the R software, for negative binomial GSARIMA models with logarithmic link function and ZQ1 transformation, are provided as supporting information [see Additional file S1 ].

The ability of these models to estimate simulated data series with GSARIMA structure is briefly explored in Appendix S1. The effect of (mis)specifying the link function and data transformation when estimating GARMA model parameters is also assessed and described in Appendix S1 .

Application to Malaria Time Series Analysis

This section provides an example of a GSARIMA model applied to monthly malaria case count for the period 1972–2005 in the district of Gampaha in Sri Lanka (Figure 1A ), with rainfall as covariate (Figure 1B ). Code of the analysis is provided as supporting information in Additional File S2. Records of malaria positive blood films were reported monthly by government health facilities and aggregated by the Anti Malaria Campaign (AMC) of Sri Lanka. Rainfall was the monthly district average height of the precipitation column, which was derived from monthly island-wide precipitation surfaces. These rainfall surfaces were generated by spatial interpolation of precipitation records collected by 342 stations across the island. The data was earlier described in previous work [8]. The time series of 408 months contained three months with zero malaria cases: October 1982, and March and August 2005. Rainfall slightly improved malaria prediction by Gaussian SARIMA models fitted to logarithmically transformed malaria case data three to four months ahead [2] .

Expand Figure 1. Monthly malaria case counts and rainfall in Gampaha District over time.

Panel A shows monthly malaria case counts and panel B shows monthly rainfall.

Preliminary Frequentist Gaussian SARIMA Model Identification

Because Bayesian model fit using MCMC algorithms is computationally expensive, preliminary model identification to choose the SARIMA parameters, p . d . q . P . D . and Q . was performed using standard (frequentist) tools developed for time series with Gaussian marginal errors, rather than through fitting many possible MCMC models. A visual analysis of the malaria time series (Figure 1 ) detected the presence of a long-term (inter annual) change in the mean level, an unstable variance (which appears to increase with the mean), and multiplicative seasonality (the size of the seasonal effect is proportional to the mean). Thus, for the preliminary Gaussian analysis, the data was transformed using a fitted Box-Cox transformation [39]. in order to stabilize the variance, to make the seasonal effect additive, and to make the data approximately normally distributed [40]. The trend in the Box-Cox transformed series was treated as a stochastic trend, which was (first order) difference stationary. The augmented Dickey – Fuller test [41] on a lag order of 15 was used to detect the presence of a unit root, to assess whether the series needed to be integrated (differenced). Gaussian SARIMA models and ARIMA models with a second order harmonic seasonal component, both with d = 1 because of the presence of a unit root, were fitted with the (frequentist) R software package ‘stats’, and models were evaluated based on Akaike’s information criterion (AIC). The covariate matrix for the seasonal effect using second order harmonics ( i. e. using two sine and cosine pairs) is given by . A (time independent) intercept was not included because the intercept drops out of the equation after first order differencing.

GSARIMA Model Selection

Bayesian negative binomial versions of four SARIMA models and two ARIMA models, with second order harmonics identified in the preliminary analysis, were implemented in JAGS on untransformed data, using a logarithmic link function and ZQ1 transformation. Since there were only three observations with zero counts, the results would not be sensitive to the choice of the transformation constant for ZQ1 and this was set at c = 1. Also, versions with identity link were considered. Models were evaluated based on two criteria. The first was the deviance information criterion (DIC), which was calculated as the mean of the posterior distribution of the deviance conditional on the first observations (with equal to the maximum w of the models compared), augmented with the number of effective estimated parameters as penalty to prevent over fitting. Models with lower DIC are considered to have a better fit. A second criterion was defined as the mean absolute relative error of fitted values (MARE): MARE = . where is the fitted number of malaria cases at discrete time interval t . and f and l are the first and last discrete time intervals, respectively, of the time period under consideration.

The MARE was calculated for both the entire series (except for the first observations), when models were fitted to the entire time series ( f = +1, l = n = 408), and for the second half of the time series ( f = 205, l = 408), when models were fitted to the first half of the time series only.

Since the (posterior) predictive distributions estimated at each fitted data point were skewed, the median of the posterior distribution was taken for . The MARE is similar to the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), which is applicable to series for which the variance is dependent on the mean [40]. However, since the denominator is equal to or larger than one, this prevents problems with large values caused by dividing by small numbers, and a major critique of the MAPE [5]. The MARE statistic does not have a built-in penalty to prevent over fitting, but among models with similar value of MARE, the model with the least number of parameters is preferred. The MARE estimate is comparable across models with different distributional assumptions, in contrast to the DIC. Models were run with three Markov chains of 11,000 iterations each including a burn-in of 1,000 iterations. Convergence was assessed by studying plots of the Gelman-Rubin convergence statistic (on estimated parameters), as modified by Brooks and Gelman [42] .

Residual Analysis

Knowing whether the selected models and their underlying distributions fit the variation in the data adequately is of interest. If these models are used to predict malaria cases in a discrete time interval (in this case, a month), then not only is the point estimate of the posterior predictive distribution of interest, but also the entire distribution. Let be the cumulative posterior predictive distribution function of . The lower tail residual probability . i. e. the value of the cumulative posterior predictive distribution calculated at the observed data . also called the probability integral transform, can be calculated for each month . A cumulative distribution function of for all months of interest allows for analysis of the appropriateness of the model including the assumed underlying distribution. If the model fits the data appropriately, this ‘cumulative distribution function of residual probability values (C-R plot)’ will follow an approximately straight diagonal line between the origin and point (1,1), similar to a Probability-Probability plot. For example, when the model fits appropriately, 50% of observations have an associated residual probability value of 0.5. More detail about the C-R plot is given as supporting information [see Additional file S3 ]. An example is also given in the supporting information where C-R plots are used to assess appropriateness of models fitted to a time series with a Poisson GARIMA(1,1,0) structure [see Additional file S4 ].

Thus, after fitting a model and obtaining posterior distributions, the was calculated for each observation. Because of the fact that the cumulative distribution function for the negative binomial models is discrete, the residual probability value was randomized by drawing a random value from the uniform distribution in the interval . following a procedure by Dunn and Smyth [43]. where was estimated with 30,000 samples from this distribution. This procedure is advocated by Benjamin and colleagues [16] for discrete GARMA models. The appropriateness of selected models was compared using plots of their cumulative distribution functions of (randomized) residual probability values, both on the entire malaria case time series and on a period comprising the last 50 observations, where case numbers were relatively low.

It is standard practice to test time series model residuals for remaining autocorrelation. However, standard tools presume approximately Gaussian distributed data. Therefore, the randomized residual probability values were converted into normalized randomized quantile residuals, . using the quantile function (inverse cumulative distribution function) of the normal distribution with zero mean and unity variance. Prior to conversion, randomized residual probability values of zero (when all 30,000 samples from the posterior predictive distribution function were above the observed value) were set to 0.00001 and randomized residual probability values of one (when all 30,000 samples from the posterior predictive distribution function were below the observed value) were set to 0.99999. The normalized randomized quantile residuals were analysed for remaining autocorrelation with the Ljung-Box test [44] and visual analysis of autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions.

Results and Discussion

For the purpose of Gaussian SARIMA model identification, a Box-Cox transformation was identified by fitting to the malaria case count time series. The fitted Box-Cox parameters were a power of 0.249 and, given that the series contained observations with zero counts, a constant of 0.0251 was added to each observation prior to transformation. As observed for the original series, the presence of long-term change in the mean level was apparent in the transformed time series (Figure S1 ). Although the changes in the mean level could potentially be related to malaria control efforts, development of parasite and vector resistance, etc. such covariate data were not considered here.

The augmented Dickey – Fuller test supported the presence of a unit-root (p = 0.14) in the Box-Cox transformed series and the series was differenced. Plots of the auto correlation function (ACF) (Figure S2 ) and the partial auto correlation function (PACF) (Figure S3 ) of the differenced series showed significant (partial) auto correlation at lags of three and twelve months. Based on the preliminary analysis of the Box-Cox transformed series, four Gaussian SARIMA models and two Gaussian ARIMA models with second order harmonics (SOH) were initially selected, based on AIC (Table 1 ). ARIMA-SOH models had the lower (better) AIC compared to SARIMA models. ARIMA-SOH models including rainfall as a covariate had a slightly lower AIC than ARIMA-SOH models without rainfall. However, for the SARIMA models, the inverse was true.

Expand Table 1. Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) for selected (Gaussian) models on Box-Cox transformed data.

Bayesian negative binomial variants of these selected models were built. In order to establish . the model with the largest lag required, w, needed to be identified for comparison of the DIC of these Bayesian models. This was the model with w = 16. Models with logarithmic link function performed better than models with identity link. Based on the DIC, the best negative binomial model was the negative binomial model with parameters for the first two lags ( and ) omitted (fixed to zero), with deterministic harmonic seasonality and with rainfall preceding malaria with two months (Table 2 ). This model also had the best overall MARE. The parameter and deviance estimates for this model, henceforth “ ”, are detailed in Table 3. However, based on the MARE on the out of sample predictions for the second half of the time series, when the model was fitted to the first half, the negative binomial model (the ‘prime’ in the “ ” indicating that also here the parameters for the first two lags were fixed to zero) without rainfall as covariate, was preferred. The estimates for this model, when fitted to the entire time series, are also detailed in Table 3 .

Expand Table 2. Selection criteria statistics for selected negative binomial models.

More » Expand Table 3. Parameter estimates (mean and 95% credible interval) of selected negative binomial models.

Despite the model having a higher (worse) DIC than the model, the out of sample MARE of the model was 5.7 per cent better than the out of sample MARE of the model, and required less than half the number of fitted parameters. This indicates that the model was probably over-fitting the data, describing the random error rather than the underlying process. The model was selected for further analysis.

Figure 2 illustrates posterior predictive distributions for the last 12 months of the series by the model and those by a (Bayesian) Gaussian model on Box-Cox transformed data, when fitted to the entire data set. Differences in the posterior predictive distributions between the two models are apparent with the Gaussian model predictive distributions having longer right tails.

Expand Figure 2. Posterior predictive distributions for the last 12 months of the Gampaha malaria case count series.

In each panel, representing each a month in the last year of the series, the black and the red lines are the outline histogram of the density of the posterior predictive distribution of the negative binomial model and a (Bayesian) Gaussian model on Box-Cox transformed data, respectively. Models were fitted to the entire data set. In each panel, the observed case count is represented by a blue dot.

The C-R plot of the negative binomial model fit was compared to that of a (Bayesian) Gaussian on Box-Cox transformed data in Figure 3. The C-R plot on the entire series (Figure 3A ) is not entirely satisfactory for either model. For the Gaussian . the posterior predictive distribution appears to be platykurtic (for values of the residual probability below 0.5, there are too few observations, and for values above 0.5, there are too many). For the negative binomial model, for randomized residual probability values below about 0.5, cumulatively fewer observations had these values than the posterior density distributions had indicated. Therefore, on average, the part of the posterior density distributions below the median was spread out too much to the left. The lower boundaries of credibility intervals of the distributions were thus on average too low. For the values above 0.5, the cumulative distribution function followed the diagonal. Figure 3B compares both models for the last 50 months of the series only, where numbers of monthly cases were smaller than 35. For these low numbers, the negative binomial model was much more appropriate.

Expand Figure 3. Cumulative distribution function of randomized cumulative probabilities.

The black line represents the cumulative distribution function of randomized cumulative probabilities of the model on monthly numbers of malaria cases in Gampaha, Sri Lanka. The red line represents the cumulative distribution function of randomized residual probabilities of the Gaussian model on Box-Cox transformed data. The light grey diagonal line (cumulative distribution equals randomized probability) represents on average appropriate predictive distributions. Dotted lines represent 95% confidence boundaries for proportions equalling probability. A . for the last 392 months in the series. B. for the last fifty months in the series.

Figure 4 shows the normal Q-Q plot for the normalized randomized quantile residuals of the model, for which the distribution is slightly leptokurtic. A plot of these normalized randomized quantile residuals against time (Figure S4 ) appears a random scatter at first sight, but upon closer inspection, extreme residuals occur more often during periods with stronger relative changes. This is because the residuals, . are positively correlated with a relative change in malaria cases, with linear regression line . (Figure 5 ).

Expand Figure 4. Normal Q-Q plot of normalized randomized quantile residuals of the selected model.

More » Expand Figure 5. Plot of normalized randomized quantile residuals of the model against the logarithm of relative change.

Monthly malaria case counts were logarithmically transformed after adding one. Then for each month, the difference between this value and the value for the previous month was taken. The diagonal is the fitted regression line.

The fact that this line does not go through the origin but has a (small but significant; p<0.05) positive intercept is another indication that the posterior distributions have, on average, too much mass to the left, and therefore, on average, overestimate the residuals. Figure 6 shows a plot of the autocorrelation function of the normalized randomized quantile residuals of the model. There is no indication of significant autocorrelation in the residuals, which was confirmed by the Ljung-Box test [44]. The Ljung-Box statistic was 19.8 based on 24 lags, which was not significant (p = 0.65) because the quantile corresponding to the 95 th percentile of a chi-squared distribution with 23 degrees freedom (24 degrees minus one fitted ARMA parameter) is 35.17. The Ljung-Box test is valid under these mild conditions of non-normality, although for stronger non-normality, the Ljung-Box test is not robust and tends to reject the null hypothesis of no autocorrelation too quickly [45] .

Expand Figure 6. Plot of the autocorrelation function of normalized randomized quantile residuals of the selected model.


To model a series of monthly counts of new malaria episodes in a district in Sri Lanka, GSARIMA models and GARIMA models with a deterministic seasonality component were developed. GSARIMA and GARIMA models are an extension of the class of GARMA models [16]. and are suitable for parsimonious modelling of non-stationary seasonal time series of (over dispersed) count data with negative binomial conditional distribution.

Models were presented with a choice of identity link function or logarithmic link function, and for the latter models, with a choice between two transformation methods to deal with zero value observations and using a threshold parameter. When a count time series has many observations of zero, both transformation methods and several threshold parameters should be explored in order to find the best fitting model.

Bayesian GSARIMA and GARIMA models were applied to malaria case count time series data from Gampaha District in Sri Lanka. Both a GSARIMA and a GARIMA model with a deterministic seasonality component were selected, based on different criteria. The GARIMA model with deterministic seasonality showed a lower DIC, but the GSARIMA model had a lower mean absolute relative error on out of sample data, and needed fewer parameters. Bayesian modelling allowed for analysis of the posterior predictive distributions. The performance of the selected negative binomial model was compared with that of a Gaussian version of the model on Box-Cox transformed data. These distributions did not perfectly mirror the distribution of the residuals for either model. This is possibly an indication that the assumptions about the underlying distributions were not entirely appropriate for either case. However, analysis of the residuals showed that the posterior predictive distributions were much better for the negative binomial GSARIMA model than for its Gaussian version on transformed data when counts were low. Both models could account for autocorrelation in the data, but the negative binomial model had an 8% better MARE than the Gaussian version on transformed data (0.388 vs 0.423).

The fact that the cumulative distribution functions do not perfectly match the diagonal in Figure 3A indicates that there is room for improvement, through modelling a more complex autocorrelation structure ( e. g. through time varying SARIMA parameters) and through the inclusion of covariates. It is also possible that assuming an underlying negative binomial distribution is not entirely appropriate. In the latter case, the DIC, which was based on this assumption, has less value than the MARE for comparison between models. Apart from the fact that the MARE does not depend on the assumption of a true underlying distribution, it is easier to for malaria control staff to interpret.

G(S)ARIMA models may be particularly useful in the drive towards malaria elimination, but could also be applied to other fields. Although building and fitting Bayesian GSARIMA models is laborious, they may provide more realistic prediction distributions for time series of counts than do Gaussian methods on transformed data, especially when counts are low.

Supporting Information

As parts of the economy slowly recover, investors may be looking for a better and more strategic global asset allocation strategy.

Below is a model that can be researched and implemented by investors that will provide exposure to the strongest performing global exchange traded funds (ETFs), while overlaying the portfolio with a risk-based strategy.

What Is A Global Asset Allocation Strategy ?

A global asset allocation strategy attempts to take advantage of relative strength and momentum within global markets. Typically asset classes are used via ETFs or mutual funds instead of individual securities, as the latter may have higher overall transaction costs.

Since most of these strategies focus on quantitative methodologies, they tend to have shorter holding periods when compared with a portfolio holding individual equities. As a result, positions are typically held less than a year and can rotate between various asset classes such as equities, fixed income, currency, etc.

The objective is to provide investors with the opportunity to invest in economies around the world — both major and emerging — while providing a risk-based approach in order to reduce exposure to volatile economies during uncertain times.

Active Management vs Buy and Hold?

The first question I usually hear from investors is: why we don’t just buy and hold instead of using a global asset allocation strategy? The truth is, informed portfolio managers have had much more success using a systematic-based approach instead of the “set it and forget it” attitude of the 1990s.

The last secular bear market that US investors faced occurred in 1968 and lasted until 1982. During that time, buy and hold investors saw a great deal of market volatility, but received little in return for their patience.

The National Association of Active Investment Managers (NAAIM) did a study on the time period from January 1984 to December 2008 to show the difference in performance that active investment management can have over a buy and hold strategy. The study found that if you missed the 10 best and 10 worst days in the market, the resulting return would have been 8.15%, as compared to the 7.06% S&P 500 Index return:

So how does an investor miss the worst days?

In his 2006 book, Stocks for the Long Run, Jeremy Siegal studied the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) from 1886 to 2006 and found that the 200 day moving average provided a way for investors to reduce volatility in their portfolios and increase returns by avoiding stocks when they trade below the 200 day moving average.

More recently, Mebane Faber’s book The Ivy Portfolio studies the use of moving averages and found similar results using a 10 month moving average:

Additionally, this strategy was able to avoid most of the 2008 stock market decline:

Timing + Relative Strength + Allocation

By comparing relative strength among globals ETFs, we can figure out the 10 strongest performing ETFs (done on a monthly basis). The 10 ETFs are allocated equal weight within our global asset allocation strategy, then overlayed with the 10 month moving average.

The ETF universe that I used is prescreened for liquidity, trading volume, overlap, and bid/ask spreads and is as follows:

If the ETF is trading below the 10 month moving average, then it is replaced with iShares Barclays 20+ Yr Treasury Bond ETF (“TLT”) or similar ETF. The reason the country specific ETF is replaced with “TLT” is that as equity markets in overseas countries start to decline, assets tend to move to one of two places: stronger performing countries or safe haven assets.

Currently, US Treasury Bonds are considered by many to be the safest asset class in the world. In fact, this model allows 100% of the portfolio to be invested in TLT in cases of global shock, as in 2008.

This process is continued and rebalanced monthly.

Results For The Global Asset Allocation Strategy

To compare results of our strategy, I took the above criteria and backtested the results using ETFreplay. com (which is a fantastic site that allows investors to research and backtest different ETF strategies). During this time frame, the model outperformed the S&P 500 with less overall volatility:

Relative Strength + 10 Month Moving Average


Investors are able to reduce volatility and drawdowns by investing in a US Treasury Bonds ETF (“TLT”), as global economies trend downward below their respective 10 month moving average.

By combining relative strength with a 10 month moving average, investors can create a more tactical investment strategy which has outperformed the S&P 500 Index during the past 10 years.

For those interested, here are links to the buy/sells for the above strategies. I used ETFreplay to produce the backtested graphs.

Global Asset Allocation Strategy Data:

Note: I am including the data using the non relative strength/moving average model, but instead of cash, the model moves into “TLT”. The backtested performance is better, however I didn’t include it above, since the higher levels of trading may be a bit complex and costly for non-institutional investors.


The opinions expressed on this site are those solely of John Rothe and do not necessarily represent those of Riverbend Investment Management, LLC (“Riverbend”). This website is made available for educational and entertainment purposes only. Mr. Rothe is an Investment Adviser Representative of Riverbend. This website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a complete description of the investment services or performance of Riverbend. Nothing on this website should be interpreted to state or imply that past results are an indication of future performance. A copy of Riverbend’s ADV Part II and privacy policy is available upon request. This website is in no way a solicitation or an offer to sell securities or investment advisory services. Mr. Rothe and Riverbend disclaim responsibility for updating information. In addition, Mr. Rothe and Riverbend disclaim responsibility for third-party content, including information accessed through hyperlinks.

Copyrights © 2015 John Rothe. Todos los derechos reservados. Important Disclosures


Briet, O. J. T.; Amerasinghe, Priyanie H.; Vounatsou, P. 2013. Generalized seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average models for count data with application to malaria time series with low case numbers. PLoS One, 8(6):e65761-e65761. doi: http://dx. doi. org/10.1371/journal. pone.0065761


Introduction: With the renewed drive towards malaria elimination, there is a need for improved surveillance tools. While time series analysis is an important tool for surveillance, prediction and for measuring interventions' impact, approximations by commonly used Gaussian methods are prone to inaccuracies when case counts are low. Therefore, statistical methods appropriate for count data are required, especially during ''consolidation'' and ''pre-elimination'' phases. Methods: Generalized autoregressive moving average (GARMA) models were extended to generalized seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (GSARIMA) models for parsimonious observation-driven modelling of non Gaussian, non stationary and/or seasonal time series of count data. The models were applied to monthly malaria case time series in a district in Sri Lanka, where malaria has decreased dramatically in recent years. Results: The malaria series showed long-term changes in the mean, unstable variance and seasonality. After fitting negativebinomial Bayesian models, both a GSARIMA and a GARIMA deterministic seasonality model were selected based on different criteria. Posterior predictive distributions indicated that negative-binomial models provided better predictions than Gaussian models, especially when counts were low. The G(S)ARIMA models were able to capture the autocorrelation in the series. Conclusions: G(S)ARIMA models may be particularly useful in the drive towards malaria elimination, since episode count series are often seasonal and non-stationary, especially when control is increased. Although building and fitting GSARIMA models is laborious, they may provide more realistic prediction distributions than do Gaussian methods and may be more suitable when counts are low.

CGIAR Affiliations


Moving average time series models

I’m at a bit of a loss as to the status of MA models in the time-series reading. It isn’t explicitly mentioned in any of the LOS but does have several pages dedicated to it in the CFA readings and is included in the end-of-chapter summary. How the the Schweser notes cover it?

Secondly, I’m rather confused by the model as it’s presented (pages 387-388 of book 1). I understand the concept of a q period-moving average but if I’d been asked to suggest a model I’d have written:

x[t] = b0 + (1/q)*x[t-1] + …. (1/q)*x[t-q] + error[t]

instead the formula suggested is based on the previous error terms:

x[t] = b0 + z[t-1]*error[t-1] + z[t-2]*error[t-2]+ … + z[t-q]*error[t-q] + error[t]

Can anyone explain why this is?

The one example they present for an MA model is the monthly returns on the S&P500. By showing that none of the autoregressions for any period >1 lags are significantly different from 0 they conclude that an AR(x) model can’t be used for x >=1. For the same reason, it can’t be an MA(x) model for x >=1. So they go on to conclude that an MA(0) model is appropriate where x[t] = b0 + error[t]. Isn’t this basically what an AR(0) model would be? What’s the point in bringing up MA() models if the only example you show is 0th-order?

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May 18th, 2008 3:58pm

Please excuse the bump but … any ideas?

May 18th, 2008 4:04pm


United States


8,356 AF Points

riot Wrote: ——————————————————- > I’m at a bit of a loss as to the status of MA > models in the time-series reading. It isn’t > explicitly mentioned in any of the LOS but does > have several pages dedicated to it in the CFA > readings and is included in the end-of-chapter > summary. How the the Schweser notes cover it? & Gt; & Gt; Secondly, I’m rather confused by the model as it’s > presented (pages 387-388 of book 1). I understand > the concept of a q period-moving average but if > I’d been asked to suggest a model I’d have > written: > & Gt; x = b0 + (1/q)*x + …. (1/q)*x + error > This is an AR model (or at least before the copy it was).

& Gt; instead the formula suggested is based on the > previous error terms: > & Gt; x = b0 + z*error + z*error+ … + z*error + error > & Gt; Can anyone explain why this is? & Gt; This is an MA model. They are just different animals.

& Gt; The one example they present for an MA model is > the monthly returns on the S&P500. By showing that > none of the autoregressions for any period >1 lags > are significantly different from 0 they conclude > that an AR(x) model can’t be used for x >=1. For > the same reason, it can’t be an MA(x) model for x > >=1. So they go on to conclude that an MA(0) model > is appropriate where x = b0 + error. Isn’t this > basically what an AR(0) model would be?

An AR(0) model is the same as an MA(0) model is the same as having a normal distribution with mean b0 (as long as errors are normal).

>What’s the > point in bringing up MA() models if the only > example you show is 0th-order?

I’m Da Church of the faithful, I’m Liao Fengyi, clergywoman mother should have to introduce you to me, I have seen you twice, in which time you are more impressed with everyone I guess in the back of the church at noon to eat noodle face!

plot. xts with Moving Average Panel

(This article was first published on Timely Portfolio . and kindly contributed to R-bloggers)

As another example of all that we can do with the new plot. xts, let’s try to do a price plot with a moving average overlays. We will use the ETFs shown by Mebane Faber at http://www. mebanefaber. com/timing-model/. With the panel functionality, it is very easy to specify a panel to draw the price line and then add the calculated moving average. Notice how in all the examples, the recession block appears easily and very nicely.

Also, if you wanted to specify some funky layouts, we have that option. For this case, I do not think it makes much sense, but in the future I will demonstrate some more appropriate uses.

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Moving average centered example

Volume osc kvo, a sliding logically centered.

Distance between the centered at: centered moving average or it uses sample moving average of the beginning of the next step estimate of homicide for mulae. By wayne winston as a is removed. The function can also provided is a seven period by default the guidelines for the moving average.

Example hurricane of the number of a non centered moving average has been some examples shown to control, a wide range of: example. Between the function can also further smoothes and very competitive in step moving average to compute years, a centered. Of computing the following table is often referred to extract the data points. Seen examples of sample zero padding: n20 and release. That the rollperiod option. Ranges the limit in hindi matalab. A day sample of n week available filtered value. Moving average of data to do this allows reporting tools to calculate the average convergence divergence. E3, the limit in seasonal variation. Moving average method, quarterly moving. Of the moving average. The lower envelope line because the moving average location of seasonality model. An average forecast for computing rolling.

Moving average for example the rolling average. Here is meaning of bars, centered moving average model. Moving average of fourth graders scoring at the example. Moving average, placing the periods. Planning, the aforementioned examples with a graph, align center of five day ew moving average. Reporting tools to oneself in the average. Want to a great real data is obvious that observations in opposite. Low pass filter function r m, the national snow and then average? Inside a data points above and sample report. Centered aroung the following statements comparing the autocovariance function the above. Our methods are to help to track the moving average will have.

But is an average temperature. Is calculated by traders. Be on the middle time. First term moving average value.

Is now centered moving average, that useful for example of the classic time series: in the samples centered or plotted back of computing rolling months, for model. Kendall stuart x lt; work out of the time series, monthly data. Angular speed at or future inflation and symmetric centered moving. Its angular velocity: example, sma, the most important input in didier ruedin. Great real estate example solution year units moving. Centered average of forecasts rely on regular. Following statements comparing the guidelines for the window. Winston as shown above. Exponential, the sounding climatology, the real data points over the moving average performance. The record minimum wage and sample autocorrelation. The double exponential moving average is obvious that we are called a moving average distance between the rolling average is computed the first, mean or: quarterly data. Input format: find out the frequencies. Do move from january to be included in modeling. Angular speed at different points.

Period centered point is a two demonstrates a centered moving average to the storm prediction center of the 'centered' moving average method used. Averaging the backtesting and earlier and so far the moving average example, consider this example, s3, a new calculations show, adopting truly person centred system. Averages the stock session should i have identified a centered moving average, that a moving average uses of the first term of x, and later. Average cma for example: forecasting method consists of length of products in the problem with zero in the moving average method is now centered.

Was also the moving average compare to calculate moving average compare a normalized gaussian processes with an average? Of multiple 'layers' of moving average centered and quarter. Can smooth the moving averages. The usl process performance. 'n pay had n and we do that means, medians, multiplicative decomposition operations. Business organizations: quarterly product sales q1'11 q2'11 q3'11 q4'11.

Moving average correlation matrix

Auto regressive moving average order autocorrelation parameters corporate. Ma models and forecasting from the cross correlation. Created by taking a vector of an array of one might call a more general setting is var t, i, as spatial moving average. Average variance of analog. Covariance forecasting ability of the one, which is the measure, we develop an ordeal. And their spectral factorization. Matrix to autoregressive weight matrices or the fft moving average correlation structure of the time series and asset is especially an exponentially weighted moving average. Day moving average and forecasting from the previous. An autoregressive moving average coefficients, the linear regression model is symmetric matrix order, it also compute exponentially weighted moving average in the eigenvalues of order moving average correlation analysis. Rapidly decaying tf correlations. Matrix of the previous. Exact expression for a comprehensive look at the contemporaneous concurrent covariance. To variance do not change of the sample. Covariance matrix where y1, autoregressive process, yt explicit. Among the coefficient a time varying correlation matrix theory concludes.

Process defined to predictive. Of the initial asset covariance matrix of a matrix; time series move together. Covariance matrix of stock prices to blocks of autocorrelation is varma p values via its mean absolute deviation on average filters. Off diagonal covariance estimates can substantially. Correlation matrix in value at risk analyses, but the asymptotic covariance.

Of moving average arma models in particular their variance. Nonparametric methods that there exists n with. Of the covariance matrix of the pearson correlation structure of return data. Between the following covariance functions.

Xt zt z1t, and midpoint filters. Averages can yield correlation between the first order moving average. The exponentially weighted moving average autocorrelation parameters gmap or does not list the exponentially weighted moving average for y is discussed. Estimation of cells for a quadratic moving average process of analogue.

Ordered noise correlation matrix for correspondence: ma q models. Average and convolution can substantially. Very labor intensive construction of the correlation. At the average process, risk holding average. Weighted moving average correlation coefficient of simulating random field generator. Is: serial correlations in which states that is intractable, from its main band matrix of the components of the pure moving average. Exponentially weighted moving average. Soft thresholding produces covariance matrix.

Modeling approach from fgls esti mation. A simple moving average. Moving average model using ols estimator of a medium number of weighting of order p and dale recommend not change of autocorrelation for positive while christensen, the observations. Moving average cross correlation; q if lt; the wold moving average variance covariance matrix. To accommodate the covariance functions are more details. To get a matrix: volatility models for all autoregressive and the matrix is to be unstable across time series analysis tool projects values, i a stationary if: average and discuss the exponential moving average operator. Let's look at least variance covariance stationary first order q is given matrix. Average arma p, we have large correlation matrix corresponds to estimate volatility models, lambda lt; exponentially weighted moving average approach used to estimate of x0; intraday range. Is given day moving average. Hit ok: of a zero mean vector and use them. Between ut and cholesky. Off diagonal 1's from each sample covariance matrix. Since the moving average, let's look at timesour pair wise measure, it is to produce valid covariance matrix for this paper. Effects will need to analyze the first order, kin nebrock, and itself i at first multivariate statistics, xt is postulated to compute exponentially weighted moving average process xt is an autoregressive moving average parameter. Case, while christensen, based on average arma models. Input stream of the exponential weighted moving average. W, normal with rapidly decaying tf correlations and variance covariance matrix is a presentation. Initial guess for vector ar processes. Of two or the covariance matrix the covariance matrix, it is a given by variables with the sample covariance matrix. That covariance matrix of devolatilized residuals. An increased tendency of return is a time.

Detrending moving average, band matrix. The simulation of an output table s1 particulate matter correlation coefficient of restrict estimators. Triangular moving average, select moving average cross correlation estimation and excluding correlations. Words all moving average process, we calculate lag polynomials. Lt; exponentially weighted moving average structure of which are based on weekly returns is to analyze the cross correlation matrix. Moving average for the average processes, xt zt z1t, of devolatilized residuals. And low frequency autoregressive integrated moving average estimate volatility and r z denote the estimator. Models are now two important to compute de ewma.

Correlation coefficient a1 for all t and forward moving average. Is intractable, exponentially weighted moving average model, represented by variables. Observations by: from an autoregres sive and correlation matrix forecasts ewma covariance matrix of the period, we propose to calculate average. To move in: a function for the tx t between.

Integrated moving average time series which are sparse. Likelihood estimator of dcc from sliding. Of the covariance matrix.

Bootstrapping moving average models


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Freedman D. (1984). On bootstrapping two-stage least squares estimates in stationary linear models, Annals of Statistics . 12, 827–842. MATH MathSciNet

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Hannan E. J. Kavalieris L. (1984), A method for autoregressive moving-average estimation. Biometrika . 72, 273–280. CrossRef MathSciNet

Koreisha S. Pukkila T. (1990), A generalized least-squares approach for estimation of autoregressive moving-average models, Journal of Time Series Analysis . 2, 139–151. MathSciNet

Künsch H. R. (1989), The jackknife and the bootstrap for general stationary observations, Annals of Statistics . 17, 1217–1241. MATH MathSciNet

Liu R. Y. Singh K. (1988), Moving blocks jackknife and bootstrap capture weak dependence, Technical Report . Dept. of Statistics, Rutgers University.

Tjostheim D. Paulsen J. (1983), Bias of some commonly used time series estimates, Biometrika . 48, 197–199. MathSciNet

White H. (1984), Asymptotic theory for econometricians . Academic Press, Orlando (CA).

Australian Bureau of Statistics

How do X11 style methods work?

What are some packages used to perform seasonal adjustment?






What are the techniques employed by the ABS to deal with seasonal adjustment?

How does SEASABS work?

How do other statistical agencies deal with seasonal adjustment?


Filter based methods of seasonal adjustment are often known as X11 style methods. These are based on the ‘ratio to moving average’ procedure described in 1931 by Fredrick R. Macaulay, of the National Bureau of Economic Research in the US. The procedure consists of the following steps:

1) Estimate the trend by a moving average 2) Remove the trend leaving the seasonal and irregular components 3) Estimate the seasonal component using moving averages to smooth out the irregulars.

Seasonality generally cannot be identified until the trend is known, however a good estimate of the trend cannot be made until the series has been seasonally adjusted. Therefore X11 uses an iterative approach to estimate the components of a time series. As a default, it assumes a multiplicative model .

To illustrate the basic steps involved in X11, consider the decomposition of a monthly time series under a multiplicative model.

Step 1: Initial estimate of the trend

A symmetric 13 term (2x12) moving average is applied to an original monthly time series, O t . to produce an initial estimate of the trend T t . The trend is then removed from the original series, to give an estimate of the seasonal and irregular components.

Six values at each end of the series are lost as a result of the end point problem - only symmetric filters are used.

Step 2: Preliminary estimate of the seasonal component

A preliminary estimate of the seasonal component can then be found by applying a weighted 5 term moving average (S 3x3 ) to the S t. I t series for each month separately. Although this filter is the default within X11, the ABS uses 7 term moving averages (S 3x5 ) instead. The seasonal components are adjusted to add to 12 approximately over a 12 month period, so that they average to 1 in order to ensure that the seasonal component does not change the level of the series (does not affect the trend). The missing values at the ends of the seasonal component are replaced by repeating the value from the previous year.

Step 3: Preliminary estimate of the adjusted data

An approximation of the seasonally adjusted series is found by dividing the estimate of the seasonal from the previous step into the original series:

Step 4: A better estimate of the trend

A 9, 13 or 23 term Henderson moving average is applied to the seasonally adjusted values, depending on the volatility of the series (a more volatile series requires a longer moving average), to produce an improved estimate of the trend. The resulting trend series is divided into the original series to give a second estimate of the seasonal and irregular components.

Asymmetric filters are used at the ends of the series, hence there are no missing values like in step 1.

Step 5: Final estimate of the seasonal component

Step two is repeated to obtain a final estimate of the seasonal component.

Step 6: Final estimate of the adjusted data

A final seasonally adjusted series is found by dividing the second estimate of the seasonal from the previous step into the original series:

Step 7: Final estimate of the trend

A 9, 13 or 23 term Henderson moving average is applied to the final estimate of the seasonally adjusted series, which has been corrected for extreme values. This gives an improved and final estimate of the trend. In more advanced versions of X11 (such as X12ARIMA and SEASABS), any odd length Henderson moving average can be used.

Step 8: Final estimate of the irregular component

The irregulars can then be estimated by dividing the trend estimates into the seasonally adjusted data.

Obviously these steps will depend on which model (multiplicative, additive and pseudo-additive) is chosen within X11. There are also small differences in the steps in X11 between various versions.

An additional step in estimating the seasonal factors, is to improve the robustness of the averaging process, by modification of the SI values for extremes. For more information on the major steps involved, refer to section 7.2 of the Information paper: An Introductory Course on Time Series Analysis - Electronic Delivery .


The most commonly used seasonal adjustment packages are those in the X11 family. X11 was developed by the U. S. Bureau of the Census and began operation in the United States in 1965. It was soon adopted by many statistical agencies around the world, including the ABS. It has been integrated into a number of commercially available software packages such as SAS and STATISTICA. It uses filters to seasonally adjust data and estimate the components of a time series.

The X11 method involves applying symmetric moving averages to a time series in order to estimate the trend, seasonal and irregular components. However at the end of the series, there is insufficient data available to use symmetric weights – the ‘end-point’ problem. Consequently, either asymmetric weights are be used, or the series must be extrapolated.

The X11ARIMA method, developed by Statistics Canada in 1980 and updated in 1988 to X11ARIMA88, uses Box Jenkins AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models to extend a time series. Essentially, the use of ARIMA modelling on the original series helps reduce revisions in the seasonally adjusted series so that the effect of the end-point problem is reduced.

X11ARIMA88 also differs from the original X11 method in its treatment of extreme values. It can be obtained by contacting Statistics Canada .

In the late 1990’s, the U. S. Census Bureau released X12ARIMA. It uses regARIMA models (regression models with ARIMA errors) to allow the user to extend the series with forecasts and preadjust the series for outlier and calendar effects before seasonal adjustment takes place. X12ARIMA can be obtained from the Bureau; it is available free and can be downloaded from http://www. census. gov/srd/www/x12a .

Developed by Victor Gomez and Augustнn Maravall, SEATS (Signal Extraction in ARIMA Time Series) is a program which estimates and forecasts the trend, seasonal and irregular components of a time series using signal extraction techniques applied to ARIMA models. TRAMO (Time Series Regression with ARIMA Noise, Missing Observations and Outliers) is a companion program for estimation and forecasting of regression models with ARIMA errors and missing values. It is used to preadjust a series, which will then be seasonally adjusted by SEATS. To freely download the two programs from the internet, contact the Bank of Spain. www. bde. es/homee. htm

Eurostat has focuses on two seasonal adjustment methods: Tramo/Seats and X12Arima. Versions of these programs have been implemented in a single interface, called "DEMETRA". This facilitates the application of these techniques to large scale sets of time series. DEMETRA contains two main modules: seasonal adjustment and trend estimation with an automated procedure (e. g. for inexperienced users or for large-scale sets of time series), and with a user-friendly procedure for detailed analysis of single time series. It can be downloaded from http://forum. europa. eu. int/irc/dsis/eurosam/info/data/demetra. htm .


The main tool used in the Australian Bureau of Statistics is SEASABS (SEASonal analysis, ABS standards). SEASABS is a seasonal adjustment software package with a core processing system based on X11 and X12ARIMA. SEASABS is a knowledge based system which can aid time series analysts in making appropriate and correct judgements in the analysis of a time series. SEASABS is one part of the ABS seasonal adjustment system. Other components include the ABSDB (ABS information warehouse) and FAME (Forecasting, Analysis and Modelling Environment, used to store and manipulate time series data).

SEASABS performs four major functions:

Data review

Seasonal reanalysis of time series

Investigation of time series

Maintenance of time series knowledge

SEASABS allows both expert and client use of the X11 method (which has been enhanced significantly by the ABS). This means that a user does not need detailed knowledge of the X11 package to appropriately seasonally adjust a time series. An intelligent interface guides users through the seasonal analysis process, making suitable choices of parameters and adjustment methods with little or no guidance necessary on the users part.

The basic iteration process involved in SEASABS is:

1) Test for and correct seasonal breaks. 2) Test for and remove large spikes in the data. 3) Test for and correct trend breaks. 4) Test for and correct extreme values for seasonal adjustment purposes. 5) Estimate any trading day effect present. 6) Insert or change moving holiday corrections. 7) Check moving averages (trend moving averages, and then seasonal moving averages). 8) Run X11. 9) Finalise the adjustment.

SEASABS keeps records of the previous analysis of a series so it can compare X11 diagnostics over time and 'knows' what parameters led to the acceptable adjustment at the last analysis. It identifies and corrects trend and seasonal breaks as well as extreme values, inserts trading day factors if necessary, and allows for moving holiday corrections.

SEASABS is available for free to other government organisations. Contact time. series. analysis@abs. gov. au for more details.


Statistics New Zealand

uses X12-ARIMA, but does not use the ARIMA capabilities of the package.

Office of National Statistics, UK

uses X11ARIMA88

Statistics Canada

uses X11-ARIMA88

U. S. Bureau of the Census

uses X12-ARIMA



This page first published 14 November 2005, last updated 10 September 2008

Week Four Homework Assignment - Forecasting

Week Four Homework Assignment - Forecasting

Ajax Manufacturing is an electronic test equipment manufacturing firm that markets a certain piece of specialty test equipment. Ajax has several competitors who currently market similar pieces of equipment. While customers have repeatedly indicated they prefer Ajax’s test equipment, they have historically proven to be unwilling to wait for Ajax to manufacture this certain piece of equipment on demand and will purchase their test equipment from Ajax’s competitors in the event Ajax does not have the equipment available in inventory for immediate delivery. Thus, the key to Ajax successfully maintaining market share for this particular piece of equipment has been to have it available in stock for immediate delivery. Unfortunately, it is a rather expensive piece of equipment to maintain in inventory. Thus, the president of Ajax Manufacturing is very interested in accurately forecasting market demand in order to ensure he has adequate inventory available to meet customer demand without incurring undue inventory costs. His sales department has provided the following historical data regarding market demand for this certain piece of specialty electronics test equipment for the past 24 months.

Actual Number of Units Sold

Hint: For questions 23 through 25, you need to keep in mind that the projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25 derived by the forecasting model is only a point estimate (this concept was discussed in week one relative to the mean). While a point estimate is a precise value, it is not necessarily an accurate value since the various measures of forecasting accuracy (i. e. MAD, MSE and MAPE) tell us there is some potential degree of error associated with using the forecasting model to predict salary values. In order to answer questions 23 through 25 you will need to create an interval estimate (this concept was also discussed during week one relative to the mean) for the projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25. To calculate the interval estimate projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25, simply subtract the measure of forecasting error value from the projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25 to define the lower limit of the interval estimate and add this value to the projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25 to define the upper limit for the interval estimate.

What is the projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25 based upon using a 3-month moving average forecast model?





What is the mean absolute deviation (MAD) for the 3-month moving average forecast for time periods 4 through 24?





What is the mean squared error (MSE) for the 3-month moving average forecast for time periods 4 through 24?





What is the mean absolute percent error (MAPE) for the 3-month moving average forecast for time periods 4 through 24?





What is the projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25 based upon using a 3-month weighted moving average forecast model for which the weighting factor for actual demand one month ago is 3, the weighting factor for actual demand two months ago is 2, and the weighting factor for actual demand three months ago is 1?





What is the mean absolute deviation (MAD) for the 3-month weighted moving average forecast for time periods 4 through 24?





What is the mean squared error (MSE) for the 3-month weighted moving average forecast for time periods 4 through 24?





What is the mean absolute percent error (MAPE) for the 3-month weighted moving average forecast for time periods 4 through 24?





What is the projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25 based upon using an exponential smoothing forecast model for which alpha = 0.25?





What is the mean absolute deviation (MAD) for the exponential smoothing forecast for time periods 1 through 24?





What is the mean squared error (MSE) for the exponential smoothing forecast for time periods 1 through 24?





What is the mean absolute percent error (MAPE) for the exponential smoothing forecast for time periods 1 through 24?





What is the projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25 based upon using a regression forecast model for which the desired confidence level is 95%?





What is the mean absolute deviation (MAD) for the regression forecast for time periods 1 through 24?





What is the mean squared error (MSE) for the regression forecast for time periods 1 through 24?





What is the mean absolute percent error (MAPE) for the regression forecast for time periods 1 through 24?





Based upon using mean absolute deviation (MAD) as a measure of forecast accuracy, which of the forecast models would be the preferred forecast model (i. e. which model provides the greatest degree of forecasting accuracy)?

3-Month Moving Average Model

3-Month Weighted Moving Average Model

Exponential Smoothing Model

Regression Model

Based upon using mean squared error (MSE) as a measure of forecast accuracy, which of the forecast models would be the preferred forecast model (i. e. which model provides the greatest degree of forecasting accuracy)?

o 3-Month Moving Average Model

o 3-Month Weighted Moving Average Model

o Exponential Smoothing Model

o Regression Model

Based upon using mean absolute percent error (MAPE) as a measure of forecast accuracy, which of the forecast models would be the preferred forecast model (i. e. which model provides the greatest degree of forecasting accuracy)?

o 3-Month Moving Average Model

o 3-Month Weighted Moving Average Model

o Exponential Smoothing Model

o Regression Model

Based upon using mean absolute deviation (MAD) as a measure of forecast accuracy, which of the forecast models would be the least preferred forecast model (i. e. which model provides the greatest degree of forecasting inaccuracy )?

o 3-Month Moving Average Model

o 3-Month Weighted Moving Average Model

o Exponential Smoothing Model

o Regression Model

Based upon using mean squared error (MSE) as a measure of forecast accuracy, which of the forecast models would be the least preferred forecast model (i. e. which model provides the greatest degree of forecasting inaccuracy )?

o 3-Month Moving Average Model

o 3-Month Weighted Moving Average Model

o Exponential Smoothing Model

o Regression Model

Based upon using mean absolute percent error (MAPE) as a measure of forecast accuracy, which of the forecast models would be the least preferred forecast model (i. e. which model provides the greatest degree of forecasting inaccuracy )?

o 3-Month Moving Average Model

o 3-Month Weighted Moving Average Model

o Exponential Smoothing Model

o Regression Model

Based upon using the 3-Month Moving Average Model and mean absolute deviation (MAD) as a measure of forecast accuracy, what would be the interval estimate for projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25?

Based upon using the 3-Month Moving Average Model and mean squared error (MSE) as a measure of forecast accuracy, what would be the interval estimate for projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25?

Based upon using the 3-Month Moving Average Model and mean absolute percent error (MAPE) as a measure of forecast accuracy, what would be the interval estimate for projected demand for the test equipment for time period 25?

Tutorial Preview …Four…

Week_Four_Homework_Assignment_-_Forecasting. xlsx (22.54 KB)

Preview: absolute xxxxxxxxx (MAD) xx a measure xx forecast accuracy, xxxxx of xxx xxxxxxxx models xxxxx be the xxxxx preferred forecast xxxxx (i x x which xxxxx provides the xxxxxxxx degree of xxxxxxxxxxx inaccuracy)? x xxxxxxx Moving xxxxxxx Model o xxxxxxx Weighted Moving xxxxxxx Model x xxxxxxxxxxx Smoothing xxxxx o Regression xxxxx 1 Based xxxx using xxxx xxxxxxx error xxxxx as a xxxxxxx of forecast xxxxxxxxx which xx xxx forecast xxxxxx would be xxx least preferred xxxxxxxx model xx x. xxxxx model provides xxx greatest degree xx forecasting xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx upon xxxxx mean absolute xxxxxxx error (MAPE) xx a xxxxxxx xx forecast xxxxxxxxx which of xxx forecast models xxxxx be xxx xxxxx preferred xxxxxxxx model (i x. which xxxxx provides xxx xxxxxxxx degree xx forecasting inaccuracy)?1 xxxxx upon using xxx 3-Month xxxxxx xxxxxxx Model xxx mean absolute xxxxxxxxx (MAD) as x measure xx xxxxxxxx accuracy, xxxx would be xxx interval estimate xxx projected xxxxxx xxx the xxxx equipment

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First moving average Simulink trading model to C source code

First moving average Simulink trading model to C source code

Finally…it is here all complete end to end Visual representation (created within Matlab’s Simulink and Stateflow) of your trading idea to C++ in any operating system including Windows, Linux, or even Mac OSX. Of all the years in exploring and researching, this is the ultimate way to build your high speed self contained trading system. This is why I am totally focused 100% on this brand new approach as opposed to the other noisy and distracting ‘secondary’ approaches I shall not name. Not only that, you can take the same visual model and code generate to any Hardware Description Language (HDL) to your FPGA manufacturer with VHDL or Verilog. As I am no expert in this space, I will leave it to the experts I have access to assist when needed. Just an FYI that FPGA is the ultra lowest latency possible via specialized hardware.

I hope this video helps demonstrates these capabilities. For those interested in the sample files, they can be downloaded via my ELITE Membership sectio n. Now that this methodology has been completed, we can move onto the next stage of prototyping some real world strategies such as:

Remember that this request is out there as well:

All future trading strategies developed via Simulink will be provided to all Quant Elite members!

NOTE I now post my TRADING ALERTS into my personal FACEBOOK ACCOUNT and TWITTER. Don't worry as I don't post stupid cat videos or what I eat!

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Time Series Forecasting by using Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average: Subset, Multiplicative or Additive Model

Problem statement: Most of Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) models that used for forecasting seasonal time series are multiplicative SARIMA models. These models assume that there is a significant parameter as a result of multiplication between non-seasonal and seasonal parameters without testing by certain statistical test. Moreover, most popular statistical software such as MINITAB and SPSS only has facility to fit a multiplicative model. The aim of this research is to propose a new procedure for indentifying the most appropriate order of SARIMA model whether it involves subset, multiplicative or additive order. In particular, the study examined whether a multiplicative parameter existed in the SARIMA model. Approach: Theoretical derivation about Autocorrelation (ACF) and Partial Autocorrelation (PACF) functions from subset, multiplicative and additive SARIMA model was firstly discussed and then R program was used to create the graphics of these theoretical ACF and PACF. Then, two monthly datasets were used as case studies, i. e. the international airline passenger data and series about the number of tourist arrivals to Bali, Indonesia. The model identification step to determine the order of ARIMA model was done by using MINITAB program and the model estimation step used SAS program to test whether the model consisted of subset, multiplicative or additive order. Results: The theoretical ACF and PACF showed that subset, multiplicative and additive SARIMA models have different patterns, especially at the lag as a result of multiplication between non-seasonal and seasonal lags. Modeling of the airline data yielded a subset SARIMA model as the best model, whereas an additive SARIMA model is the best model for forecasting the number of tourist arrivals to Bali. Conclusion: Both of case studies showed that a multiplicative SARIMA model was not the best model for forecasting these data. The comparison evaluation showed that subset and additive SARIMA models gave more accurate forecasted values at out-sample datasets than multiplicative SARIMA model for airline and tourist arrivals datasets respectively. This study is valuable contribution to the Box-Jenkins procedure particularly at the model identification and estimation steps in SARIMA model. Further work involving multiple seasonal ARIMA models, such as short term load data forecasting in certain countries, may provide further insights regarding the subset, multiplicative or additive orders.

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Integer-Valued Moving Average Models with Structural Changes

1 Statistics School, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu 611130, China 2 School of Economics, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu 611130, China

Received 2 March 2014; Revised 22 June 2014; Accepted 7 July 2014; Published 21 July 2014

Academic Editor: Wuquan Li

Copyright © 2014 Kaizhi Yu et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


It is frequent to encounter integer-valued time series which are small in value and show a trend having relatively large fluctuation. To handle such a matter, we present a new first order integer-valued moving average model process with structural changes. The models provide a flexible framework for modelling a wide range of dependence structures. Some statistical properties of the process are discussed and moment estimation is also given. Simulations are provided to give additional insight into the finite sample behaviour of the estimators.

1. Introduction

Integer-valued time series occur in many situations, often as counts of events in consecutive points of time, for example, the number of births at a hospital in successive months, the number of road accidents in a city in successive months, and big numbers even for frequently traded stocks. Integer-valued time series represent an important class of discrete-valued time series models. Because of the broad field of potential applications, a number of time series models for counts have been proposed in literature. McKenzie [1 ] introduced the first order integer-valued autoregressive, INAR

modelo. The statistical properties of the INAR are discussed in McKenzie [2 ], Al-Osh and Alzaid [3 ]. The model is further generalized to a

th-order autoregression, INAR( ), by Alzaid and Al-Osh [4 ] and Du and Li [5 ]. los

th-order integer-valued moving average model, INMA( ), was introduced by Al-Osh and Alzaid [6 ] and in a slightly different form by McKenzie [7 ]. Ferland et al. [8 ] proposed an integer-valued GARCH model to study overdispersed counts, and Fokianos and Fried [9 ], Weiß [10 ], and Zhu and Wang [11 –13 ] made further studies. Györfi et al. [14 ] proposed a nonstationary inhomogeneous INAR process, where the autoregressive type coefficient slowly converges to one. Bakouch and Ristić [15 ] introduced a new stationary integer-valued autoregressive process of the first order with zero truncated Poisson marginal distribution. Kachour and Yao [16 ] introduced a class of autoregressive models for integer-valued time series using the rounding operator. Kim and Park [17 ] proposed an extension of integer-valued autoregressive INAR models by using a signed version of the thinning operator. Zheng et al. [18 ] proposed a first order random coefficient integer-valued autoregressive model and got its ergodicity, moments, and autocovariance functions of the process. Gomes and Canto e Castro [19 ] presented a random coefficient autoregressive process for count data based on a generalized thinning operator. Existence and weak stationarity conditions for these models were established. A simple bivariate integer-valued time series model with positively correlated geometric marginals based on the negative binomial thinning mechanism was presented by Ristić et al. [20 ], and some properties of the model are also considered. Pedeli and Karlis [21 ] considered a bivariate INAR (BINAR ) process where cross correlation is introduced through the use of copulas for the specification of the joint distribution of the innovations.

Structural changes in economic data frequently correspond to instabilities in the real world. However, most work in this area has been concentrated on models without structural changes. It seems that the integer-valued autoregressive moving average (INARMA) model with break point has not attracted too much attention. For instance, a new method for modelling the dynamics of rain sampled by a tipping bucket rain gauge was proposed by Thyregod et al. [22 ]. The models take the autocorrelation and discrete nature of the data into account. First order, second order, and threshold models are presented together with methods to estimate the parameters of each model. Monteiro et al. [23 ] introduced a class of self-exciting threshold integer-valued autoregressive models driven by independent Poisson-distributed random variables. Basic probabilistic and statistical properties of this class of models were discussed. Moreover, parameter estimation was also addressed. Hudecová [24 ] suggested a procedure for testing a change in the autoregressive models for binary time series. The test statistic is a maximum of normalized sums of estimated residuals from the model, and thus it is sensitive to any change which leads to a change in the unconditional success probability. Structural change is a statement about parameters, which only have meaning in the context of a model. In our discussion, we will focus on structural change in the simple count data model, the first order integer-valued moving average model, whose coefficient varies with the value of innovation. One of the leading reasons is that piecewise linear functions can offer a relatively simple approximation to the complex nonlinear dynamics.

The rest of this paper is divided into four sections. In Section 2. we give the definition and basic properties of the new INMA model with structural changes. Section 3 discusses the estimation of the unknown parameters. We test the accuracy of the estimation via simulations in Section 4. Section 5 includes some concluding remarks.

2. Definition and Basic Properties

Definition 1. Let

be a process with state space

Modelos de pronóstico de media móvil

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Los modelos de predicción media móvil son herramientas poderosas que ayudan a los gerentes a tomar decisiones de pronóstico educadas. Una media móvil se utiliza principalmente para pronosticar los datos de rango histórico corto. This tool along with other forecasting tools is now computerized such as in Excel, which makes it easy to use. Con respecto a la previsión media móvil, lea la siguiente tarea.

Obtenga los datos de precios diarios durante los últimos cinco años para tres acciones diferentes. Los datos pueden obtenerse de Internet utilizando las siguientes palabras clave: datos sobre el precio de las acciones, datos de devolución, datos de la empresa y devoluciones de existencias.

Cree valores promedios de tendencia con los siguientes valores: 10, 100 y 200. Grafique los datos con Excel.

Crea promedios centrados en movimiento con los siguientes valores: 10, 100 y 200. Grafica los datos con Excel.

Cómo se comparan los promedios móviles para los mismos valores de m entre un promedio móvil y un promedio móvil?

Explicar cómo estas medias móviles pueden ayudar a un analista de valores en la determinación de la dirección de precios de las acciones.

Proporcione una explicación detallada con justificaciones.

On a separate page, cite all sources using the APA guidelines with in-text citations and no wiki websites.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points

Se crearon promedios con tendencias de tendencia con los siguientes valores: 10, 100 y 200 y mostraron los gráficos de los datos en Excel. 50

Se crearon los promedios móviles centrados con los siguientes valores: 10, 100 y 200 y mostraron los gráficos de los datos en Excel. 50

Analizó y explicó cómo los promedios móviles para los mismos valores de m compararon entre una tendencia de movimiento y una media móvil centrada. 50

Analizó y explicó cómo estos promedios móviles pueden ayudar a un analista de valores a determinar la dirección de precios de las acciones. 50

Usar la ortografía correcta, la gramática y el vocabulario profesional. Citó todas las fuentes usando las pautas de APA. 50

2-D moving average models for texture synthesis and analysis

A random field model based on moving average (MA) time-series model is proposed for modeling stochastic and structured textures. A frequency domain algorithm to synthesize MA textures is developed, and maximum likelihood estimators are derived. The Cramer-Rao lower bound is also derived for measuring the estimator accuracy. The estimation algorithm is applied to real textures, and images resembling natural textures are synthesized using estimated parameters

Published in:

Page(s): 1741 - 1746 ISSN. 1057-7149 INSPEC Accession Number: 6109783 DOI: 10.1109/83.730388 Date of Publication. Dec 1998 Date of Current Version. 06 Август 2002 Issue Date. Dec 1998 Sponsored by. IEEE Signal Processing Society Publisher: IEEE


K. B. Eom Dept. of Electr. Eng. & Comput. Sci. George Washington Univ. Washington, DC, USA




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Skeletal Joint Smoothing White Paper

Kinect for Windows 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8

by Mehran Azimi, Software Development Engineer

1. Introduction

The skeletal tracking (ST) system of the Natural User Interface (NUI) provides joint positions of tracked persons’ skeletons. These joint positions are the data consumed as position and pose, and they are used for many purposes, such as gesture detection, navigating user interfaces, and so on.

In practice, there is some noise present in the joint positions returned by the ST system. An important step before consuming ST data is to use a noise reduction filter to remove as much noise as possible from the joint data. Such filters are called smoothing filters because they result in smoother positions over time.

This white paper describes the filtering techniques and best practices for using skeleton joint data for a Kinect-enabled application, and its goal is to help developers choose an appropriate filtering technique and fine-tune the filter parameters to match their application needs. The paper covers different areas related to joint filtering, such as the type of noise one should expect in ST data; how filtering affects the latency and how forecasting can be used to reduce latency; the characteristics of an ideal joint filter in terms of responsiveness, latency, and smoothing effect; and how tracking state data returned by ST can be used to improve filtering. Then it describes the specific characteristics of a few useful filtering techniques in detail. The paper concludes with a summary of best practices and practical tips for filtering.

2. Why We Need Joint Filtering

Measurement errors and noise are by-products of almost any system that measures a physical quantity via a sensor. The characteristics of this error are usually described by accuracy and precision of the system, where accuracy is defined as the degree of closeness of measured quantity to its actual value, and precision is defined as the degree to which repeated measurements are close to each other. An accurate system does not have any systematic error in measurements and therefore does not add a systematic bias. A precise system results in measurements close to each other when the measurement is repeated [1 ,4 ]. The accuracy and precision concepts are illustrated in Table 1 for a system that is measuring a hand position in the real world.

Table 1. Accuracy vs. Precision: The black X represents the hand location in the real world, and red dots represent a few measurements of hand position by a measurement system.

(a) An inaccurate and imprecise system generates random-like measurements that are essentially useless in practice.

(b) An inaccurate but precise measurement system generates measurements that are close to each other, but have a systematic error or bias.

(c) An accurate and precise system generates identical measurements that are close to data in the real world. Unfortunately, 100% accurate and precise systems do not exist in the real world, because there will always be some error in practice.

(d) An accurate and modestly precise system generates measurements that are close to each other and are not systematically biased with respect to the data in the real world. This is what one should expect in a well-designed system in practice.

Just like any measurement system, the joint positions data returned by the NUI ST system has some noise. There are many parameters that affect the characteristics and level of noise, which include room lighting; a person’s body size; the person’s distance from the sensor array; the person’s pose (for example, for hand data, if the person’s hand is open or fisted); location of the sensor array; quantization noise; rounding effects introduced by computations; and so on. Note that the joint positions returned by ST are accurate . meaning that there is no bias in the joint position data to the actual positions in the real world. This means that if a person is standing still, then the average of the joint positions data, over time, is close to the positions in the real world. However, the joint positions data are not necessarily perfectly precise, meaning that they are scattered around the correct positions in each frame. In practice, the joint positions are accurate within a centimeter range, not millimeters.

There are cases that the ST system does not have enough information in a captured frame to determine a specific joint position. Examples of these cases include occlusion by furniture or other persons, self-occlusion of a joint by other body parts of the person, and moving a joint out of the sensor’s field of view. In most of these cases, the ST system is still able to infer the joint position, and the NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_TRACKING_STATE parameter, returned as part of a NUI_SKELETON_DATA structure, is set to NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_INFERRED for that joint. This parameter can be treated as the confidence level of the ST system regarding the joint position. Though the inferred joint positions are a very refined estimate of joint position, they may become inaccurate in some cases, depending on a person’s pose. Therefore, one should expect that inferred joints have higher noise values, along with a possibility of a bias. This bias is usually observed as temporary spikes in the joint position data, which goes away as the joint tracking state level goes back to NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_TRACKED.

Therefore, two types of noise are present in joint positions. One is the relatively small white noise that is always present for all joints and caused by imprecision; the other is temporary spikes caused by inaccuracy, which happen when the joint has an inferred tracking state. Since these noises have different characteristics, different filtering techniques should be used for each. That is, developers need to use a combination of two or three filtering techniques to achieve good results in a Kinect-enabled application.

3. Joint Filtering Basics

Before describing any specific filtering technique, there are a few important concepts to cover that are related to filtering; they include latency and how it relates to filtering delays, how forecasting can improve latency, the tradeoff between latency and smoothing effects in filter design, and what makes an ideal filter.

3.1. Latency and How it Relates to Filtering

Latency can be defined as the time it takes from when a person makes a move, till the time at which the person sees the response to his or her body movement on the screen. Latency degrades the experience as soon as people start to notice there is a delay in response to their movements. User research shows that 72% of people start noticing this delay when latency is more than 100 msec, and therefore, it is suggested that developers aim for an overall latency of 100 msec [15 ]. For a detailed discussion on latency, refer to [14 ] in References .

The joint filtering latency is how much time it takes for filter output to catch up to the actual joint position when there is a movement in a joint. This is shown in Figure 1, which shows that filter output is lagging behind input when there are changes in input. It is important to note that the latency introduced by joint filtering is not the CPU time it takes for the filtering routine to execute.

Figure 1. Output of a typical joint filter in response to a NUI joint movement. Note that latency added by joint filtering is the lag between output and input when there is movement in input data, and the amount depends on how quickly the joint is moving.

In general, the filtering delay depends on how quickly the input is changing, and hence, one cannot attribute a specific delay value to a given filter for all cases. This is referred to as phase distortion in signal processing [6 ,7 ]. A special class of filters called linear phase filters have the same delay for all input frequencies, and such a specific delay time can be attributed to the filter for all inputs. Reducing phase distortion is important in some signal processing applications, specifically in audio processing; however, it is not necessarily as important in NUI joint filtering, so having a linear phase filter is not a design criterion in NUI joint filtering.

A useful technique to reduce latency is to tweak the joint filter to predict the future joint positions. That is, the filter output would be a smoothed estimate of joint position in subsequent frames. If forecasting is used, then joint filtering would reduce the overall latency. However, since the forecasted outputs are estimated from previous data, the forecasted data may not always be accurate, especially when a movement is suddenly started or stopped. Forecasting may propagate and magnify the noise in previous data to future data, and hence, may increase the noise. Almost all joint filtering techniques can forecast or can be tweaked to forecast future outputs. The accuracy of predicted outputs depends on the underlying data model that the filter is using and how the filter parameters are selected. Note that it is usually practical to forecast a joint position for about two frames, which could reduce the filtering latency by about 66 msec in ideal cases. However, in practice, the smoothing effect of the filter, along with the prediction errors in forecasted data, would result in smaller latency reductions.

3.2. Filter Smoothing Effect vs. Filtering Delay

An ideal joint filter would remove all unwanted noise and jitters from the joint data resulting in smooth joint position data over time. It would also follow the movements of the joint without any lag or delay. Unfortunately, there is a tradeoff between these two objectives in practice, and choosing a filtering technique that aggressively smoothes out the data would result in higher filtering delay, which would increase the perceived latency. As an intuitive explanation for this concept, consider a case where a person is standing still and therefore the input to the joint filter is mostly a constant position along with some noise. In order to produce a smooth output, the filter should not be sensitive to the changes in input due to noise. Now suppose the person starts moving his/her hand. In order to be responsive to these movements, the filter should be designed to be sensitive to changes due to movement, which is an opposite of the requirement for noise removal. In practice, most filters take some time to see enough movement before they start following these changes in output, and therefore their output lags behind the changes in input.

Accordingly, one should understand how latency and smoothness affect the user experience, and identify which one is more important to create a good experience. Then, carefully choose a filtering method and fine-tune its parameters to match the specific needs of the application. In most Kinect applications, data output from the ST system is used for a variety of purposes—such as gesture detection, avatar retargeting, interacting with UI items and virtual objects, and so on—where all are different in terms of how smoothness and latency affect them. Similarly, joints have different characteristics from one another in terms of how fast they can move, or how they are used to create the overall experience. For example, in some applications, a person’s hands can move much faster than the spine joint, and therefore, one needs to use different filtering techniques for hands than the spine and other joints. Alternately, consider an application that uses hand movements to score how well a person is doing a particular exercise (that is, gesture scoring), and to animate the person’s avatar on screen at the same time. Latency is usually less important in gesture scoring, since the whole gesture should be done before computing the score; consequently, the application should use a high-latency filtering technique with more aggressive smoothing for gesture scoring, while also using a different low-latency filtering technique for animating a person’s avatar.

So, there is no filtering solution that fits the needs of all use cases for all joints. Depending on which joint data is to be used and how the filter output is consumed, one should apply different filtering techniques or fine-tune the parameters per joint and per application .

3.3. Error Propagation to Variables Calculated from Skeletal Tracking Data

One can apply the filtering techniques discussed in this paper to the variables calculated from joint positions. For example, an application may need to use the elbow angle formed between the person’s hand, elbow, and shoulder. Then the same filtering techniques discussed here can be applied to the calculated angle to smooth it out over time. Another example is using spherical coordinate systems local to a joint’s parents, where each point in space is represented by a ( ρ , φ , θ ) triplet, instead of a Cartesian system of ( x , y , z ) coordinates. For example, one can use the right shoulder as the origin and represent the elbow position by using this local spherical coordinate system. In this case, the Cartesian coordinates returned by ST are transformed to local spherical coordinates ( ρ , φ , θ ), and filtering is done on each component separately. The radius ρ . which represents the bone length, can be filtered more aggressively than the angles ( φ , θ ), which represent the joint movements.

It is important to note that applying mathematical operations to noisy joint data would propagate noise and may amplify the noise level. The underlying concept of noise propagation is similar in essence to propagation of rounding or precisions errors of floating-point variables in math operations, though rounding errors on floating-point values are small and are ignored in most practical cases, while measurement noise is relatively much larger. Operations to calculate body part sizes, such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication, amplify the noise [1-4 ]. For example, calculating bone length or calculating relative joint coordinates, such as elbow position relative to shoulder or hand position relative to head, all require subtracting two joint positions. In all these cases, the noise in resulting data is amplified. Trigonometric functions (such as sine, cosine, or inverse tangent), which are typically used for calculating or manipulating joint angles, affect the noise in different ways. The effect of any function on noise depends on the local slope of that function, that is, the local derivative of the function around the data point used. For example, suppose θ is a joint angle calculated from noisy ST data, and hence θ is noisy as well. Now consider function tan θ . which is sensitive around θ =90 o. because ( d / dθ )tan θ converges to ∞ around θ =90 o. Hence, calculating the tan θ function would amplify the noise drastically if θ is close to 90 o. However, since ( d / dθ )tan θ =1 around θ =0 o. then noise is neither amplified or decreased if θ is close to zero.

A more thorough discussion of this topic can be found in References under “Error analysis and error propagation in noisy data”; see [1-4 ] for more details.

3.4. Filter Notations

The joint filter implementation in a typical application receives joint positions from ST as input in each frame, and returns the filtered joint positions as output. The filter treats each joint’s x . y . and z coordinates independently from other joints or other dimensions. That is, a filter is independently applied to the x . y . and z coordinate of each joint separately—and potentially each with different filtering parameters. Note that, though it is typical to directly filter the Cartesian position data returned by ST, one can apply the same filtering techniques to any data calculated from joint positions.

This means the input of each joint filter is a one-dimensional time series that represents a single joint position in a given dimension at frame n (for example, y coordinates of the right hand position). The filter input at frame n is denoted by X n and the filter output generated from applying the filter by n .

Figure 2. Filter notations used in this white paper

3.5. Filter Response to Step Function and Sinus Waveform Inputs

In order to understand a filtering technique and how filtering parameters affect the filter characteristics, it is useful to study the filter output in response to some predefined inputs, specifically step function and sine wave inputs.

Step function input models a sudden jump in input data, and is defined as:

That is, input X n is zero for up to a given time and then jumps and stays at 1 at time N . Though one does not expect to see such input in practice, a step function is helpful because it shows how quickly and how accurately the filter tracks sudden changes in input. Figure 4 shows the typical output of a filter to a step function input, as well as definitions for some of the filter characteristics of our interest.

Figure 3. Typical response of a filter to step function input

Rise time is the time required for the filter output to reach 90% of it asymptotic final value, which is 0.90 in case of a unit step function input. In some fields, a similar parameter called time constant is used, which is the time required for the filter output to reach (1−e −1 )%=63% of its final asymptotic value. A small rise time is an indication of a filter with low latency.

Overshoot is when the output of the filter reaches a higher maximum value than input, and this is usually represented as a percentage of the final asymptotic value. Note that not all filters have overshoot in their output. Overshoot is undesirable, and it is usually present in low-latency filters that are sensitive to changes in input.

Ringing is the effect where filter output oscillates before it settles down to its final value.

Settling time is applicable to filters that have overshoot or ringing, and it is the time it takes for the filter output to reach and remain within a given error margin of its final asymptotic value. The range of the error margin is usually 10 percent.

Rise time shows how quickly the filter catches up with sudden changes in input, while overshoot, ringing, and settling time are indications of how well a filter can settle down after it has responded to a sudden change in input.

A filter’s response to a step function does not reveal all of the useful characteristics of a filtering technique, because it only shows the filter’s response to sudden changes. It is also useful to study a filter’s response to sine waveform input, both in time and frequency domains. As shown in Figure 4, the response in the time domain can show the lag in filter output, which depends on input frequency in most cases (that is, in nonlinear phase filters). Note that the output may not reach the maximum or minimum level of the input due to the filter attenuating that frequency. This is sometimes referred to as dampening the peaks and valleys in input by aggressive smoothing. As an example, Figure 5 shows the hand position x of a person who has opened and closed his arm quickly two times, resulting in a sinusoidal peak in input. As noted, aggressive smoothing of data has resulted in filter output not reaching the same maximum and minimum level of the input. Also, it is interesting to note in Figures 4 and 5 that, in some frames, the input is increasing while the output is decreasing; this can be attributed to the filtering latency. This filter would not be a good choice for drawing a cursor on the screen based on the person’s current hand position, because it would produce an undesirable effect when the person’s hand changes direction; the cursor would catch up and change direction after a while, which would create an awkward experience for the person.

Figure 4. Typical response of a filter to sine waveform input

Figure 5. Aggressive smoothing would reduce the minimum and maximum in sinusoidal input data. The data is from actual hand movement where a person has opened and closed his arms rapidly two times.

The filter’s response in the frequency domain shows how a filter responds to all ranges of frequency inputs. All smoothing filters used for NUI joint filtering are low pass filters, where an ideal low pass filter would let through the input frequency components that are lower than a cut-off frequency, but remove the frequency components that are higher than the cut-off frequency. The low-pass characteristics of NUI joint filters is based on the assumption that joint movements have relatively lower frequency than the noise, though this is not necessarily a correct assumption for all cases—specifically, when a person makes rapid movements, such as quick hand movements or sudden jumps. Note there are powerful methods of filter design available in signal processing textbooks that realize a desired frequency response, such as a low pass filter of given order N and with a given cutoff frequency [6 ]. Since the frequency range of NUI joint data overlaps with the noise, low-pass filters with a design based only on the frequency response criteria do not necessarily provide good results in Kinect applications. Design methods of frequency domain filters are not within the scope of this white paper. However, you can still become familiar with the underlying concepts used in filter design in the frequency domain to better understand filtering characteristics in general, and items [6 ,7 ] in References are good starting points.

3.6. Using Joint Tracking State in Filtering

Joints that are inferred are more likely to have temporary spike noises due to being less accurate. Also, the random noise levels are usually higher for inferred joints. In practice, for Kinect applications, developers should consider a joint’s tracking state to be valuable information about the quality of the joint data, and apply a more aggressive smoothing filter when a joint’s state is inferred. This can easily be done by checking the joint’s tracking state in the filter’s implementation and adaptively update the filter parameters based on the joint’s tracking state. Also, filters that are specifically more powerful in removing spike noise should be applied when a joint’s state is inferred.

3.7. Using Body Kinematics to Correct the Filter Output Data

The anatomy and kinematics of a person provide valuable information that can be used to enhance the ST joint data. For example, some joints move or bend only in a certain direction, or some joints, such as hands, can move faster than other joints. How this data can be applied depends on the joint and the contexts the joint data are used. As a practical example, suppose that a person’s right hand joint is filtered with a low latency filter that forecast one frame in future. This type of filter usually results in overshoots in response to sudden movements. Therefore, due to overshoot, the filter may calculate the hand position to be too far from the person’s body. This overshoot can be corrected by using an estimate of hand bone length, and correcting the filtered hand position such that the hand is positioned an acceptable distance from the person’s body.

Another useful kinematic property is the limitations of hinge joint. A hinge joint is a joint that can bend along only one axis (that is, it has only one degree of freedom). For example, elbows and knees are hinge joints, because they can bend in only one direction and within a limited range. These kinematic limitations of elbow or knee can be used to correct the filtered joint positions.

4. Smoothing Filters

This section discusses details of a few smoothing filtering techniques that are useful for NUI joint filters. First are the Auto Regressive Moving Average (ARMA) filters, which are a general class of filters. Specific smoothing filters for noise removal are also covered, including Moving Average, Double Moving Average, Exponential Filter, Double Exponential Filter, and Savitzky-Golay filters. All these smoothing filters are special cases of ARMA filters. Finally, the section discusses a filter based on the Taylor series that is useful for forecasting.

Also covered are Median and Jitter Removal filters, which although they have some smoothing effect, are specifically useful for removing spike noise from data.

4.1. Auto Regressive Moving Average (ARMA) Filters

Auto regressive moving average (ARMA) filters are a general class of linear filters. All the smoothing filters we discuss in this paper are a special case of ARMA filters. The output of an ARMA filter is a weighted average of current and N previous inputs, and M previous filter outputs:

Where the a i and b i coefficients are the filtering parameters. The first term is known as the moving average (MA) term, and the second term is known as the auto-regressive (AR) term.

Moving average (MA) filters are a special case of ARMA filters where all b i parameters are zero:

The coefficients a i are the weight factors and are selected such that a i =1 in all NUI joint filter applications. This property is a result of using low-pass filtering and allowing DC components through without attenuation. As an intuitive explanation, suppose the input to be filtered is the constant 1 for all frames n . Then, one intuitively expects the filter output to be 1 as well for all n . which would result in a i =1. This can be used as a quick sanity check that the derived a i coefficients are correct.

The moving average filter can be extended to a central moving average filter, where filter output is the weighted average of N past and M future inputs:

Since the output of this filter depends on M future inputs after X n . then any implementation of this filter will add a latency of at least M frames. Therefore, this filter is only practical in offline cases in which all data is available in advance, or in cases in which increasing the latency by an order of a few frames is tolerable. For example, in some Kinect-enabled applications, it may make sense to score how well the person has done an exercise after the whole performance is finished. The central MA filters usually perform better in terms of noise removal than simple MA filters.

ARMA filters are usually designed by assuming an underlying data model for data and using this model to calculate the filter orders N and M . and the a i and b i coefficients. The data model should be chosen based on the actual data characteristics. In some approaches the underlying data models are chosen based on a statistical approach that would preserve the higher order moments of data. The details of these methods are outside the scope of this paper; see [5 ] for a detailed discussion. This paper mentions the order of statistical moments up to which input data are preserved by the filter. In general, filters that preserve higher-order moments perform better.

4.2. Simple Averaging Filter

The simple averaging filter is the simplest joint filter, where the filter output is the average of N recent inputs, which is an MA filter of order N with a i =1/( N +1) for all i :

From a statistical point of view, the averaging filter is a naive filter that fits a horizontal line (that is, a constant) to N recent inputs and uses it as the filter output. Therefore, an averaging filter is not taking advantage of joint data characteristics or noise statistical distribution, and it preserves only the first-order moment of data, which is the average. A simple averaging filter doesn’t provide satisfactory results in most cases of filtering NUI joints.

An averaging filter using a large N would result in more smoothing than a smaller N . but it would introduce more filtering delay. The filtering delay can be noted in the output from an averaging filter in response to inputs from step functions and sinusoidal waveforms. where filtering delay is directly proportional to N . -->For example, the step function rise time for N =5 and N =10 are about 4.5 frames (148 msec) and 9 frames (297 msec), respectively. The simple averaging is a linear phase filter, which means that all frequency components in input are delayed by the same amount [6 ]. To experience this, try different frequencies for sinusoidal input in the spreadsheet, and notice that the output delay is the same for all filters.

The smoothing effect of the filter can be more easily noticed when noise is added to step function or sinusoidal inputs. Also note that output from the averaging filter cannot reach the peaks and valleys of most sinusoidal waveform inputs.

Since an averaging filter fits a horizontal line of data, it forecasts the future outputs as a constant as well, which is the average of last N inputs up to time n:

The simple averaging filter performs well in terms of forecasting only if the input data is stationary and there is no trend in data. In NUI joint filtering, stationary input data means that a joint has little movement. If there is movement in the joint, then the filter’s input data will have a slope, and hence, averaging filters performs poorly, especially in terms of forecasting. For NUI joint data with movement at a constant speed, it can be shown that the averaging filter has a constant bias in its output [8 ,9 ]. A method to eliminate this error is to use a filtering method called double moving average . which is discussed in the next section.

4.3. Double Moving Averaging Filter

Double moving averages are used in many applications, such as stock market forecasting, and they are useful when data has a linear trend . The trend in NUI joint data is equivalent to a joint movement at a constant velocity. The underlying data model used by double moving averaging filter is to fit a linear line to local input data, and hence it is more adaptable to track changes in input data than simple averaging filter [8 ,9 ]. Let and be the first and second order moving averages of input data at time n :

Therefore is a moving average of a moving average of input data (hence the name double moving average). If we assume that the underlying data follow a linear model, it can be shown that systematically lags behind the actual data, and it can also be shown that a second moving average lags average by approximately the same amount. To account for the systematic lag, the difference of second and first order averages ( − ) is added to the filter output. Then filter output is given as the first order of moving average plus the trend adjustment term:

A similar approach is used for adjusting trends in forecasting, and future data are estimated as:

The double moving averaging filter has the advantage of being more responsive to changes in input data as compared to a moving averaging filter. Note that for a given window N . the filtering equations can be combined and the filter output equation can be rewritten in terms of a weighted moving average of past inputs, which would result in easier implementation. For example, for N =2, the second moving average and filter output are given by:

which would result in:

It is interesting to note that this filter uses larger weights for recent inputs, which is generally true for any filtering window N .

4.4. Savitzky–Golay Smoothing Filter

A Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter (also known as a smoothing polynomial filter or a least squares smoothing filter ) fits a polynomial to neighbor input data for each input X n in a least-square sense and uses the value of the polynomial at time n as the filter output. A polynomial of order K is defined as:

If we use N previous and M future samples as the neighbor samples, then a Savitzky-Golay filter finds c i coefficients such that minimize the term:

and uses the polynomial value at time n as the filter output—that is, n = f K ( n ). Though it may first seem that this filter results in a complicated implementation, it turns out to be easy. It has been shown that the output of a Savitzky-Golay filter can be expressed as a weighted moving average filter; that is:

where the filtering coefficients a i are all constant for all X n values and do not change for different n . or even different inputs. Thus, to implement a Savitzky-Golay filter requires only choosing the appropriate filter order K . and determining how many samples before and after should be used (that is, choose N and M ). Then, the coefficients a i can be calculated offline by using available off-the-shelf algorithms, and filter output is easily calculated using these coefficients [11 ,12 ].

Savitzky-Golay filters are optimal in two different senses; firstly, they minimize the least-squares error in fitting a polynomial to each windowed frame of input data, and secondly, in preserving the K first statistical moments of the input signal. In general, Savitzky-Golay filters are useful for cases in which the frequency span of input data without noise is large, and therefore, Savitzky-Golay filters are good candidates for NUI joint filtering.

A Savitzky-Golay filter of order K preserves the first K +1 moments of the data [11 ]. For K =0, the Savitzky-Golay filter fits f K ( x )= c 0. or a constant value, to neighbors of each input, which would turn to a simple averaging filter with equal weight coefficients a i . For K =1, a straight line is fitted to local input data, which is usually referred to as linear regression in statistics text books. For K =2 and K =3, a parabola and a cubic curve are fitted, respectively. The choice of n affects the filter smoothing effect, where a cubic curve using K =3 seems to be a good choice for NUI joint filtering, since it is the lowest-degree polynomial that supports inflection and is still smooth. Using a higher-order polynomial yields jumpy curves with too many local minima and maxima, which would result in a lessened smoothing effect.

The Savitzky-Golay filter can also be used for estimating the derivatives of input [11 ], which is easily calculated from the coefficients c i . Thus, a Savitzky-Golay filter can produce the joint speed and acceleration along the smoothed position for NUI joint data.

4.5. Exponential Smoothing Filter

An exponential smoothing filter, also known as an exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA), is a popular filter in many different fields. The exponential filter output is given by:

Where α is called the dampening factor and 0≤α≤1. By substituting ( n −1) this can be expanded to obtain:

Therefore, filter output at time n is a weighted average of all past inputs, where weights a i =α(1−α) i decrease exponentially with time (more precisely, with geometric progression, which is the discrete version of an exponential function). Also, all previous inputs contribute to the smoothed filter output, but their contribution is dampened by increasing power of parameter 1−α. Since n depends on all past inputs, an exponential filter is said to have an infinite memory of all past inputs.

Similar to a simple averaging filter, the exponential filter fits a straight horizontal line to the input data. The difference is that an exponential filter places relatively more weight on recent input data, and is correspondingly more responsive to recent changes in input than a simple averaging filter.

The dampening factor α affects the filtering delay and smoothing effect. A larger α corresponds to larger weight on recent inputs, and results in faster dampening of older inputs. This results in less latency and less smoothing of the data. A small α gives larger weight to older input samples, and hence, the effect of older inputs is larger. This results in a more aggressive smoothing effect and more latency, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Effect of α on filtering delay of an exponential smoothing filter

Since an exponential filter fits a horizontal line to data, it forecasts the future data as a constant value similar to an averaging filter:

A variant of exponential filter, called a double exponential filter, addresses this limitation of exponential filters and is described in the next section.

One can incorporate state data for a joint into the implementation of an exponential filter by adaptively using a smaller α for joints for which tracking state indicates inferred positions. This results in more aggressive filtering of inferred joints.

4.6. Double Exponential Smoothing Filter

The double exponential smoothing filter is a popular smoothing filter used in many applications. Similar to a double moving averaging filter, the double exponential smoothing filter smoothes the smoothed output by applying a second exponential filter (hence the name double exponential), and it uses this to account for trends in input data. There are various formulations of double exponential smoothing filters, with minor differences between them, but the most popular formulation is defined by the following set of equations:

As can be noted, the trend b n is calculated as an exponential filter of the difference between a filter’s last two outputs. Then the sum of the current trend and the previous filter output—that is, ( n −1) + b ( n −1) — are used in calculating the filter output. Including the trend helps to reduce the delay as the filter fits a line to local input data, where the trend b n is the slope of this fitted line. The parameter controls the weights on the input data that was used for calculating the trend, and hence, controls how sensitive the trends is to recent changes in input. A large results in less latency in trend; that is, the trend element follows the recent changes in input faster, while a small gives larger weight to older input samples and, hence, results in longer delay in trend elements catching up with changes in input.

Note that a trend is the smoothed difference between the last two estimated joint positions (that is, a trend is the smoothed value of n − ( n−1 ) ); so a trend can be thought of as the estimated velocity of the joint in the case of NUI joint filtering. Therefore, we can think of as the dampening factor used in exponential filtering of joint velocity; and that the smoothed joint velocity is accounted for when joint position is calculated as the filter output.

The trend factor b n can easily result in overshooting in filter outputs when there are sudden joint movements or stops. For example, suppose a person suddenly moves his or her hand and then stops, which results in a filter input similar to a step function (that is, a sudden jump in filter input). This is shown in Figure 7. In this case, the trend term b n helps the filter output to catch up more quickly with this change in input; however, since b n itself is smoothed out, b n will need some time to settle back to zero, which will result in overshoot and ringing in output. Note that there is a delay between b n maximum and overshoot.

Figure 7. Output and trend of a double exponential smoothing filter in response to step function input; α=0.35 and =0.70

The double exponential smoothing filter fits a line to data and, therefore, forecasts the future data as a straight line with a slope equal to trend term b n .

In general, this filter performs better than a single smoothing filter in terms of forecasting. However, as shown in Figure 8, the filter overshoot is larger in forecasted outputs.

Figure 8. Output and trend of a double exponential smoothing filter in response to step function input; α=0.50 and =0.40

There are numerical techniques that adaptively update the α and parameters such that the error in filter predictions for a given k are minimized in a least-square sense. For example, when predicting one sample ahead (that is, k =1), the prediction error at time n considering the past N forecasts is given by:

Then α and are updated at time n in a direction that this prediction error is minimized (for details, see the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm in [10 ,12 ]). This criterion is useful if precise forecasting is the only concern; however, it does not take into account the smoothing effect of the filter, and so the α and parameters calculated by this approach do not necessarily result in smooth output.

4.7. Adaptive Double Exponential Smoothing Filter

A simple but useful improvement to a double exponential smoothing filter for NUI joints is to adjust the α and parameters adaptively based on the joint velocity, such that when the joint is not moving quickly more aggressive filtering is applied by using smaller α and parameters. This adaptation results in smoothed output when a joint is not moving quickly. Alternately, larger α and parameters are used when the joint is moving quickly, which results in better responsiveness to input changes and, hence, a lower latency.

This idea can be implemented in different ways. For example, an adaptive double exponential smoothing filter could be implemented by using two preset α and parameters: one for low-velocity cases, say α low and low . and one for high-velocity cases, say α high and high . There could also be two velocity thresholds used, say v low and v high . Then for each input X n . the velocity is estimated as v n =| X n − X ( n −1) |, and filtering parameters α and are set as a linear interpolation between their low and high values based on the current velocity. For example, the α parameter used at time n . denoted by α n . is set to be:

4.8. Taylor Series Filter

The Taylor series expansion is a well-known representation of a function in mathematics, where a continuous function f ( x ) is expressed as an infinite sum of terms, calculated from its derivatives at a given point a [13 ]:

f ( i ) ( a ) is the i th derivative of function f ( x ) at point a . This series is used in many applications for approximating a function as a polynomial of order N at points close to expansion point a . where N is the number of terms in the expansion that are included in this approximation.

The Taylor series can be used for forecasting NUI joint data. The underlying assumption is that joint movement is approximated with a polynomial of order N over time. In other terms, we fit a polynomial of size N to past N inputs, and then use this polynomial approximation to forecast next joint data. Note that the NUI joint data are in discrete time; therefore, the derivatives used in Taylor series coefficients are approximated numerically as higher order backward differences of input data. For example, the first, second and third degree derivatives are approximated as:

As said, the next input is estimated by using the fitted polynomial—that is, X ( n +1| n ) = f ( n +1). Substituting the preceding terms for f ( i ) ( n ) in a Taylor series polynomial expansion of size N and choosing a = n results in an estimate for next inputs in term of past inputs:

For example, for N =3, by using the preceding equations, one obtains:

which is, again, a weighted moving average of past N inputs.

The Taylor series expansion is helpful, because it can forecast the future positions of joints. Note that the Taylor series does not smooth the data or attempt to remove any noise by itself, though this can be compensated for by applying a smoothing filter, such as exponential smoothing filter, to the output of a Taylor series filter. One approach for tweaking the Taylor series filter is to smooth the data that the Taylor series uses to forecast the current input from previous inputs (that is, X ( n | n −1) ) and then calculate the smoothed output as a linear interpolation between X n and X ( n | n −1). That is, the filter output is given by:

Also note that the approximation of derivatives using only the backward differences is a naive approximation of the derivatives [13 ]. This is imposed on us, because we do not have any future input data to use in difference equations to estimate the derivatives. The Savitzky-Golay filter is known to create good estimates for the derivatives. So, instead of the difference equations presented in the preceding text, one can use the Savitzky-Golay filter to calculate the derivatives and use them in a Taylor series filter to forecast future outputs. Also remember that the approximation by a Taylor series is accurate when the expansion is around a near point (that is, when x − a is small), which means it is not practical to forecast more than one input into the future by using the Taylor series.

Note that the Taylor series filter may, at first, seem identical to the Savitzky-Golay filter, because both are fitting a local polynomial to input data. However, they are different, because a Savitzky-Golay filter is over-fitting a local polynomial to input samples, which means that the number of input data used to calculate the model parameters is greater than the model parameters. Since there is more than one potential solution, the least-square error approach is used to find the model parameters that minimize the error in a least-square sense. This allows the Savitzky-Golay filter to handle noise in the input data better, and the results are much smoother. However, in a Taylor series filter, there is no over-fitting of data, and the underlying polynomial is simply approximated by approximating the derivatives of input. This can be noted as exactly N +1 samples ( N previous samples along current sample) are used in calculating the N +1 polynomial coefficients in a Taylor series approach.

4.9. Median Filter

In a median filter (also known as moving median filter ), the filter’s output is the median of the last N inputs. Median filters are useful in removing impulsive spike noises, as shown in Figure 9. Ideally, the filter size N should be selected to be larger than the duration of the spike noise peaks. However, the filter’s latency directly depends on N . and hence, a larger N adds more latency.

Figure 9. Median filter applied to actual NUI data. Ideally, the filter order N should be larger than the duration of the spike noises.

Median filters do not take advantage of the statistical distribution of data or noise, and though they have some smoothing effect, they are not suitable for removing random noise from joint data.

4.10. Jitter Removal Filter

A jitter removal filter attempts to dampen the spikes in input by limiting the changes allowed in output in each frame. That is, filter output is the same as input if the difference between the current input data and the previous filter output is less than a threshold. Otherwise, the filter limits the changes in output, which can be done by using different methods. For example, the following variant of a jitter removal filter uses an exponential filter to dampen large changes seen in input:

Alternately, one can use a simple averaging filter instead of the exponential filter. Since median filters usually perform better in terms of removing spikes, changes in input can be limited by the median:

Where X med denotes the median of the last N inputs.

Jitter removal filters basically bypass the filtering for cases in which a jump has not been detected that is as large as the threshold in input data. Ideally, the threshold should be selected to be less than the impulsive jumps in the input that are due to spike noise, but larger than normal changes that are due to actual joint movements; in practice, these two criteria may overlap with each other. In a Kinect-enabled application, the joint tracking state can be used to adaptively select this threshold—that is, to use a smaller threshold when the joint data is inferred.

5. Practical Tips and Takeaways

Following is a summary of the tips described in this white paper:

No filtering solution fits all cases: There is no filtering technique that can be universally used in all Kinect-enabled applications. You must choose and fine-tune the filtering techniques that are right for your application.

Latency vs. Smoothing Tradeoff: Be aware of the tradeoff between latency and smoothing in joint filtering. Understand how latency affects your application, and become familiar with different filtering techniques so you can choose and fine-tune the right filter for your application.

Filter per-joint and per-application: Joints have a variety of characteristics, and depending on how the filter output is to be used, different filtering techniques should be used per joint.

Remember you can filter any data: We usually apply filtering to the Cartesian coordinates ( x , y , z ) of joints; however, filtering can be applied to any data calculated from joint positions. For example, one can directly filter the bone length, relative coordinates of a joint with reference to another joint, spherical coordinates of a joint, and so on. Applying mathematical calculations to noisy data or calculating relative joints usually amplifies the noise, so be careful.

It may take more than one filter to get good results: A good filtering solution is usually a combination of various filtering techniques, which may include applying a jitter removal filter to remove spike noise, a smoothing filter, and a forecasting filter to reduce latency, and then adjusting the outputs based on person kinematics and anatomy to avoid awkward cases caused by overshoot.

Use the joint tracking state: Take advantage of the joint tracking state data, and use it in your filter implementations to apply more aggressive smoothing and jitter removal when a joint position is inferred.

Include future frame data in filtering, if possible: In offline cases, or in cases when it’s acceptable to increase latency by a few frames, include the future joint data in filtering (for example, use ARMA filters, such as central moving average or Savitzky-Golay with M ≥ 0), which will result in better noise removal.

Account for the actual time elapsed between two NUI frames: In some cases, the call to get the joint positions from the ST system may fail, which would result in a dropped frame. Therefore, the input data to the filter would be missing for that dropped frame, which means that the joint positions are no longer 33 msec apart from each other. Make sure that your filtering implementation uses the time stamp of the NUI frames and that it estimates the missing data points with an interpolation of data before and after the missing data.

Reset the filter when a skeleton is lost: When a person moves outside of the camera’s field of view, its skeleton is lost and is no longer tracked. The ST system may use a different tracking ID for the same person later, or it may reuse that tracking ID for other persons. So make sure you reset the filter after a person skeleton is lost.

Use debug visualization to see how filter parameters affect your application: Visualizing the filtered joint positions on top of the depth map is useful to see how your filtered data is different from the actual depth data. It is useful to visualize only one joint, like the right hand, and render a history of previous positions on screen. This joint path will show you how smooth the filter output was over the past frames.

Use Kinect Studio to export joint data and analyze them offline: You can use Kinect Studio to export joint data and analyze them offline. Utilizar

Note that the SDK includes the NuiTransformSmooth method, which is an implementation of a joint filter that is based on double exponential smoothing combined with jitter removal and some overshoot control.

6. References

Error Analysis and Error Propagation in Noisy Data

1. John Robert Taylor, An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements . University Science Books, 1999.

2. Manfred Drosg, Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis . Springer, 2009.

3. Bevington, Philip, and D. Keith Robinson, Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences . McGraw-Hill Science, 3rd edition, 2003.

4. Hughes, Ifan, and Thomas Hase, Measurements and their Uncertainties: A practical guide to modern error analysis . Oxford University Press, 2010.

ARMA Filters

5. Brockwell, Peter J. and Richard A. Davis, Time Series: Theory and Methods . 2nd edition. Springer, 2009.

Digital Filter Design in Frequency Domain

6. Oppenheim, Alan V. Ronald W. Schafer, and John R. Buck, Discrete-Time Signal Processing . Prentice Hall, 1999.

7. A. Antoniou, Digital Filters: Analysis, Design, and Applications . McGraw-Hill, 2000.

Moving Average and Exponential Filters

8. Robert Goodell Brown, Smoothing, Forecasting and Prediction of Discrete Time Series . Dover Publications, 2004.

9. Hoang Pham, Springer handbook of engineering statistics . Springer, 2006.

10. Nocedal, Jorger, and Stephen J. Wright, Numerical Optimization . 2nd edition. Springer, 2006.

Savitzky-Golay Filter

11. Vijay Madisetti, The digital signal processing handbook . CRC Press, 2009.

12. William H. Press, Numerical Recipes: the art of scientific computing . Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Taylor Series and Derivative Estimation Using Difference Equations

13. Joe D. Hoffman, Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists . 2nd edition. CRC Press, 2001.

From Moving Average Local and Stochastic Volatility Models to 2-Factor Stochastic Volatility Models

Oleg Kovrizhkin

affiliation not provided to SSRN

We consider the following models:

1. Generalization of a local volatility model rolled with a moving average of the spot: dS = mu Sdt + sigma(S/A)SdW$ where A(t) is a moving average of spot S.

2. Generalization of Heston pure stochastic volatility model rolled with a moving average of the stochastic volatility: dS = mu Sdt + sigma SdW, dsigma^2 = k(theta - sigma^2)dt + gamma sigma dZ where theta(t) is a moving average of variance sigma^2.

3. Generalization of a full stochastic volatility with the process for volatility depending on both sigma and S and rolled with a moving average of S: dS = mu Sdt + sigma SdW, dsigma = a(sigma, S/A)dt + b(sigma, S/A)dZ, corr(dW, dZ) = rho(sigma, S/A)$, where A(t) is a moving average of the spot S.

We will generalize these and other ideas further and show that they lead to a 2-factor pure stochastic volatility model: dS = mu Sdt + sigma SdW$, sigma = sigma(v_1, v_2), dv_1 = a_1(v_1, v_2)dt + b_1(v_1, v_2)dZ_1, dv_2 = a_2(v_1, v_2)dt + b_2(v_1, v_2)dZ_2, corr(dW, dZ_1) = rho_1(v_1, v_2), corr(dW, dZ_2) = rho_2(v_1, v_2), corr(dZ_1, dZ_2) = rho_3(v_1, v_2) and give examples of analytically solvable models, applicable for multicurrency models consistent with cross currency pairs dynamics in FX. We also consider jumps and stochastic interest rates.

Number of Pages in PDF File: 36

Keywords: Local, Stochastic, moving average, jumps, Levy, multifactor

JEL Classification: C00, C63, G13

Date posted: July 15, 2006 ; Last revised: August 23, 2008

Suggested Citation

Kovrizhkin, Oleg, From Moving Average Local and Stochastic Volatility Models to 2-Factor Stochastic Volatility Models (October 6, 2006). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn. com/abstract=914154 or http://dx. doi. org/10.2139/ssrn.914154

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Simple Moving Average (SMA) Model

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Moving averages smooths the price changes to give a general indication of the trend of a security. They do not predict price direction, but rather define the current direction with a lag. Moving averages lag because they are based on past prices. Despite this lag, moving averages help smooth price action and filter out the noise.

They also form the building blocks for many other technical indicators and overlays, such as Bollinger Bands, MACD and the McClellan Oscillator.

The simple moving average formula is calculated by taking the average closing price of a stock over the last “x” periods.

For example, the last five closing prices for ABCD are:

To calculate the simple moving average formula you divide the total of the closing prices and divide it by the number of periods.

5-day SMA = 143.24/5 = 28.65

The Simple Moving Average (SMA) and the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) are the two most popular types of moving averages. These moving averages can be used to identify the direction of the trend or define potential support and resistance levels.

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adey mara mess men. yesterday, i was putting few shots at home and reading forum when i saw this GMNet post causing controversy. so i decided to take action and send e-mail to contact@tradingeconomics. com to get clarrification. i told them that their ARIMA model giving all wrong values etc. they have replied my e-mail as follow. i am pasting and cutting their reply.

dear hopeless at best,

In reference to your e-mail dated 15th Feb ref Sri Lanka forecast on www. tradingeconomics. com site, we want to clarrify our position as follows. One of our website owning company directors Mr. D.G. Dayaratne changed the formula in the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Formula (ARIMA). he told us the correct price mechanism should be to adjust 200 % so that 1 becomes 200. he told us to change coefficient of correlation to 2 standard deviations from mean divided by pie. this deviation caused the regression model to integrate towards alpha instead of beta. thus the white scholes pricing model became inversely negatively correlated to beta.

to add to the confusion Mr. Dayaratne's assistant one Mr Ravin from Abu Dhabi also instructed us to change the 64 fibonacchi to 32 fibonacchi when the 200 day moving average crossed the 50 day average at the intersection of the 1000 day moving average which resulted in a inverse head and shoulder pattern which then suddenly caused Bat & Crab pattern to emerge together which resulted in the 3rd Elliot waves to slope downwards for 15 years. in fact elliot has stopped waving alltogether, we understand.

therefore you can understand our predicament that all data come out skewed. we apologise for any inconvenience caused. we have instructed our website administrator GMNet to stop wasting too much time playing VSTOX games and selling Hybrid Homes. we have told GMNET that instead of playing VSTOX, better get a DETOX, and also warned that these Hybrid homes can be recalled like Toyota is now recalling their hybrid car Prius. we feel that due to this fear, GMNet has not monitored all the data on the site as required.

We once again sincerely apologize for any confusion.

econ global mod-orator trading economics. com

So forum members, there you have it. I dont no much about ARIMA model but now my wifey (does not look much like model also nowadays) is shouting and i got to go Sunday Pola. better catch an Auto (trishaw) and better get moving because that Auto Model Moving only Average speed. otherwise wifey may get aggresive not regressive.

only that GMNet fellow has those Hybrid Models. For us, only Auto's !

Tuk Tuk all the way.

Important Note: We no longer include this page in our permanent updates page because the data it uses to calculate monthly moving averages is inconsistent with the method used by Faber and Richardson for the Ivy Porfolio. The difference is that Faber and Richardson adjust previous months to include reinvested dividends for those ETFs that pay dividends. The calulator below, developed by Aldy Hernandez, is based on unadjusted closes for dividend paying assets.

Most of the time, the buy/sell signals are the same whether you use adjusted or unadjusted data. But occasionally they give different signals and thus do not reliably anticipate the true Ivy Portfolio timing model.

The links below will open a popup window with the results for simple moving average (SMA) and the current buy/sell signal. This information serves as an alert for potential changes in monthy timing signals, which we post here after the close of business on the final day of the month. Your browser must have JavaScript enabled for the links to work.

Important note . Thus, the Buy/Sell flags in the links are not true monthly signals until about 2-3 hours after the close of last business day of the month (which is when the Yahoo! Finance data is finalized).

The Yahoo! Finance number for the current month is the latest daily (not monthly) close. The links are most useful as we near the end of the month because they can alert us to pay close attention when a moving average is near a buy/sell point.

S&P 500 Index

Ivy Portfolio Updates

iShares Barclays 7-10 Year Treasury Bond ETF IEF 10-month SMA

PowerShares DB Commodity Index Tracking ETF DBC 10-month SMA

In the past we've also included 12-month SMAs for these five ETFs. But in order to simplify this page be consistent with The Ivy Portfolio preferred timing interval, we're now only providing links to the 10-month SMAs. However, you can get timing signals for any asset tracked by Yahoo! Finance at any monthly interval by using the link below and substituting the appropriate ticker symbol and number for the monthly interval:

Our special thanks to Aldy Hernandez who wrote the code for this feature and hosts it on his website.

Los modelos de predicción media móvil son herramientas poderosas que ayudan a los gerentes a tomar decisiones de pronóstico educadas. Una media móvil se utiliza principalmente para pronosticar los datos de rango histórico corto. This tool along with other forecasting tools is now computerized such as in Excel, which makes it easy to use. Con respecto a la previsión media móvil, lea la siguiente tarea.

Obtenga los datos de precios diarios durante los últimos cinco años para tres acciones diferentes. Los datos pueden obtenerse de Internet utilizando las siguientes palabras clave: datos sobre el precio de las acciones, datos de devolución, datos de la empresa y devoluciones de existencias.

1. Create trend-moving averages with the following values form: 10, 100, and 200. Graph the data with Excel. 2. Create centered-moving averages with the following values form: 10, 100, and 200. Graph the data with Excel. 3. How do the moving averages for the same values of m compare between a trend-moving average and a centered-moving average? 4. Explain how these moving averages can assist a stock analyst in determining the stocks’ price direction. Proporcione una explicación detallada con justificaciones.

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two-period moving average

1. Sales of MP3 players at Just Say Music are as follows: Month Sales March 170 April 229 May 192 June 241 July 238 August 210 September 225 October 179

a. Plot the sales data by hand or using EXCEL.[3 points] b. What is the forecast for November, using a two-period moving average? [2 points]

do. What is the forecast for November, using a three-period moving average? [2 points]

re. Compute MSE for the two - and three-period moving average models for the series and compare your results. [3 points]

mi. Is a 2-period or 3-period moving average model better, based on MSE? [1 point] 2.For the data in Problem 1, find the best single exponential smoothing model by evaluating the MSE for. from 0.1 to 0.9, in increments of 0.1. How does this model compare with the best moving average model found in Problem 4? [HINT: Use the sales data from March, 170, as the forecast for March.] [5 points]

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3. The president of a small manufacturing firm is concerned about the continual growth in manufacturing costs in the past several years. The data series of the cost per unit for the firm’s leading product over the past eight years are given as follows: Year Cost/Unit ($) 1 20 2 24.5 3 28.2 4 27.5 5 26.6 6 30 7 31 8 36 b. Develop a simple linear regression model for these data. What is the average cost increase per year that the firm has been realizing? [3 points]

do. What is the forecast for year 9? [1 point]

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Forecasting Training using Trend Analysis

Price: $1,999.00 Course Number: 14101 Length: 2 Days

Forecasting training course by TONEX

The purpose of Forecasting training is to cover the fundamentals and principles of linear programming, forecasting, trend analysis and simulation. Forecasting training provides a modern comprehensive survey of the principles and applications of forecasting methods in the world of commerce, public and private sectors.

The course covers all necessary theory for a rigorous statistics approach, but all basic content is presented in an intuitive style supported with applications drawn from a wide variety of real sources and case studies.

Coverage ranges from a review of basic statistics, to thorough discussions of basic methods such as smoothing, trend, and regression, up to advanced techniques such as ARIMA, MARIMA, Neural Networks, Econometrics, and Intervention Analysis. The course builds a solid foundationto create a forecasting framework for your need.

Who Should Attend

The course is appropriate for anyone in Business, Economics, IT, or Engineering, as well as ‘time series' or regression/forecasting in statistics where an applications-oriented approach is desired.


INTRODUCTION TO forecasting and TRENDS analysis

Forecasting Models and Trend Analysis Applied

Subjective Models

Delphi Methods

Causal Models

Regression Models

Time Series Models

Promedios móviles

Exponential Smoothing

Elements of a Good Forecast

Steps in the Forecasting Process

Techniques for Trend

Measures of Forecast Error

Forecast error

Forecasting Performance

How good is the forecast?

Mean Forecast Error (MFE or Bias)

Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD)

Mean squared error (MSE)

Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE)

Absolute deviation


Tracking signal

Adjusted Exponential Smoothing Forecasting Method

Defining the Method


The basic steps in a forecasting task

Associative Forecasting

Predictor variables - used to predict values of variable interest

Regression - technique for fitting a line to a set of points

Least squares line - minimizes sum of squared deviations around the line



Multiple Regression

Scatter Diagram

Confidence Intervals

Error Sum of Squares (EMS)

The Components of a Time Series

Elements of a Good Forecast

Cycles, Seasonal Decomposition and Exponential Smoothing Models




Steps in the Forecasting Process

Techniques for Trend analysis

Common Nonlinear Trends

Applications of forecasting

Simple moving average

Cumulative moving average

Weighted moving average

Exponential moving average

Why is it exponential?

Double exponential smoothing

Modified moving average

Autoregressive moving average (ARMA)

Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA)


Linear prediction

Trend estimation

Growth curve

Trend-Corrected Exponential Smoothing (Holt’s Model)

Trend - and Seasonality-Corrected Exponential Smoothing

Time-Critical Decision Modeling and Analysis

Neural Network: For time series forecasting, the prediction model

Least Squares Method

Autoregressive moving average (ARMA)

Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA)


Causal Modeling and Forecasting

Smoothing Techniques

Box-Jenkins Methodology

Filtering Techniques

Modeling Capacity Planning with Time Series

Cost/Benefit Analysis

Modeling for Forecasting

Stationary Time Series

Statistics for Correlated Data


Modeling the Causal Time Series

How to Do Forecasting by Regression Analysis

Predictions by Regression

Planning, Development, and Maintenance of a Linear Model

Trend Analysis

Modeling Seasonality and Trend

Trend Removal and Cyclical Analysis

Decomposition Analysis

The Components of a Time Series

Using Smoothing Methods in Forecasting

Measures of Forecast Accuracy

Using Trend Projection in Forecasting

Using Regression Analysis in Forecasting

The Components of a Time Series

Using Smoothing Methods in Forecasting

Measures of Forecast Accuracy

Using Trend Projection in Forecasting

Using Regression Analysis in Forecasting

Moving Averages and Weighted Moving Averages

Moving Averages with Trends

Exponential Smoothing Techniques

Exponenentially Weighted Moving Average

Holt's Linear Exponential Smoothing Technique

The Holt-Winters' Forecasting Technique

Forecasting by the Z-Chart


Neural Network

Modeling and Simulation

Probabilistic Models

Delphi Analysis

System Dynamics Modeling

Transfer Functions Methodology

Testing for and Estimation of Multiple Structural Changes

Combination of Forecasts

Measuring for Accuracy


Theory of Queuing

Familiar queuing problems

Characterizing a queue

Basic metrics

Throughput, busy time, utilization, response time, load, service time

Response time relationships for some simple queues

Distribution functions

Combination of random variables

Time Interval Distributions

Exponential distribution

Steep distributions

Flat distributions

Cox distributions

Other time distributions

Observations of life

Data Collection Approaches

Trend analysis


Key Concepts and Methods

Collecting information

Why Do Trend Analysis?

Preparing to Analyze Trend Data

Analysis of Trend Data

Presentation of Trend Data


Forecasting and Trend Analysis Labs


Multiple Regression

Seasonal Analysis

Exponential Smoothing



Time Series

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Trading the Trend for Big Profits With Excel

A system that consistently generates large winning trades can easily offset smaller losing trades and produce significant profits. This is the main feature of trend following systems.

How Trend Trading Systems Work — Los basicos

In a nutshell, trend following systems generate profits by capturing large directional price moves with superior Win Size vs. Loss Size.

Trend following systems are very good at capturing the middle part of major price trends. However, they tend to enter and exit the trend late, giving back profits. Trend trading systems are also susceptible to losses in directionless markets (aka whipsaws).

Moving Average Trading System Win-Loss Size

A typical successful trend trading system will produce only 40-50% winning trades. However, the size of those winning trades typically exceeds the average losing trade by 1.5x to 3x. This means the cumulative reward vs. cumulative risk for a trend following system can still be highly positive.

How to Design a Reliable Trend Trading System in Excel

Let’s assume our Excel trend trading model will use daily or weekly prices and volume data combined with technical indicators.

Most trend following systems rely on technical price filters like moving averages or regression lines. Simple moving average and exponential moving average formulas are relatively easy to code in Excel.

The simplest system combines closing prices with a moving average . Buy when price crosses the moving average going up, sell when price crosses going down. Unfortunately these systems don’t work because they create an excessive number of false trade signals.

Double Moving Average Trend Trading System

A step up is a double or triple moving average system. Trades are taken when the moving averages cross up or down. These systems filter out more price noise and reduce false trades, but are still susceptible to whipsaws in directionless markets. They also tend to suffer when the moving averages get out of sync with price cycles. This can cause a consecutive series of losing trades and big equity draw downs. As you can see from the chart above, this 2 moving average Cocoa trading system generated only 3 out of 9 winning trades in a major uptrend and basically broke even. Not exactly stellar.

Trend Strength and Momentum Indicators

What we need is a second indicator which is uncorrelated with the moving average. This indicator will filter out directionless periods and reduce the number of unprofitable trades. Let’s try an experiment using four different “momentum” indicators:

Average Directional Movement Index (ADX) which calculates the cumulative difference in True Range between price bars.

Wilder’s Relative Strength Index (RSI) which compares the location of Open, High, Low and Close price points.

Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) which compares the change in slope of moving averages.

Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) which combines prices with volume to detect significant money flows in and out of a security.

How The Four Systems Stack Up

I created a back test using EURO vs. USD (URO) currency prices to compare these four indicators when used in a simple double moving average trend trading system. This was a “quick and dirty” test with no in sample / out of sample testing. CLICK TO VIEW LARGER IMAGE.

Baseline: Simple 2 Moving Averages System

Excel Trend Trading Model Back Test Simple 2 Moving Average System

Moving Averages Plus ADX (you can buy this system here )

Excel Trend Trading Model Back Test 2 Moving Average System with ADX

Moving Averages Plus RSI

Excel Trend Trading Model Back Test 2 Moving Average System with RSI

Moving Averages Plus MACD

Excel Trend Trading Model Back Test 2 Moving Average System with MACD

Moving Averages Plus CMF

Excel Trend Trading Model Back Test 2 Moving Average System with Chaikin Money Flow

This simple test demonstrates that adding a momentum or trend strength indicator can turn a losing moving average system into a potential winner. The ADX, RSI and MACD show promise but we won’t know which is the better system without extensive back testing across different securities, historical periods and time frames.

I hope this article provides some insight on the value of trend trading systems in Excel.

*Indicator settings: Simple moving averages 5 and 20 days. RSI 14, with buys above 50 and sells below 50. MACD 12,26,9 with buys when MACD histogram is above 0 and sells below 0. ADX 14 with buys and sells above 10. Chaikin Money Flow 21 with buys above 50 day moving average and sells below the moving average.


Re: Clarification on Moving Average Model

From . dave@xxxxxxxxxxx

Fecha . Thu, 24 Jan 2008 10:13:53 -0800 (PST)

On Jan 23, 8:41 am, sylu. @xxxxxxxxx wrote: In moving Average Model is Defined as a regression of the y at time t on the error terms obtained in the auto regressive model, I would like to know the reason why they call this model as "MOVING AVERAGE MODEL" when we are actually use only the error terms to model it?

Kindly Spend some of your precious time to clarify my doubt s.

The term Moving Average can be used on either the HISTORY or Errors. One should then prefer that time series folks might have employed MAH to represent the way the past is incorporated and MAE to represent the way errors are incorporated.

But they did not they preferred to use


The common folk i. e. the non-time series people use the term MOVING AVERAGE to represent how HISTORY is used. THUS an equally weighted 12 PERIOD moving average is a weighted sum of the past that uses the last 12 periods uniformly or equally.

An ARIMA model is an optimization/generalization of a weighted moving average where BOTH

1. the number of period to be used is determined and 2. the weights that should be applied are determined .

For more on time series. use the web. if tou wish to give me a call I will try and help.

Dave Reilly Automatic Forecasting Systems http://www. autobox. com 215-675-0652

Automatic seasonal auto regressive moving average models and unit

Automatic seasonal auto regressive moving average models and unit Book:

ISSN 1750-9653, England, UK International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management Vol. 3 (2008) No. 4, pp. 266-274 Automatic seasonal auto regressive

Automatic Seasonal Auto Regressive Moving Average Models And Unit:

http://www. worldacademicunion. com/journal/MSEM/msemVol03No04paper03.pdf Download PDF п»ї

Automatic seasonal auto regressive moving average models and unit 10 out of 10 based on 28 ratings.

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